Hello fellow dieters!

Hi everyone, im Courtney. Im new to the site and I totally love it!
I am a mom to three munchkins and im a wife to a Sergent in the USAF. We are from beautiful California, but we are living extremly happy in Okinawa Japan for the next 18 months!
I have been up and down w/ this weight loss thing. Never going over 155lbs, and never under 117lbs, but im always jumping around there somewhere. Right now I have a small goal of about 10 lbs to loose!
I am a vegetarian. Not a totally strict one, but I like to make my own rules! It keeps me saine!
Im looking for support and maybe even some new friends =)


  • CourtneyTree
    Hi everyone, im Courtney. Im new to the site and I totally love it!
    I am a mom to three munchkins and im a wife to a Sergent in the USAF. We are from beautiful California, but we are living extremly happy in Okinawa Japan for the next 18 months!
    I have been up and down w/ this weight loss thing. Never going over 155lbs, and never under 117lbs, but im always jumping around there somewhere. Right now I have a small goal of about 10 lbs to loose!
    I am a vegetarian. Not a totally strict one, but I like to make my own rules! It keeps me saine!
    Im looking for support and maybe even some new friends =)
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome to the forum! You are so lucky to live In Okinawa! I have been to Tokyo and go regular for my martial arts. One day I'll get to Okinawa. I'm also vegetarian. You will likely naturally lose weight if you stick the local diet. I'm not sure if you are familar with Japanese Cuisine but some low calorie delicious options I love are, Miso soup, Gomae Salad, Yudofu , tamagoyaki. (savory)

    You should make a ticker so we can all cheer you on! :happy:
  • melissacrockett
    OM gosh...I'm in Okinawa too!!! Best of luck to you!

  • CourtneyTree
    That is VERY cool Melissa!

    I am always trying to cook w/ local ingredients here, and im slowly teaching myself about the veggies and what to do with them!
  • CourtneyTree
    I dont know why, but I cant figure out how to make a siggy w/ my ticker? Where do I make my sig?
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP the best website ever. I :heart: it here and I think you will too. This site is so supportive, motivational, helpful and is so easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: