will anybody read this, im new and looking for advice

im trying to tone up and i just bought the p90x dvd's off of a friend but he doesnt have the DIET plan, im honestly not sure what to eat, i know chicken and fish is great but im lost when it comes to carbs, for some reason i dont know if i should eat them, but i though they were good for excercise..... i dont know, i weigh 210 and im 5'9, i want to tone up and lose my tiny gut, i cant see my abs but im fat either, ill put a pic up soon i guess, but i got a little fat on my chest that i noticeable, and my gut, im on a 90 day workout plan and i really need help with my diet, can anyone help me?????


  • ryandaniel
    im trying to tone up and i just bought the p90x dvd's off of a friend but he doesnt have the DIET plan, im honestly not sure what to eat, i know chicken and fish is great but im lost when it comes to carbs, for some reason i dont know if i should eat them, but i though they were good for excercise..... i dont know, i weigh 210 and im 5'9, i want to tone up and lose my tiny gut, i cant see my abs but im fat either, ill put a pic up soon i guess, but i got a little fat on my chest that i noticeable, and my gut, im on a 90 day workout plan and i really need help with my diet, can anyone help me?????
  • incubusaddict
    Heyyyy... I actually had some carb questions myself a little bit ago, since I alwayyssss go over on my carbs.. I got some good advice. Carbs are definitely not "bad" for you, they are burned by your body for exercise so you have certainly heard right- however-- there are two types of carbs. Complex and simple carbs. Your body takes longer to break down the complex carbs which consist of whole grain foods etc. so these are the majority of the carbs you want to eat. Its not necessary to give them up completely, but your body will use up carbs as an energy source before it uses fat, therefore, carbs are defnitely something to consider in moderation... I've also heard that a good resource is the "Glycemic index" which you can find right online-- this helps put the "good-carb/bad-carb" thing into perspective! Hopefully this helped a littleeee bit.... of course you can't go wrong with fruits and veggies too! Good luck!
  • ryandaniel
    thank you, i guess what im trying to say is i want to lose the maxium amout of fat and gain muscle and tone up, but im afraid carbs will slow that down, i want to be as lean as possible so i only eat chicken, and maybe some corn, bananas, and green beans, all unsalted..... im lost i need help bad, i want to do this right and im very diciplined when it comes to food, i can cut anything and i dont need any sort of cheat meal..... i just want to find the RIGHT meal plan for what im trying to acheive.... understand?
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    The main key to "6 pack" abs is good food and lots and lots of excersize mainly cardio.

    check out this site http://www.ast-ss.com

    They have lots of good info on diet exercise and suplements.

    Im doing the 12 week max OT program along with 3x per week cardio. This site is good for tracking your food and exercise and getting info. look through some of the old posts there is a wealth of knowledge here and many people who have done what you are trying to do.

    stay focused. goood luck.

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    thank you, i guess what im trying to say is i want to lose the maxium amout of fat and gain muscle and tone up, but im afraid carbs will slow that down, i want to be as lean as possible so i only eat chicken, and maybe some corn, bananas, and green beans, all unsalted..... im lost i need help bad, i want to do this right and im very diciplined when it comes to food, i can cut anything and i dont need any sort of cheat meal..... i just want to find the RIGHT meal plan for what im trying to acheive.... understand?

    A balanced diet is ALWAYS best. You can supliment it with extra protein if you want to build muscle faster, but you need to be doing resistance or weight training in order for that to really work. If just want to tone up, a balanced diet consisting of protein, vitamins, minerals, good fats, and yes, even carbs is important. Spread your meals out throughout the day, and try to eat 1 hour or so before you work out, it's best not to load up on one type of food at any particular meal, and try to throw a few healthy snacks in between if possible. As to specifically what to eat, that's really not what we do here, some may offer suggestions, but were more about helping you achive goals, not giving out specific plans on weight loss. If you are looking for a good type of food to eat, sure we'll answer, but if you want a whole diet plan, I would talk to a nutritionist. Even though we are all very committed to this site, to my knowledge, nobody on here is a certified nutritionist or dietician, so it would be best to go that route first. Not because we don't want to help, but because we really want you to achieve the best results and as enthusiastic as we are, you will probably receive a better plan from a professional.

    I hope this helps, best of luck to you.
  • tulfelhun
    Hi ryan,

    I had the same questions regarding what is good and bad regarding eating habits. I picked up a book called "Mindless Eating" by Brian Wansink. It gave me insight as to my own eating habits and the things I can change. This is not a diet book, but more of an awareness of how much we eat without thinking. - it helped me, maybe it will help you

  • ryandaniel
    thank you everyone, im glad i joined this site, all of this motavation is going to help me so much.....