To talk or not to talk, that is the question.

jlnk Posts: 188 Member
Inspired by another gym post, I thought it would be interesting to hear different perspectives on gym etiquette.

Talking on a cell phone while working out... Yes? No?
Carrying on a loud conversation with a workout buddy... Yes? No?

My vote is 'no' for both. A quick few words here and there, no big deal. However, to carry on a long conversation is quite distracting and, in my opinion, demonstrates a lack of consideration for others.


  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My vote is "no" to both.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    My vote is "no" to both.

  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Talking on Phone: depends. I don't care unless you are taking up a machine that others are waiting to use and you are more into your converstation than working out.

    Loud conversation: again don't care. I usually listen to music on my ear phones so I'm not bothered.
  • weyrebel
    If they can talk while working out then they aren't working out hard enough!! Maybe take an MP3 player and earbuds so you don't have to listen to them?
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Phone: no! Buddy: keep talking but keep it down, please. And be aware, you are not the only one there!:smile:
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Inspired by another gym post, I thought it would be interesting to hear different perspectives on gym etiquette.

    Talking on a cell phone while working out... Yes? No?
    Carrying on a loud conversation with a workout buddy... Yes? No?

    My vote is 'no' for both. A quick few words here and there, no big deal. However, to carry on a long conversation is quite distracting and, in my opinion, demonstrates a lack of consideration for others.

    NO and NO
    People come up to me during a workout, wanting to chat.
    "Now is not a good time; call me later" I say.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    If they can talk while working out then they aren't working out hard enough!! Maybe take an MP3 player and earbuds so you don't have to listen to them?

    You should hear some of the women in my gym! I totally take ear buds and yet their clucking penetrates my music! It is amazing! It is just so inconsiderate that I am in disbelief each time I encounter this. I've started to go to the gym mid-day and this seems to help...yesterday I was the only one in the cardio room :-)
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    No to both - definitely! It's one thing to do that outside on a track or jogging through neighborhoods, but not at the gym!
  • kristarablue
    Well I guess I don't care either way. Their talking on the phone while working out is not impacting me even a little. I have my ear buds in and music is loud enough that I tune everything else out. Honestly if they are using the buddy system and that is the only way they will go to the gym and catch up on the days activities, I say go for it. Rock on that they are not only socializing but improving their mental state through exercise and communication. It also may encourage someone that would not normally go. I prefer to workout alone and just listen to my music however everyone is unique. Also phone calls don't bother me either if the person is just on a cardio machine and working out, maybe it is a quick thing. I know I have recieved emergancy calls from work or information about my kids and I have taken them, don't get me wrong, I am a bit annoyed when people call me at the gym however if it is important I will take it and be brief. But even if they choose to be on the phone during the entire workout, maybe it is thier way to not focus on the task at hand and it is better they are at the gym working out than not at all....I applaud anyone that is making it to they gym and going beyond themself....just a thought
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    Leave your addiction to the cell phone outside the gym.

    As for talking - asking questions, brief exchanges yes, - conversations no.
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    I try to keep my heart rate above the point where I could possible carry out a conversation with anyone while I am working out. So that by default makes it NO to both for me. I need my focus as I work out, so usually headphone are in, and that keeps people out.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Don't care to both, do whatever you want...You pay for your membership with the same currency I use.

    I turn my music up and throw in my headphones...Others no longer exist at that point.
  • katemiddletonisawesome
    NO on both of those.

    Cellphones - I'm nosey and feel the need to listen in on your conversation if you're on the phone, which distracts me from working out.

    Loud people in the gym - I HATE it when loud mouths decide to show off in front of everyone. I get made enough at the grunters and weight droppers making a racket - the sound just echoes through the whole building. The gym is not a social club, it is an exercise facility.

    In my opinion, if you want to socialize, go to a bar or a club where you actually need to be loud.
  • boxingday2010
    I say focus on your workout. I just leave my phone in my car; I figure I'm working out, I'm busy so I can't do anything or talk at that moment anyway so I'll call them back/meet up with them when I am done. And the loud conversation with a buddy is just common courtesy anyway in the gym or anywhere for that matter... keep it down, no one else except your friend cares what you have to say. Well... except maybe the 'town gossip'...
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    Totally agree with the reasons for the "no" answers on both questions. Personally, my MP3 is on the fritz and so I've been without for a while. What I've discovered is that as I continually bump up the intensity of my workouts, I don't need the distration of others because it breaks my concentration. I need to focus on the muscles working and work them more. Talking loud anywhere is just plain rude.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    A definite NO!!! like some said if your having a casual conversation then you may need to crank up the intensity. the phone shouldnt be in your presence in my opinion. I once saw two people (walking) watch a video on the treadmill :noway: I was mortified like why are you here? but then I checked myself and said not everyone is here for the same reason that I was.
    I myself have been guilty of singing phrases here and there but not loud or consistent enough to be bothersome (I hope)
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    No. It is rude.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Talking on Phone: depends. I don't care unless you are taking up a machine that others are waiting to use and you are more into your converstation than working out.

    Loud conversation: again don't care. I usually listen to music on my ear phones so I'm not bothered.

    Agreed with this reply... N i think those r a little crazy dont ya think? Lol its a gym!!! Not a church where you need to be quiet as a mouse!! Lmao

    Gym adequet falls more under like wipe machines when ur done, dont dress like a *kitten* off the street or show up in dirty construction clothes, dont use chalk in a public gym because then next 30ppl will be covered in ur sweaty caked on white *kitten* that u could of just used wrist wraps instead!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Talking loudly to your buddy is annoying enough. Talking loudly to your buddy about me in the weights section of the already small part of the gym isn't just annoying its rude douchebaggery. I go to a different gym now.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Don't care who's talking to whom nor about cell usage although I do find being able to talk on the phone while working out a curiosity. I'm not able to do it :D