Hello everyone! New and in need of motivation!

Hello, I have been using MFP for a little over a week and I'd like to make some new friends and. SW: 191, GW: 130.... feels impossible, but I know it can be done. Thanks :)


  • hollykan
    hollykan Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome. Friend request sent
  • capergal
    capergal Posts: 141 Member
    I'm sending a request too!
  • Thank y'all! :)
  • Welcome! Thanks for the friend request! Nice work on the 5 pounds so far! Keep up the great work! :-)
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    one lb at a time!! take it day by and day and give it your all and yo will lose!! add me if ya like
  • Welcome and congratulations on your decision to lose weight. Don't let the scale dictate your mood or motivation. I got rid of mine 3 months ago, but can see the changes in my body. I dropped from a size 14 to a size 10 in just 3 months. I am curious to see how much weight I've lost, but I do not let that dictate my day.

    Keep up the good work. We are all behind you.:wink:
  • It is possible because I have pretty much the same goal...I've lost 46 pounds of that already, but I'm not there yet point is if I can do it so can you! Its hard work, lots of sweat and tears, but when you are talking about your life and a healthier you it is all worth it. Feel free to add me if you like!