20 days in and starting to fail already

What is wrong with me? I was doing so well. Then the past few days have been horrible. Our oven and microwave broke down Saturday so we ended up with pizza, Sunday I picked up McDonalds on the way home from church, since the Packer game had already started and I didn't want to grill. Last night was our church Christmas party and I have no idea how many thousand calories I consumed. I got McDonalds today because the thought eating a cold sandwich when I am freezing sounded badly. I know I have soup and chili but it didn't even pop in my mind when I was running errands. Then I have all of this fudge and cookies in the house I made before the stove died. I feel depressed and like I have taken several steps back and I wonder if I will ever stay on this new life style change. That, plus with it being Christmas it is so hard. Wednesday morning another party/pot luck. Thursday night my step son will be here and we are going to order Pizza and fried foods for that night then on Christmas day......wow. I do my first weigh in two weeks from today since I started this thing.


  • buckobuckobucko
    Don't let minor set backs derail your goals. Just keep trying to improve and make healthier choices.
  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    Hang in there! Christmas is soon going to be over and if you go over calories, just start over! Take things day by day and it might take until after Christmas for you to get back on track! No problem!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Christmas is hard!! And for me, once I start eating poorly I want to KEEP eating poorly.

    Just get back on the horse and ride, sister! Maybe make yourself a fun salad to go with your pizza?? Give yourself a little bit of leniency, don't get disappointed, just look at it as an opportunity to keep improving.

    Also? Cute hat.
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    Just a thought...maybe try adding in some exercise. Sometimes a little extra activity can make a difference. Right now it sounds like you are overwhelmed by the food.

    Don't let it get you down. You can, and you will succeed!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    perhaps you just arent totally ready yet ? i know december, as well as november can be hard months..maybe you can restart after the new year, or talk yourself into it now..its harder for some than others, but im sure once you get totally focused and ready, you will do wonderful..best of luck
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I guess my question is .. clearly you are aware of what choices you are making which is GREAT first step, so what do YOU plan to do about it? What do you think you should do about it? how are you going to accomplish it?
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    We all have those times where we don't do as well as we would like to. Don't think of it as "failure" think of it as a minor setback. Make up your mind to making better choices (like if you HAVE to stop at McDonalds, tell yourself you'll order a salad). More than likely you'll avoid the fast food all together because it isn't as fun to eat a salad from a fast food joint as it is a burger. You'll bounce back just fine! ;)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    We all have hard times.
    When Im having a hard time controlling sweets - I get rid of them ALL - bring them to work or throw them out - just get rid of them. That's my best advice. Its soooo easy to cave to fast food - but fortunately I have built a disgust towards mcdonalds. take it one moment at a time - keep a healthy cereal bar in your purse when you are hungry on the go - or a piece of fruit - enough to tide you over til you can get a proper meal into you
    how is your exercise component coming into play ?
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    You will have a lot of distractions during the holidays and if you want a cookie, have one; if you want a sip of egg nog, have some; just try to track your calories and stay within your goal. After the holidays have passed you could start at full force and plan your groceries/meals accordingly. Don't beat yourself up for it. It took me 3 months to get into the groove of things because it's a life style change and in a little over a month I have lost 11 pounds! I have a similar weight loss goal to yours. Feel free to add me for support!!

    You can do this! :)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Remember too, it's not just the foods we eat but how much. You may not have control over what is available to you to eat right now so be mindful of quantity. Instead of 4 cookies, take 1 or 2. Instead of 5 pieces of pizza maybe 2 will do.

    And remember, drink lots of water. This will definitely help.

    You can do it! :)
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    No matter what you do, there will be obstacles in your weight loss. The difference between keeping at it and giving up is exactly what it sounds like!

    You just have to get back on the horse. You can't undo anything that's been done and if you start to dwell on what you have eaten or what you're not eating you are heading for trouble.

    Just keep at. Eat better. Make better decisions. And for god sake's don't beat yourself up! You need to be your own #1 fan in all of this.

    Last but not least, Merry Christmas.

  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    Don't worry, it sounds like you really do want to change. Just keep trying and eventually you will start to think differently and then you will have success. We are all here for you!!:flowerforyou:
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Thank you all! I have been walking more and doing some work out DVDs a few times a week. I am drinking lots of water too. I am always so hard on myself.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I don't know what you ordered at McDonald's, but you can order a salad with grilled chicken, and you can even get an extra piece of chicken. I always get the caesar with low fat vinaigrette when I have to eat there. Get to know the menus of the places you would normally eat out and figure out what the best choices are for you and your NEW LIFESTYLE. You can have pizza, just don't eat the whole pie! If you're ordering from a large chain, most of them have the nutritional information on their websites and you can figure out what type of pizza would be ok (stuffed crust will help you LOOK stuffed, and thin crust with veggies will help you get thin!). Some places offer whole wheat crust. You have to make up your mind what you want to do. Do you want to have 200 lbs to lose, or 156? You don't have to completely abstain from the things you like, just make them a treat and not an every day event. Don't keep trigger foods in your house until you're able to control yourself around them. My kids are not allowed to bring Oreos in the house, and there are other things, pizza included, that I sometimes lose my focus around, so I have to be very careful about bringing them home. You CAN do it! There is a sticky note with my name and a red circle with a line through it on the cookie tin in the office kitchen to remind myself to stay out of it. We're not all perfect, but it's totally doable!
  • beazelsmom
    You are so hard on yourself, just like me. I agree with almost every post lol. Especialy with the girl who said have one cookie, not 4 lol. You know small portions is the key, if its a favorite and you cant stop eating it, get rid of it. It sucks and its hard, but with everything going, its sooooooooooo easy to feel overwhelmed and like you cant do anything right. With parties and potlucks/christmas etc, take a small spoonful of something, the size of a silver dollar, portion control is key and making smarter choices as well, if you must eat out, think smarter, not work harder lol. I am soooooooooo proud of you, dont give up girl, you can do it, text, call, or fb chat me right now i am having a hard time getting back on track, and not eating all the time. We need to keep each other on track, if i can do it, you can do it. I love you girl, stay strong.

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