Regarding Free/Cheat days

I haven't really taken a real free day in a long time.
I stayed on track for thanksgiving
and I'm wondering if a free day on Christmas should be allowed..?
See, we have all these tasty treats..and I'd eat it all in moderation..
The only thing I'm worried about is logging that day..

Would you do it? Or stay on track completely?


  • Chelsea830
    Chelsea830 Posts: 18 Member
    I think that I am going to enjoy everything, but not over do it like I have every other year. So, as long as you don't over do it I don't see it as a problem. *Especially if you don't have cheat days that often. :happy:
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I think life is worth enjoying! One day will not stop our process, one day should be enjoyed!
  • annejuju
    annejuju Posts: 111 Member
    Personally, I don't have a regularly scheduled cheat day. I took off 4th of July and one weekend in October because I just needed a break. BUT I don't save these days to eat whatever I want. If I want something I figure out a way to work it into my calories. I usually take a day off because I'm frustrated with tracking and need a break from that. If I don't track for a day I still try to pay attention to what I'm eating and I don't just go all out.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I will try and stay on track on Christmas and New Year, only cause I have company conference mid January and there is no way I can stay on track there - all (unhealthy) meals provided, with plenty of booze to wash it down with.
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    Do you think it would be hard for you to get back to it after xmas? I did alright during thanksgiving, but when i came home from Texas to Arkansas, missing home & family, i went on a crazy binge for like 2 wasnt as bad as i felt i did, i ended up losing the 3lbs i put on over thanksgiving break.
    So i say its really up to you, if you can have that ine cheat day & come back strong, i say do it, but if you feel that you cant come back after doin it then i would try sticking to your plan.
    Sunday is my free day, i weigh in that morning & dont worry if i have an ice cream, just in moderation.
  • Another idea would be to change your calories to "maintenance" for that day, exercise, eat your exercise calories, and log everything. That way, you can eat more without gaining.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    The question, as already stated,. is how hard will it be for you to get back at it. Cheat days, man I don't like that term, ok spike days, are a good thing for fat loss. One day of that will replenish various hormones especially Leptin which help you lose fat. However, if that day becomes a week, that is a problem, especially if you just started out. If you are confident you can get back at it after one day (or even two) by all means enjoy yourself. Christmas is only once a year, and a day like that is not harmful in the long run, just don't gorge yourself. If you feel it would result in a long term stretch of over eating, don't. Either way, try to log things even on a spike day.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I shall log NOTHING - no way.

    It's going to be a 6 hour food binge, and it may take a whole week to recover - who cares?

    Life is to be lived. I lost 64 lbs doing this in addition to my weekly free day - it works!

    I do this food orgy 4 times a year, and I won't be denied or feel a shred of guilt.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    enjoy, log it, repeat :happy:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm not a fan of the term "cheat days" either. It implies that you are trying to trick yourself and I just don't see the point in that.

    I certainly have days where I eat over my calorie allowance (and the Christmas break is going to have a few of those days) but I don't see it as cheating, just a change in routine. I'll still be logging and aiming for some level of moderation, but I'm not going to turn down tasty treats that only come around once a year. And it's not going to be every day for weeks - probably 2 or 3 days over my cal allowance then back to regular programming again.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I shall log NOTHING - no way.

    It's going to be a 6 hour food binge, and it may take a whole week to recover - who cares?

    Life is to be lived. I lost 64 lbs doing this in addition to my weekly free day - it works!

    I do this food orgy 4 times a year, and I won't be denied or feel a shred of guilt.

    ^ this

    Just enjoy the log-free day. Take the opportunity to learn how to have a cheat day that DOESN'T turn into a cheat month!
  • I spike once a week. Same thing as a cheat day basically, minus the horrible term cheat.
  • LoonyBird720
    LoonyBird720 Posts: 34 Member
    Every Saturday is my cheat day, I don't binge but I just pick a few specific foods that I've been craving all week. Enjoy your Christmas and eat some good food, just not enough for 2 people LOL.
  • I did not gain 70 pounds by eating treats and large luxurious meals on national holidays or birthdays. I gained weight by eating too much the other 350+ days of the year.

    Life is to be lived, savored and celebrated. I will not be counting calories on Christmas. If you can't have a treat on Christmas, then you don't even understand what treat means - a limited indulgence!
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I'm starting to dislike the term cheat days or free days... simply because if this is truly going to be a lifestyle change and I am going to change the way I eat, I should hold myself accountable for everything! Please don't get me wrong, the past two days I have gone over my calories, but I still monitor what I eat because I HAVE to. If I don't, my "cheating" reverts back to my old habits and what is the point.

    To me, just using the term cheat makes me feel like this is a strict diet that I have to follow and if I overeat I'm going behind someones back. If it's really going to work this time, I need to change my lifestyle... and personally there's no "taking a break" from that.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Take it off! As long as you get back on the next day!! I do not allow my food binge days to last more than 2 days. I do it maybe once a month. My b-day in Oct. Thanksgiving.....1 day last week and I plan on eating on Christmas! When else can I have my grandmother's pecan pie?? Enjoy it but get right back on track asap!!
  • DarleneBl
    DarleneBl Posts: 4 Member
    Before I did this...I was with Rob Nevins 'Skinny Switch Secret' - but I never followed the meals and such. One thing he had on the website was his inspirations - I wrote them down for those days I needed encouragement.

    Here are the points that help me even now (since Oct 30th I've lost 15# - I don't have an appetite - ever - and my body went into store mode a LONG time ago).

    "All of us have a bad day/week."
    "No one is perfect! If you expect perfection, you set yourself up for failure."
    "Holi-days - not holi-months."
    "Years and years of bad habits = weight gain issues."
    "Don't give up your goal for 52/365 days a year."
    "Big picture is what to focus on - fewer bad days than good days = success in the big picture."

    One thing I did for Thanksgiving is keep to a 5" plate. Yes I tried a few things - but no more than a couple bites of the really high calorie stuff. I am not a pie eater - so that saves me there. I however have a 'traditional' pumpkin bread recipe - made cupcakes instead of a cake pan - could control my portions easier that way. Plan on doing same - hubby's birthday is Christmas and I'm making cupcakes at his request.

    Hope this helps :)
  • CherryMoogle
    CherryMoogle Posts: 3 Member
    A free day isn't necessarily a bad thing. It does depend on what you mean. Eat whatever you want on that day and just forget about logic? I do have a tip for you though!
    There will obviously be many tempting treats on Christmas week in the house. Cookies, candies, cakes and so much more. Instead of saying, "I'm gonna eat healthy these few days before Christmas so I can pig out on sweets on Christmas day!"
    limit yourself to one or maybe two holiday treats a day; do not deprive yourself. That way you won't be as tempted to scarf down everything unhealthy due to the fact that you've held yourself back! You should log your calories for Christmas, just don't feel guilty about it! :D
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Well since I just finished scarfing down a Gigis cupcake, I say take the day off. Login and be honest. I worked the cupcaje calories into my daily allowance and was still under. Life is only one time around.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I call them Free days, and I plan for them. Had one on Thanksgiving, had planned on one today, but ended up sick instead. Will probably have one on Christmas.

    It's a day that I don't have to log, and I can "taste" and "try" all the usual treats. Not binge, but taste and try.

    Did you know that it is really only the first three bites of anything that you really taste? I try to limit myself to three bites of things, and then only eat a portion of the things that I truly crave.

    It's worked so far. :)