To all my MFP Friends! An apology.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for opting to read this as I have one or two things I would like to say.

Firstly I would like to apologise to all of you. I have not been around much of late as things have just been getting on top of me and I have been wondering what the point in anything is anymore. This has meant that I have not been on my computer very much and have, therefore not been giving you all the support you deserve. I feel really bad about this as even though I have not been about for a few weeks some of you are still commenting on my diaries and log in days. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you have kept supporting me even though I have not been doing the same for you. So I apologise to all of you! I am back now to help support you all through the holidays!

Thank you! You guys rock!!


  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    Babe it's all good, no need for an apology. These things happen and no matter we're all here to help each other whatever's happening. Hope things get better and I wish you the best in the holiday if I don't here for you.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Glad to have you back!
  • bloodguilt
    Yeah, were glad to have you back. You don't owe anyone an apology pal. We appreciate you saying that from the bottom of your heart though. Welcome back!
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    No worries matey!!!! Just keep talking it through and I am sure you'll get through this!!!
    I'm glad you're back and very much welcome and appreciate your support!!!
    You're a lovely person!!!!:))
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    No problem. Glad you're back!
  • thefantasticmrsfox
    it's the winter months. I haven't even been logging. Will get back to it now though!
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Hey Darling, We all have time or days where things are not so great and we understand! We are friends and that's why we are here for you. Count on us to support you. I hope you start feeling brighter. Take care xxx
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Hey Darling, We all have time or days where things are not so great and we understand! We are friends and that's why we are here for you. Count on us to support you. I hope you start feeling brighter. Take care xxx
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Awww you don't need to do this, next time post and we'll say stupid things until you feel better! Hope this week is a bit brighter for you xx
  • roebuck1908
    Don't give up we are all here to offer you support.