gained some weight back. help!

I just gained five pounds back and had a really bad week of eating and not exercising. What helps motivate you guys? I can look at before and after pictures, healthy/tasty looking recipes...But it still doesn't change anything. I need something else...I feel like nothing will get through to me unless i get a disease or something and it changes my whole life. And obviously I don't want it to get that far...What do ya'll think?


  • sharonhauptman
    sharonhauptman Posts: 60 Member
    I'll forward the best help I got on this board. 1) you have come this far - don't give it up. 2) Look 6 months down the road 3) drink more water. Do not be a servant to food. Get er done!
  • dayylight
    I get really motivated by my friends on here. I know that they are seeing the progress I make and I love sharing my success with them. If you need more friends feel free to add me. I also love working out because I feel so great afterwards.

    Another way I motivate myself is that I have a pair of jeans that almost fit me and it's one of my short term goals to get into them. I'm really close so it drives me crazy sometimes but it also makes me want to work harder.
  • Mazyjo1
    Mazyjo1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am going thru the same thing now (gaining a few pounds back along with no motivation!) Be kind to yourself, and try not to let it get you down. Give yourself a pat on the back for all the progress you have made. You'll be fine, and you've done great!
  • merlyngrey
    I look at my family history and I know that the disease you say will motivate you is coming if I don't make the changes in lifestyle now. I'm thinking it will be a lot harder to make those changes when your health decides that you have no choice. Take it one day at a time or one good meal choice or one good workout, until they become a habit. You can do this:happy:
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    I also gained 5 pounds over the last week and a half. All from bad choices of bad foods and no exercise. Motivation alot of time comes from within. I like to journal and that is usually when I will look back and think......"I felt so good after a trip to the gym" or "wasn't that the bomb when I could get in a smaller size". That what motivates me. And it helps that i have/had the dreaded obesity related diseases....diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea. Believe me, you don't want to have those as your motivation!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I agree that motivation comes with time, at least for me. Weight loss has been slow for me so I fight hard for every pound. I am motivated to not undo all of the work I have done. I kept my motivation up through the more difficult times by relying on my MFP friends. Find people with similar goals/weight to lose and utilize them. MFP has a great support system, make sure you use it!!