females between 5'9 and 5'10!



  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    5'9 and I LOVE my heels haha tall girls ftw :)
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    I am 28
    and 5'9
    my starting weight is 265
    my goal weight is really under 200 but 165 would be amazing!
  • I'm new to the site, but I am 5'9 ! :)
  • I'm 5'9'' and currently at 143. My goal weight is 137. :)
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    28, 5'10 and 120 lbs here. I don't have a set goal weight but for the next few months I will hopefully be toning up and adding some muscle mass.
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member
    I'm 5'9, 28 years old. Currently 252 looking to get down to 170.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    5'9 and I hate pants shopping.My weight is 207 gw:155-160
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    HI...I'm 5'9" and 152.

    Goal was 150, but I'm still carrying a bit more in the belly than I hoped, so I'm adjusting it downward. Hoping to level off around maybe 145, then start building some great toned muscle!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I'm 5'9 - your goal weight looks spot on to me, honestly I think I should probably get there too, but am hovering around 153/ 154 atm :laugh:

    My heaviest was 220 lbs (9 months pregnant), I started in on 8 March of this year when my DD was 4 weeks old, weighing in at 198. I hit goal at the end of August :smile:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    See group "Tall Women" There is quite a few of us on there!
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I'm 5'9-ish and I am shooting for a GW of 185. I like my curves and I can carry the weight well as long as it's a TONED 185. I dropped from a 20W to a 16/18 in misses in less than a year! =]

  • ajcrane
    ajcrane Posts: 18 Member
    5' 8 1/2"...almost 5'9"...LOL
  • 5'10" here and love my tall ladies!!! I am finally regaining my focus again and I will get my eight back off!!! add me if you like!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    5' 8 1/2"
    CW 186
    GW 160
  • was always 5'10", but I think I am 5'9" now after having kids & getting older. Goal to run half marathon next year, then marathon.
  • I am 5'9", and I have 51lbs to go. (I'm a noob) Feel free to add me! I would love to compare with more girls around my size.

    CW: 206
  • 5'9
    gw 150
  • Kjriley02
    Kjriley02 Posts: 6 Member
    5'9 1/2" and small boned - oddly not an oxymoron.
    SW 145
    CW 136
    GW 133
    Like Aloha2TheSkinnyMe I'm looking to move from skinny fat to skinny fit. Would be happy to stay at current weight as I get more toned.
  • I'm 5'10! My goal weight is around 155
  • I'm 5'10
    CW 178
    GW 145

    Just starting out...again. Was down to that weight 2 years ago well you know what happened. :(