a little over half way!!

jkshew Posts: 6 Member
I have struggled with my weight all of my life but, in July of this year, I decided I was done! I have completely changed the way I eat and surprisingly don't miss anything. Well, okay, okay, I do miss delivery pizza. The difference this time around is; before, I would just get the pizza but, now, I find better substitutes like a flat bread pizza that I can cook at home. Also, if I really really wanted the pizza, I would have it but then I would have to work it off. Everyone keeps saying how dedicated I am to dieting but I try to explain that I don't feel like I am dieting, I am just eating right! I am also in the process of becoming a runner. I have always told myself I could not be a runner because I am short (5'2") and carry most of my weight in my legs but that was just an excuse. It is still a work in progress but slowly I am adding more distance. Anyway, that is my story, I hope it inspires you!

Before around 250lb (I believe this was my heaviest but I wasn't weighing myself at the time)


Yesterday at 194lb (still have 44lb to go but feeling fabulous)



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