What am I doing wrong?

Really feeling bummed right now. I busted my butt with exercise this week and only lost 1/2 a lb! Can someone take a look at my diary and let me know what changes they would make? I want honesty, but not rudeness. Thanks!


  • hayley26d
    hayley26d Posts: 80 Member
    Carnt see your diary ;)
  • skinnyjess15
    Fixed it to where it's public.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    You need to go to Settings->Diary settings->

    To make your diary public,so we can see to help you!:)
  • skinnyjess15
    You need to go to Settings->Diary settings->

    To make your diary public,so we can see to help you!:)

    I just made the change. :)
  • adamsonam
    It looks like it's your sodium intake. You are probably just retaining some water. If you cut the sodium you will probably see more come off. Just my take on your diary.
  • sammycool1986
    sammycool1986 Posts: 74 Member
    Your sodium content seems to go over a lot. Try keeping an eye on that as you will be retaining water otherwise. xx
  • RainbowPearl
    RainbowPearl Posts: 42 Member
    Try cutting back on your sodium intake. It makes you retain a lot of water.
  • sammycool1986
    sammycool1986 Posts: 74 Member
    Your sodium content seems to go over a lot. Try keeping an eye on that as you will be retaining water otherwise. xx
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    As a side note: I think you're quite high in carbohydrates. Also. may I ask what kind of exercise you do and how you track your calorie burn?
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    1/2 lb is still a great loss! just keep at it girl :) slow and steady keeps the weight off :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Your net calories are too low. Try to make your net = your goal, or at least 1200.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I agree about the sodium.

    Try and stay away from all the processed foods and cook meals for yourself. That way you control how much sodium is going into your food.

    Try to read labels,and check the sodium content of the foods you buy.

    Eat MORE protein(chicken,turkey and fish),fruits like berries and vegetables too. Look in the recipes section here,for meal ideas.

    Don't forget to drink your water also!;)

    Here is a great post,that may help you:


    You can do this,if you need support feel free to send me a friendship request!
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    You need to eat more, I set my cal goal to the same as my BMR and generally eat 100 or 200 more than that with a fairly active exercise regime. if you are burning lots of calories look into increasing your protien goal too.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    Don't know how long you have been doing this, but yes the sodium is way to much and the carbs at least I think so....they say muscle weighs more than fat, it will work out one week you will weigh and surprise the weight will be gone....have a good day
  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    Try adding more fruits and vegetables, less sodium and carbs.
  • Pajarman
    I would say maybe switch past and white bread for wholegrain cereals like bulgur wheat, pearl barley, quinoa ect. theyre cheap, filling and really low in fat and quinoa's high in protein :)
    Would also say maybe dont eat as much cheese, I know your not eating loads haha and its low fat but it still adds alot I think
    I think its good you eat balanced meals and snacks though, little and often is definatluy the way I think:) and not eating late on at night helps....(advice which I really need to get a hold of!)
    Hope I was helpful not hurtful and keep it up, a loss is still better than a gain atleast and could also depend on the time of the month hahah
    Best wishes,
    Rachel x
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    You seem to be doing well. Some will say make sure you eat back plenty of those calories, and others will say eat till you're not hungry (healthy of course). I lost most of my weight with high carbs(200 grams or more a day), so that should not be a problem, but if you want to cut back then I've heard people do well with that (not that carbs are bad, just some of the sources of the carbs aren't good) you still need carbs is the moral, lol and exercise looks good, but 1/2pound is amazing, that means your body is losing. I would lose only 1 pound when I started and I even gained 3 just starting out, give your body time to adjust.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    Some people have said something like this...but I'm going to keep it simple. Don't always eat back your exercise calories. Several days a week, keep to your original calories but still do the exercise. Another thing I noticed...lots of ice cream and candy.
  • skinnyjess15
    Thank you everyone for your advice! I knew I went over on my sodium this week and I was stressed about it, plus I have been slacking these past few days on water intake so maybe I am retaining it. I will up the water intake and lower the sodium.

    Any ideas for low-sodium snacks? Recipes?

    Thanks again!!!
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    love love love some hummus and carrots!