binge eating

anyone have any tips on how to stop binge eating/curb appetite? I can't seem to break my bad habits of eating junk food.. :/


  • Well I am not 'cured' by any means but here are the things I do to quell the food beast.
    1.Drink water
    2.Don't keep trigger foods in the house. My SO has been told that if he wants potato chips he has to keep them in the garage out of my sight. No chocolate allowed in the house and no biscuits ....except...
    3. I have Jarrah choc O'lait drink (only 45 calories) and Atkins bars in limited quanities for my snack - one of each a day - which stops me feeling deprived and build up to a choco-meltdown. Its a safety valve and it works for me.
    4. I often have cold meat in the fridge so that if I need a snack a slice of cold beef or ham really keeps me going
    5. Since I've been doing MFP I realise that eating all my calories also keeps me from a binge
    6.Drink some more water

    All the best
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    tell yourself that before you start on this epic junk food binge you have to finish a big bowl of cinnamon/pumpkin oats. That's what I do, works a treat.
  • ShrinkingHollyx
    ShrinkingHollyx Posts: 34 Member
    Try to tell yourself that the binge really isn't worth it. I spend almost two hours of my day binging and purging. You could be spending the time that you spend on binging doing so many other, more productive activities. If you feel the urge to binge, do not go anywhere near the kitchen. Go work out, brush your teeth, listen to music, clean, watch television, etc. Do anything just to get your mind off of it. I promise you, if you preoccupy yourself long enough, the urge will subside.

    I definitely understand what you're going through. I had binge-eating disorder basically my whole life. It really got bad when about five years ago, and then it progressed into bulimia. Now, I binge and purge quite a few times per week. Trust me, try to break the habits now before it progresses into something worse. I'm trying to stop as well, so feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • jenayr
    jenayr Posts: 6 Member
    I used to be binge eater, for the best part of 10 years from when I was a teenager into my 20s.

    The factors that helped immensely:

    * Creating a food diary, I would write in it every day everything I had eaten. This seemed to help put me off as I noticed how much I was eating. Also planning what I would eat the next day and sticking to it would help.

    * Not going food shopping on an empty stomach and not having certain foods in the house such as sweets, crisps and chocolates. Also making a list of what to buy for the week ahead. I stop binge eating about 6 years ago but I still stick to this rule!

    * Not being alone/getting out the house. I always tended to binge eat when I was alone and kept it a secret for years. Even if it just involves visiting friends or family for half an hour or so it seemed to help. Or even going out a walk and listening to music, but not taking any money out with me!

    * Planning activities/days out. Doing things that made me happy also helped keep me focussed, giving me things to look forward to would stop me being depressed and want to eat everything in sight!

    I hope any of this advice can help. It will take time but you need to stick with it, always remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel.