Bike Riding?

From my house to work its about 6 miles I believe.. And instead of driving I want to ride a bike into work and ride home from work. Question is is bike riding as effective as I would imagine it would be? I see people on bikes all the time who makes me think otherwise. Is there a paticular bike I need? And in order to loose weight and get cardio in, i have to have a vigerous bike ride, not just a casual bike ride im assuming as well.. kind of a dumb question. sort of figured it out.


  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Bike riding is a wonderful calorie burn. A spin class burns 1200 cals/hour. A touring paced ride, 15 mph burns 1000 cals/hour. You can do a low intensity ride to work and still burn plenty of calories.

    Any bike that is your size will be fine to start. Craigslist is a good place to look. I'd stay clear of Walmart bikes because they won't last as long. Besides the bike you'll need to plan out a route with low traffic and try it out on the weekend to get an idea of how long it will take you. If the route is hilly it takes longer. In fair weather your street clothes will be fine. But rain and snow require more gear. Fenders are a good investment as well as a rear light and front light if riding in the dark.

    That's a lot of info to get you started. I commute to work, 16 mile round trip, when the weather cooperates.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    From my house to work its about 6 miles I believe.. And instead of driving I want to ride a bike into work and ride home from work. Question is is bike riding as effective as I would imagine it would be? I see people on bikes all the time who makes me think otherwise. Is there a paticular bike I need? And in order to loose weight and get cardio in, i have to have a vigerous bike ride, not just a casual bike ride im assuming as well.. kind of a dumb question. sort of figured it out.

    The more vigorous the ride the more calories you will burn, but that doesn't mean you aren't burning calories when riding at a more leisurely pace.
  • saraii
    saraii Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much for the recommendations. Sounds perfect