Needing some motivation/perspective (ie kick in the @$$)

Due to my lack of will-power, my not tracking food and giving in too often to temptation this past week, I have gained 2.8 pounds. I am finding it very hard to eat right lately. I have lost 20 pounds since starting in September and find myself getting complacent. I still have another 30 to 40 to reach goal, and can't seem to push past the ease of eating out all the time anymore. Plus this coming weekend will be "food fest" with 2 separate Christmas gatherings. Not looking for coddling at all. Just trying to hold myself accountable with this "confession" and I'd just really like some motivation from all of you out there if you don't mind.


  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member

  • Warning: Tough love coming at you! Track your nutrition and exercise no matter how much or how little. Get the smartphone app if you're busy! You are accountable for your successes and setbacks and you can do this!

    You have made great progress, and you just have to push through the setbacks, review what you did that contributed to the setback and don't do it again! At least for a little while :wink:

    Planning is the key - when I have a social gig coming up, I am diligent the week before, working out every day, staying in line with nutrition, water, etc. Plan your routine in one-week increments, and allow for a minor indulgence once a week.

    Similar thing happened to me after Thanskgiving, gained 2 lbs back after a 10 lb loss since my start on MFP. I hit the gym hard to make up for it and now four weeks later, am down another 6. Christmas is around the corner, so this week means hitting the gym hard again in preparation. Follow up after the holiday with some more abuse at the gym and it will be a wash.

    I confirmed this with my trainer, and she also recommended that I start a new strength circuit about a week before the event which switches up the muscle groups. Then after the event, I switch again to force my body to adjust. This seems to work well.

    Good luck!

  • megandunn18
    megandunn18 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been the exact same way! I was doing really well for quite a while, and then I just lost all motivation. But there is hope, I promise. Some tips:
    - Workout in the morning. It will make you feel better and healthier, thus making it easier to make better food choices through out the day.
    - Make a kick-*kitten* playlist on your will works wonders keeping you focused while you pound out those push ups and crunches!
    - Make signs of your favorite motivational quotes/sayings/pictures and put them EVERYWHERE! Your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, car...
    - Last of all, YOU CAN DO IT! Set up rewards for reaching goals, make yourself do a particularly grueling exercise whenever you slip up, but don't beat yourself up (mentally) if you do.
    Good luck :D
  • redstuff
    redstuff Posts: 44 Member
    I'm having the exact same issue. Cookies and sweets are waaaaaaaaaay too tempting. I'm looking to start a challenge with the simple goal of completing the food diary every day. I'm good at exercising. I'm usually good about what I eat during the day, but evenings are my downfall. I *think* if I'm forced to log everything and click that little complete button every day it will help curb my evening snacking. Does anyone else have this issue? I was thinking of creating a spreadsheet where folks would track there net calories at the end of the day.
  • All i can say is it isnt over because you slip up! I have slipped up from thanksgiving on and off. It will def be easier once we get through the holidays. What I do is eat good everyday and if i know something is coming up say a holiday party I just eat what I want in moderation forgive myself and get back on the horse the next day. So far I have lost 50 pounds and I have 30 to go. We cant be perfect all of the time. Just be kind to yourself and forgive. I use to get so upset that i messed up my diet I would just throw it all away. Dont do that. Before long you will have gained everything back that youve lost. So you have slipped up. Maybe that makes for a 5 pound gain just get back on the horse and keep moving forward:flowerforyou:
  • Don't give up! this time of year is a hard time of year for everyone..surrounded by tons of food, holiday after holiday. Stay motivated though, you've already lost 20lbs and thats a HUGE step. Believe it or not, this time of year is the best year to start a weight loss program and keep it off.. so stick to it your doing great! We all know its too hard to ignore all the food sitting around us at the holidays; I would suggest preparing yourself for those few days. Plan meals and snacks ahead of time so you have just that-- a PLAN --and stick to it.. eat healthy snacks before you leave your house or even take them with you, maybe this will help so won't indulge on all the yummy holiday snacks sitting around. I would also suggest keeping a personal little notebook to help keep track of your food/drink log though cause then you can really tell where your getting most of your calories from.Most of us consume 1/2 our daily calories by 10am and most of the calories are bad calories and come from our drinks. So also pay attention to what your drinking at your get togethers as well. Hope these few tips will help you out a little!
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks every one.

    My plan for today was to stay away from the cookies at work, and get in at least 8 glasses of water. Oh and to track EVERYTHING. I did it! One day down at a time, right.

    I just need to refocus.

    Thanks again.