I need help...or just someone who can relate

I found the hidden nutella and ate some with breakfast and lunch...then continued snacking..whenever I mess up I continue to eat crappy for the rest of the day and now I feel like crap..sorry if this is a negative post/topic I just really hate doing this to myself but it never stops. Right now I snacked so much I can't even log all that I ate because I didn't count and can't remember exactly how much I ate...I feel so gross. and some of you will say drink tea, chew gum, drink water...these things only work so many times :(

last week I blamed my binges on finals..but to be honest I just have a binging problem I have nothing that sets it off it just happens...SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.

Okay now I feel a little better for writing this.

but if anyone has any advice or comments whatsoever (that aren't putting me down or yelling at me because yes I know I make mistakes and this is dumb but I don't need you to tell me that)


  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I used to be the same way. I just don't keep any junk food around the house anymore. I'm not someone that can just have a few chips -- I'll eat the whole bag if it's there. I also prelog all of my food for the day and this seems to help me.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    first off...take a deep breathe...things like this happen..you just have to shake yourself off..and get back on track. we are all human and with that being said..we all fall off the wagon...be it intentionally or unintentionally.

    I can tell you from experience.. On saturday..I had a Jack in the box ultimate cheeseburger meal with fries and a dr pepper..came home..still snacked on cookies..ate dinner..on sunday...snacked..ate candy..had a hot chocolate.

    Didnt log any of it..but today..is a new day..I am eating the way I am suppossed to...I dont regret the weekend eating..knowing it was the first burger and fries in 6 months..and the first soda in 2 months..

    You got to live a little..but be mindful that you must go back to eatinig healthy..
  • bravozulu12
    bravozulu12 Posts: 5 Member
    Don't buy stuff you will binge. If you don't bring it in the house, you can't eat it. Load up on apples and oranges when you get hungry. If I have pumpkin pie in the house, I will eat the entire pie in two days. Yummy.

    You don't bring a drug addict to a drug store??? Don't buy high calories stuff and you can't eat it. ha ha.

    A bad day is normal. Get back on the diet and don't look back!!!!!
  • cjm109
    cjm109 Posts: 264 Member
    If you feel better after venting...maybe try writting when you feel like bingeing.....and try not to beat yourself up and just move forward
  • sareligra
    sareligra Posts: 2 Member
    I saw something on Pinterest to the tune of... "Just because you drop your cell phone, doesn 't mean you stomp on it until it's broken". Throwing a whole day (or week!) away after an isolated slip-up can be looked at in the same way.

    I used to do it, so I definitely understand but the cell phone analogy really put it into perspective for me.
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. It just means your human! I myself love food and I am an emotional eater. Last night for dinner I ate a bag of chili's chips and salsa with guacamole because my husband and I got into a fight. Not the healthiest, but it tasted so good :). I woke up this morning and its a new day. When this happens just dust yourself off and start again. Its good to have one cheat day a week so you are not so hard on yourself. I actually have tried meditating (not the new age stuff) to stop the chatter up in my head. Its actually helped me relax and not stress out so much. (Except for last night of course :) - Just keep your head up - You got this!!!
  • My advice is just don't have the stuff around. If my Mom bakes anything, I make her hide it. If the stuff is around and you're bored, you're more likely to get up and start snacking. Surround yourself with healthy things. If you feel you need help with your eating, it might be in your best interest to see a nutritionist.
  • I found the hidden nutella and ate some with breakfast and lunch...then continued snacking..whenever I mess up I continue to eat crappy for the rest of the day and now I feel like crap..sorry if this is a negative post/topic I just really hate doing this to myself but it never stops. Right now I snacked so much I can't even log all that I ate because I didn't count and can't remember exactly how much I ate...I feel so gross. and some of you will say drink tea, chew gum, drink water...these things only work so many times :(

    last week I blamed my binges on finals..but to be honest I just have a binging problem I have nothing that sets it off it just happens...SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.

    Okay now I feel a little better for writing this.

    but if anyone has any advice or comments whatsoever (that aren't putting me down or yelling at me because yes I know I make mistakes and this is dumb but I don't need you to tell me that)

    I can ttly relate. Sometimes, we are just so freaking good at making up excuses. There is always a reason to eat unhealthy, or to eat the extra bite of this and that..
    I am afraid I don't an advice for you,but this is what I am trying to do. I am trying to learn to control my emotions and not "binge" every single time I feel something. I am trying to learn to listen to my body and it's limits and don't shuv more food inn when I know for a fact that I am really overly full.

    I guess - if I was supposed to sum up and give one advice is try to make the one bad eat stay and one - and don't let it rule the rest of your day.

    Stay strong :) Keep going :)
  • I used to be the same way. I just don't keep any junk food around the house anymore. I'm not someone that can just have a few chips -- I'll eat the whole bag if it's there. I also prelog all of my food for the day and this seems to help me.

    prelogging is a really good idea! thank you :)

    right now I can't help having junk food everywhere because I am at my parents house for the holidays and they have all these snacks around because of Christmas/new years parties

    I will definitely be prelogging tomorrow!!
  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    I don't know if you do this, but don't hide it from yourself or completely stop yourself from having it. If you really don't want it i in the house, don't buy it. BUT if it is in the house and it's something you want, let yourself have it in moderation and then you won't end up binging one day and going overboard because you deprived yourself of something you enjoy. Cutting something completely out of your diet isn't a good idea, just gotta cut -back-. :smile:
  • msbobbitx
    msbobbitx Posts: 66 Member
    I love that saying! I'm going to borrow that one. LOL
  • msbobbitx
    msbobbitx Posts: 66 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. You are doing great. Dust yourself off and get back on it. :-)
  • thagberg2011
    thagberg2011 Posts: 29 Member
    Hang in there......I am in the same situation as you and I can certainly relate to what you are saying. Been there, done that. It almost feels like a rut, that i am in. I feel so tierd all of the time and I cant find the motivation to pick myself up again. I am hoping that this website will help me overcome my problems and show me that I am not alone.....if you need to ever talk just let me know,.
  • kaiteggert
    kaiteggert Posts: 11 Member
    I am right there with you, completely and totally.

    I was bulimic for quite some time in my life (I've been to rehab and am quite a bit better!), but I used to do that because I was bored. I would come home from school, plop myself down in front of the TV and because I was in the kitchen (usually supposed to be working on homework, without the TV on), I'd start digging around the cabinets mainly to avoid the work I had ahead of me. Of course I'd feel super gross right after I'd do it, and then I'd throw up so I didn't feel gross anymore. The best thing you can do to stop it is when you feel that urge, drink some water and then take yourself away from the kitchen. Go in another room or better yet, go exercise.

    I was taking my own advice for awhile, but then I started dating someone who was accustomed to sitting around, playing on the computer and gaming and watching movies. It's been extremely demotivating and I've gained so much weight because of it. I love him very much and do hope to marry him, but we both are working on doing better. My parents are bringing my bike down to me (I'm in Florida but born and raised in PA, which is where my family is) in march, and I can't wait!!!!!!! I only live a short distance from work, so I may even ride to work on the occasional cool day.

    Best advice in all--remove yourself from a potentially detrimental situation. You can do it; it's just going to take some time, patience and discipline. I'm on the journey with you--always recovering. :-)
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    i say log it and look at it as motivation to not do it again and again and again!
  • You will be ok. Hit the gym and start new the next meal. Realistically, when you binge, the most you would gain is a few ounces. It's no big deal. You'll get there!
  • OMG SO WEIRD. I literally just did this last night.. I found HIDDEN NUTELLA and ate SOO much of it.. then the bad eating has just continued. It is definitely a hard habit to break, but nothing is wrong with you.. (or maybe there is something wrong with both of us?!? lol)

    Looks like you and m both will just need to stop buying these binge-worthy foods.. Good luck!!
  • TheNaturalNanny
    TheNaturalNanny Posts: 27 Member
    first of all stop beating yourself up!!! it happens!!

    second: maybe try tracking these binges, do they happen for a reason (i.e you get ina fight with someone, your stressed etc..) see if there is some sort of connection to something so that you can try to head off the binges before they start and manage them a lot better. I tend to binge when im in a depressed state, food = comfort in my book.

    third: I personally just avoid having junk food in the house. if its not here, and i cant see it then i tend to avoid the binging. I have a few treats but even if i ate them all at once it still wouldnt amount to much, they are just enough to kill a craving. I try to keep healthier snacks around, this way its more work to come up with the bad foods.

    fourth: if you do find yourself heading for a binge try to move your focus to something else. ok you snarffed down some nutella but that doesnt mean you just killed your day. just attempt to make a greater effort to choose more wisely the rest of the day. everyonce in a while you need to give in to cravings in a responsible manner or else it turns into an off the wagon bingefest. If your craving pizza, go out with some friends and have a few slices, just balance your day accordingly. I knew my friends and i were going out the other night, and i knew there was going to be "bad" food so i made an effort to eat lighter the rest of the day. Guess what even with my junk food i still came in under calories for the day.

    sometimes when all i can think of is the junk food, i make a greater effort to go workout or i start by making something that isnt as unhealthy (i want chocolate so i make some chocolate milk instead of hitting up the candy bars). I also have my insirpation photo, in my case its the bridesmaid dress i have to fit into in july, sometimes that is enough to remind me to keep my focus.

    i hope you find your balance :)
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Hi there,

    Is it possible you aren't giving yourself enough "cheats?"
    I tend to allow myself something yummy as often as I can- sometimes even once a day. BUT...it is something small and very decadent, so that just a small amount satisfies me.
    I feel that if I know I can have it, then I don't even care to have it. When I restrict it, I feel like I have to have it!! Strange, but true.

    I say, give yourself permission to cheat- but don't keep the cheats in the house. That means, if you really want to it, you have to go out and get it.

    Try it. Remember, would you treat a friend like you treat yourself? Probably not. We need to learn to be kinder to ourselves. Yes, I said WE- even I need to learn this lesson!

    Best of luck!!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I had 2 days like that last weekend. I am definitely a binge eater. The weekends (and holidays) are SO hard. :sad: I wrote about it in my news feed on the second day. I felt like such a fake person. After I vented, it was like a switch went off and I stopped binging (well...for that day anyway). Sometimes confessing it is a good way to get you to stop. It will be ok. You don't have to be perfect. :flowerforyou: