Tips for Loosing the Belly Fat?

So every since I started getting bigger and bigger the placeI notice it the most is right in the front. It is to the extent that I have been asked more times than I can count when I am due. I have lost 21 pounds so far and from the back you can really tell. Unfortunatly, my belly is still ever present. Thoughts/ideas/Help on how to focus my weight loss to the abdomen area?

Side note: I have had two c-sections, one in 2002 and one in 2009.

Thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.


  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I totally wish I knew other than to eat a low fat diet and do lots of crunches. That's mean that people ask when you are due. :( PS still waiting for the pictures, I can't see pictures at work unfortunately. :) Yay for your recent success can't say it enough!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    All you can do is keep losing weight
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    There's no special way to lose fat from your abdomen other than continuing to lose weight all over, you can't make your body lose weight from a specific place, it just does what it does. Unfortunately. :-(. However you can do exercises to help strengthen the muscles so that things are held in a little tighter. You can't make the tummy fat disappear any faster than it will normally by losing weight, but you can work on those muscles while you're losing weight to help you lose inches.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Eat less and move more.
  • beckywilkeherbst
    beckywilkeherbst Posts: 140 Member
    Eat less and move more.

    I don't think I can eat much less. I eat the 1200 calories and try to eat back about half of my excercise calories each day.
    I excercise daily ... for about the last 2.5 months ... usually about an hour a day.
  • beckywilkeherbst
    beckywilkeherbst Posts: 140 Member
    There's no special way to lose fat from your abdomen other than continuing to lose weight all over, you can't make your body lose weight from a specific place, it just does what it does. Unfortunately. :-(. However you can do exercises to help strengthen the muscles so that things are held in a little tighter. You can't make the tummy fat disappear any faster than it will normally by losing weight, but you can work on those muscles while you're losing weight to help you lose inches.

    Suggestions on stomach strengthing exc ercises? Frequency/Duration/Etc.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing. The only way to lose belly fat is to lose overall body fat. Unfortunately the belly fat is usually the last to go.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    There's no special way to lose fat from your abdomen other than continuing to lose weight all over, you can't make your body lose weight from a specific place, it just does what it does. Unfortunately. :-(. However you can do exercises to help strengthen the muscles so that things are held in a little tighter. You can't make the tummy fat disappear any faster than it will normally by losing weight, but you can work on those muscles while you're losing weight to help you lose inches.

    Suggestions on stomach strengthing exc ercises? Frequency/Duration/Etc.

    I lost 2 inches off of my crazy out-of-shape abdomen in 2 weeks of doing the 30 day shred workout (not done yet, that was only the halfway mark - but I do usually do it twice a day just b/c I want to see the results in my abdomen SO bad). I only lost 2 lbs on the scale in those weeks but I can feel my muscles getting stronger in my abdomen and everywhere else. I have the mom-belly thing going on and started with really ridiculously little strength in my core. There are some crazy intense ab workouts in the shred, especially when you get past level 1. There are a lot of different workouts out there with great ab exercises, that just happens to be the one I decided to start with since it's popular and gets great reviews.

    Also, a lot of people get crazy awesome results by weightlifting - like heavy weightlifting with squats and dead lifts and various other things I don't know the terminology for. Your core muscles are engaged the whole time you're doing the lifting so it strengthens your abs too. If you search for some results pictures you can see a huge difference. There is this idea floating around that you have to do a million crunches and sit ups to flatten your stomach but thats not necessarily the quickest or most effective way to do it. I don't have access to that kind of workout right now but I'm really interested in joining a gym and doing it in the future b/c women that lift heavy weights look really amazing, and not in a bulky manly kind of way, in a tight and fit kind of way.
  • Canbfit4life
    I often her that eating raw veggies ,no fried foods I also heard when losing weight it goes last the tummy weight... Plabks ,crunches,eating clean helps
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    no way to really spot target the a pp stated - eating clean can help...and overall exercise to burn fat...

    One thing to look at is your diet - get rid of anything processed that has corn syrup or fructose - limit high sugar fruit intake on days you don't exercise. Fructose can cause belly fat - so at least you aren't adding to the problem while you work on a solution...

    Unfortunately there may never be a way to full get rid of it especially after having kids- I have mom friends who are exercise fanatics and still have that little bowl full of jelly -
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I dropped wheat and my tummy shrunk its almost flat when i breathe in.... which sounds odd but before it was so big that even when i breathed in my tummy still stuck out!

    I've lost 12" off it since going gluten free/low carb and 2 stone. (also 8" off waist) .. I've also been doing Pilates floor exercises which tend to focus on your core muscles (ie around your middle/abdomen)
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