Need some motivation please!!!!

OMG!!! I have been off my routine of eating right and excersing for over a month now. I started off doing really good for about 3 months and I loss 15 pounds. But now I feel like I do not have any motivation, I am so tired all the time, and my workout buddies got other things going on. It probably has something to do with my new work schedule; 12am to 8am (the bs shift). And I have a 1 year old who likes to play all day. I might get two 2 hour naps a day. Any ideas on how I can get back on track? (besides putting my child in


  • simsimma1210
    simsimma1210 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there! Don't beat yourself up too badly about falling off. Congrats on taking the next steps to get back on track.

    Your work schedule does sound like the culprit. Do you have the opportunity to take breaks at work and go for a walk maybe around your building?

    Also, you said you have an active 1 year old. I have a 15 month old who is also active, but he loves going to the park and walking around the track with me. That is a great way to interact with your child and get some exercise in too. I sometimes push my son in the stroller but most of the time, I let him get out and walk with me. It also wears them out. :) Other than that, maybe you can do an exercise tape at home while your child naps.

    I'm no expert, but wanted to offer some options that may work. I hope they do. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • sharonhauptman
    sharonhauptman Posts: 60 Member
    First of all I understand and you have my empathy. Yes, try getting a bit at work. To do this, you may have to tell your employer something like "I am taking 10 minutes to exercise - save my place I'll be back" Otherwise, they keep on giving you little "add ons". And then GO. Make it intense. Keep your exercise shoes at work.
  • MommaPaz
    MommaPaz Posts: 46 Member
    I used to work that shift! I don't know what your job is, but it really helped me to wear a pedometer. I would challenge myself to take more steps each night. I also packed 4-6 (healthy) snacks and ate them throughout the night instead of a meal. During the day I could only sleep when my daughter napped (which wasn't often). Since I wasn't doing much I didn't eat much during the day.
    Take care of yourself and get some sleep or you'll burn out!
  • Genius1980
    Genius1980 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks alot!! I was taking 20 minute walk/runs at work since no one is really here that time of night, but I stopped doing that also. I just gotta get back on it. I have gained 3 pounds already. :explode:
  • Genius1980
    Genius1980 Posts: 35 Member
    In October my goal was to loose 20 pounds by the end of the year. I have 23 more to go.:brokenheart:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Don't beat yourself up for that! I don't think I could do all you are doing and also have the strength to want to get back into it WOOT WOOT for you!!! Good on you. As for losing the weight, I know you feel like you have let yourself down but HECK! look at what your doing, working and looking after your baby, that's a lot on your plate

    Make yourself a new goal, maybe one without a time limit, maybe something like "I'll lose 20 pounds" and leave it at that. Remember this is a life journey not just a few months one or one for a year. take your new pace and do that. Congrats before hand, your doing a wonderful job :)
  • dawn18011
    Would it help if you wrote down in a diary 3 or 4 goals you have over the next 3 months? Could you make mini-goals for your weight lose journey with small rewards when you achieve them? One of mine was new nail polish, a pedicure, a message, etc. You may have to have someone watch your daughter but it will make you feel better about yourself at the same time. Good luck!
  • Genius1980
    Genius1980 Posts: 35 Member
    Don't beat yourself up for that! I don't think I could do all you are doing and also have the strength to want to get back into it WOOT WOOT for you!!! Good on you. As for losing the weight, I know you feel like you have let yourself down but HECK! look at what your doing, working and looking after your baby, that's a lot on your plate

    Make yourself a new goal, maybe one without a time limit, maybe something like "I'll lose 20 pounds" and leave it at that. Remember this is a life journey not just a few months one or one for a year. take your new pace and do that. Congrats before hand, your doing a wonderful job :)

    WOW!! thanks for the encouragement. I know what I need to do I just need that extra push to make me get back on it. Starting right now.....
  • Genius1980
    Genius1980 Posts: 35 Member
    Would it help if you wrote down in a diary 3 or 4 goals you have over the next 3 months? Could you make mini-goals for your weight lose journey with small rewards when you achieve them? One of mine was new nail polish, a pedicure, a message, etc. You may have to have someone watch your daughter but it will make you feel better about yourself at the same time. Good luck!

    My son's aunt is back from Cali, she was watching him before she left. Ima see if she can start back keeping him. Then maybe I can get some sleep. I can workout with him around if I am not so tired. I have an eliptical, treadmill, ab lounge, weights and videos downstairs, I just be too tired to use them. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Genius1980
    Genius1980 Posts: 35 Member
    First of all I understand and you have my empathy. Yes, try getting a bit at work. To do this, you may have to tell your employer something like "I am taking 10 minutes to exercise - save my place I'll be back" Otherwise, they keep on giving you little "add ons". And then GO. Make it intense. Keep your exercise shoes at work.

    Thanks alot!! I was taking 20 minute walk/runs at work since no one is really here that time of night, but I stopped doing that also. I just gotta get back on it. I have gained 3 pounds already.
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    Hi, the first thing i feel compelled to tell ya is, you have done a fantastic job already. working full time, chasing after a little one and having already lost 15 pounds...great job! This journey we are on, is forever, so try not to think of the destination, but rather the journey! Enjoy each day, and always try to improve tomorrow, and when tomorrow comes and you didnt accomplish something you wanted to, then do it tomorrow! Try not to feel bad about something youve done/didnt do in the cant change it, what we can do is let it change us, for the better!

    I feel your frustration though. I have four kiddos and am recently separated from an abusive husband and i work full time outside of the house. I have had three different surgeries for various things in the last two years and have two more approaching within the next 6 months or so. i have the hardest time fitting conventional excercise into my schedule, so i make what i have to do anyways excercise. for example, when i am gathering laundry, i start at the closest point to the washing machine and fill up the basket as i get further away, by the time i get to the other side of my 2500 square foot home the basket is heavy and then ill lift it up and down until i get to the machine, i keep an large exercise ball in my bedroom outside of my restroom and everytime i go to the restroom ill do some crunches on the ball, or when i have a bunch of errands to run, ill park the car in one place and walk everywhere(racked up about 2 miles the other day doing this) or even parking at the end of a parking lot when going to the store or something, sometimes i dont even get a shopping cart at the store i just carry everything(only if i can handle the amount of stuff), and my favorite thing, benching my youngest son, he only weighs 50 pounds but with a few reps i get a mini workout and he has a blast, so as you can see, we can work "excercise" in to what we are already doing.

    as far as eating right, i am not one to give advice on that, i have trouble getting much food into this body. i had gastric bypass on july 20th of this year and dont each much anyways, but since my husband and i seperated(two weeks ago) i cant hardly eat at all, i have absolutely no appetite and not even a craving, most things i do eat/drink make me sick. so sorry i cant helpo ya there, i gotta work on myself in that department.

    just remember, its not the destination, its the journey that we make memories out of!!! Good luck hon!!!
  • Elinaberry
    Try to get in activity by playing with your kid! Throw him in a stroller and go for walks, chase him around, whatever gets you moving. Also try to plan your meals in advance. Anything you can have made and ready to go when your hungry is good. I pick one day a week to cut up all my veggies and they I portion them out and put them in snack bags so I can just grab them and go. I think overall you just need to decide why you want to lose weight and once you know why you have a goal (to be healthy for your child, to fit into a sexy dress, to just be happy with your body) then you will be motivated again. Feel free to add me. I'm always here for support!