Day 295 - 60(ish) lbs down with PICS

kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
So...I had told myself I wouldn't post before and afters until I hit goal...I'm officially in a bit of a weight flux since Thanksgiving...but still within 5 pounds of goal. BUT, I had an "off" weekend, and used my own pics to remotivate myself to hit the reset button. That coupled with the fact that today is day 295 in a row on MFP...I figured I would celebrate and share :happy:

This is my first post and first time with hoping that it works!!

The before pics are from 2010...pretty close to my heaviest (although I have a hardcopy photo that would argue that point).



These afters are not quite my lowest point (remember - I said I'm in a bit of flux...LOL!), but are from the last two weeks...baking with my mom and roller skating this weekend with my daughter. A year ago, I wouldn't have dreamt of getting on a pair of skates...and if it did miraculously happen, I would have found myself winded pretty quickly. But after the last year of working out and making better choices, I found myself having an amazing time, and not ready to leave when it was time!!



I've had several NSV along the way...and several setbacks as well. I'm learning to look at the big picture, and not allow a "bad" day to derail my long term efforts or accomplishments. This is the most fit and most lean I've EVER been, and I'm so proud of myself for making the commitment to myself and my family!


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