Im New

I am working off the fresman 15 and going to run a 10k. I have never ran in anything before but its my incentive to get into shape. the best is having support!..

I am editing this again. One more thing to share.. I am a newly wed and work all day till 5 and only get 5 hours a day with him. When can i fit in excercise and time with him? I want to be toned and fit need some excercise incentive and eating plans.. HELP ME OUT.. my goals weight is 128 or 125.. thanks for everything.. this website is sweet


  • Whitneyh29
    Whitneyh29 Posts: 14
    I am working off the fresman 15 and going to run a 10k. I have never ran in anything before but its my incentive to get into shape. the best is having support!..

    I am editing this again. One more thing to share.. I am a newly wed and work all day till 5 and only get 5 hours a day with him. When can i fit in excercise and time with him? I want to be toned and fit need some excercise incentive and eating plans.. HELP ME OUT.. my goals weight is 128 or 125.. thanks for everything.. this website is sweet
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    edited cause my response made no sense after she edited her first post. lol

    Good luck to you on your journey! :happy:
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    Welcome! I am still trying to work off the weight I gained after getting married from all of my wifes good food.

    I get up extra early to do my workouts, this doesn't take any time away from my wife or kids who are all asleep while I exercise. Even if I didn't workout and was able to sleep and extra 30 minutes or even an hour it would still be hard to get why not get up and exercise. Now I am addicted and feel great after working out every morning.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP the best website ever. I :heart: it here and I think you will too. This site is so supportive, motivational, helpful and is so easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: