stomach hurts.

first of all can we rule out hunger/starving in this problem but if no one has an idea i guess it is hunger.

In the morning, my stomach hurts but in the night b4 i sleep. i always drink protein shake and 3 handfuls of reese puff cereal. the reese puff are super sweet and has lots of sugar. I just want to know what's causing my stomach pain?


  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    You have to really chew your food. I know it probably seems obvious but we become so focused on the numbers... like 50 chews for each bite of food.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    can you explain why i should chew? I don't chew that's why i got fat. i heard chewing more would make you feel fuller and more satisfied but if i wait 20 minutes after eating with a measured portion i still feel satisfied.

    i tried it a couple of times like 25-30 bites per spoonful of food but i get tired be the second or third spoon. It's also such a waste of time for me. i also don't like the feeling of the foods in my mouth all groggy and chewed up
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I'd consider the protein powder too. You might be a touch allergic. Somebody on here said it can cause kidney stones as well.

    If I were you I'd knock off the powder for a few days and relax. Really make sure you're chewing well (a problem I really had:) and then, if it's not gone, head for the dr.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    You have to chew because digestion starts in the mouth. There are enzymes in saliva that start breaking down the food so your body can use it. It doesn't change the calories of food it just kicks off the process.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    well i took the powder first week and i didn't get any problem now its my 2nd week. Thanks for the advice i'll chew more but the problem with this is i can't eat any less than i am now because i'm at the minimum point of my calorie intake.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I'm not suggesting you eat less at all. You are at the minimum for sure. You may even need to eat more. Can you substitute the powder for whole milk for example? Both really high in protein but you might be allergic to one and not the other.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    i add 1.5 cup of skim milk with my powder. i don't drink milk on its own my powder makes it sweet so it's really good to drink
  • kristielouisa
    kristielouisa Posts: 27 Member
    I've had problems with digestion. I can't eat right before I lay down, even if I'm not going to sleep. I need to let the food digest or I wake up during the night with severe stomach cramps. Even if that doesn't happen, I wake up in the morning and it feels like there's a big air bubble in my stomach pushing up on through my esophagus. Same thing happens if I don't chew my food properly, it's usually acid reflux.
  • kristielouisa
    kristielouisa Posts: 27 Member
    sorry double post