I Keep On Waiting

I am getting really aggravated at my scale. I can tell a big difference in my shape by seeing defitinition that I've never seen before and my clothes are baggier on me. My boyfriend and dad commented yesterday that I have really been losing weight and doing a great job. Every time I step on the scale though, it says the same weight. I understand that sometimes it just kind of gets stuck, but for it to not move one little bit is starting to drive me crazy. Why can't it show some change so I can actually feel like my eating and workouts are paying off?


  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    You should do your measurements. I've had the same problem with the scale, but I recheck my measurements at the end of every month and it gives me a little boost of encouragement as they are always changing! It would probably help you to see some numbers moving and see that you are actually getting smaller even if the scale is stubborn! Probably just your muscle building anyway. . Keep going!!
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    Ignore the scale. In fact, just throw it out. If your body is changing and your clothes are getting baggy, obviously you are doing something right. What does it matter what the scale says if you look and feel better?
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I understand this more than I wish I did. lol

    My scale hasn't moved in two weeks. Then this morning when I weighed myself ...it finally moved - only backwards. It said I gained 1.6 lbs. Even though I know that should be impossible with how many calories I'm eating. I'm very careful about measuring and weighing my food, and logging the oil I use to cook with, logging every garlic clove, every pinch of spice - I'm like crazy meticulous when it comes to my food log. So I know my counts are accurate. I also wear a heart rate monitor when I exercise so I can get an accurate reading on my calorie burns. I know my counts are right. And according to this site (and many other weight loss sites) I should be losing at least 2 lbs a week based on how many calories I'm eating. Yet I'm not losing. In fact it appears that I'm actually gaining weight. I don't get it. I just don't. It's frustrating beyond belief. Particularly for me because of the amount I have to lose. When you have over 200 lbs to lose every single week counts, because this journey is going to take a crazy long time - years, even when things are going right and the scale is moving steadily. But when it's stuck like this, and you're doing everything right, it's like I want to scream. I just don't understand it.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Sounds like my old Weight Watchers scale. Maybe it needs a new battery? Also, let someone else weigh his/herself on it see if that does anything.

    Definitely take up measuring.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    You are toning up and muscle has a greater density than fat, so while you decrease in size it's natural not to see a movement on the scale. It's also not uncommon to gain weight for the same reason. Don't let the evil scale bother you! Baggy clothes are a solid proof :wink:
  • krcbauer
    krcbauer Posts: 3 Member
    So I have been working out regularly since October. To start I get up every morning at 3:30 am, do an elliptical program (short on Monday and Wednesdays, long on Tuesday and Thursdays) and some sit-ups, lunges etc., I then do a spinning class every Monday, a Step Class every Wednesday, and a strength training program after each class. I am also doing the Isogenix program (2 shakes a day, reg meal in pm). I had to to have the left side of my thyroid taken out in July and am still trying to get that level under control with medication..... I have lost 10, gained 10, lost 5 gained 5... am in this plateau area. Whats worse my husband who mind you did have a lot more weight to loose than me, has been doing the Isogenix plan NO working out and has lost almost 15 lbs! WHAT the heck! I am so discouraged, yet I get up and continue the process EVERYDAY! What am I doing wrong??

    HELP! krcbauer
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I guess I am not the only one. I know that we should all keep up our hard work, because it will pay off. I try to measure once a week, usually on Tuesdays, so tomorrow will be my measuring day. Thank you all for the support and info. I really do appreciate it. Sometimes I just need to know that I'm not the only dealing with this problem and hear some words of encouragement. I know that the others going through the same thing will also see the numbers move eventually. We just have to remember what we are working for and not give up!
  • I'm in the same boat. I lost almost 10 pounds within the first weekd (mostly water weight) and I havent changed a thing since. If anything, I'm working out more (mostly cardio and strength training for my arms). Actually a day hasnt gone by in over 2 weeks that I havent done some sort of cardio exercise. My scale is stuck at 205.5 and it's not moving. I bought a pair of jeans yesterday in the same size I've worn for 3+ years and they were fitting around the legs, like I like, but they were falling off of my hips and butt! I am getting close to getting my cycle (within days) and I wonder if maybe that has something to do with it as well. Good luck to you and just know you're not a lone and keep it going! :-)
  • I am getting really aggravated at my scale. I can tell a big difference in my shape by seeing defitinition that I've never seen before and my clothes are baggier on me. My boyfriend and dad commented yesterday that I have really been losing weight and doing a great job. Every time I step on the scale though, it says the same weight. I understand that sometimes it just kind of gets stuck, but for it to not move one little bit is starting to drive me crazy. Why can't it show some change so I can actually feel like my eating and workouts are paying off?

    if i dont see what i like, i chastize my scale for not cooperating and holding back. i tell it that everyone else is doing their part: the body is working hard, the diet is participating most of the time, the muscles stop by to say hi, the clothing wants nothing more than to please me...and yet...the scale just sits there.....looking stupid. does it think it is going to win? does it know it is not special, or different? that is CAN be replaced by a scale from WALMART that will do its job CHEAPER and FASTER?
    so....if it doesnt start getting with the program, its out! i dont have time for silly games.
    i usually see progress after that
  • ygglove
    ygglove Posts: 102 Member
    Maybe you're gaining muscle, and losing fat, and that's why your scale isn't changing? I agree with previous posters, check your measurements!
  • Same thing is happening to me!
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    measurements are so important for this very sort of thing- its very possible to lose inches and not pounds. And if you arent losing either- then you need to think about a dr visit to make sure your thyroid isnt off or something medical. If you are losing inches and not pounds- keep at it- they will follow.

    I usually see inch loss in weeks where I dont see pound losses - and it helps me stay motivated.