Is anyone else's family ruining their goals?

Well maybe its me too. I haven't logged my food for days because its been Steak n Shake, Piccadilly, etc and then my mother in law is cooking EVERY morning, noon night on top of that! My in-laws and relatives are in town for the holidays and not only is my biological family huge -- I married into a huge family as well! By huge I mean size wise! Everyone is either overweight, obese or morbidly obese -- men, women and children on both sides!

Its really hard to maintain my weight loss goals when they insist on eating large breakfasts, lunches and dinners. I tried hiding already but they keep finding me. My uncle is the pushiest, saying that "It's the holidays! No dieting! Save it for the New Years resolution!" FYI - hes 5'9, approximately 360, at 58 years, high blood pressure, diabetes you name it he's got it. I don't want this to happen to me. :(


  • sharonhauptman
    sharonhauptman Posts: 60 Member
    OK, your family's comfort zone is food. Accept it. Eat to your maintenance level, but give them no more!! Prepare huge cabbage salads continually. Stand in the kitchen chopping a cabbage head, bit by bit, nibbling on the cabbage all the while. Nibble nibble nibble.
  • No easy answers. Family is family and they can be pushy and think they know better then you.... even know you better then you. Can you fake a sick/sour stomach and then sip tea, toast with no butter, broth with veggies, no greasy meat... no sweets or heavy desserts? A stomach flu going around at work? Fighting family or trying to fit in with family is hard. Just do the best you can with the choices you have and do not give up! Even if you have a bad week or fall back to older habits... the relatives will leave at some point and you can get back to business and tighten things up again. Do the best you can and keep loooking to the future.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I know it's much easier to write than to do it but I would just ignore it and block them out and eat smaller portions. Like someone else mentioned, food is their comfort zone so they probably don't know better. Maybe they will catch on and not be as pushy :)
  • LolaNicole31
    LolaNicole31 Posts: 1 Member
    I really fiance is a junk food junkie!! and I really dislike eating that way....but I encourage healthier foods but what can I do?
  • Sounds like the families are sabotaging you, but look at it as a challenge. Once you reach your goal weight you will need to learn how to eat in the real world. You can't "diet" forever! Use this holiday as an opportunity to start now eating whatever you really want, but control the portion size. Choose carefully when you can. Use a smaller plate and a smaller portion and make sure you get your workouts in. Enjoy your family and don't let them get you down.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Tough love time. YOU are in charge of you and every bite that goes in. Of course it would be wonderful if we could surround ourselves with only healthy foods and lifestyles but that is part of the challenge and the journey --to figure out how to thrive in a society that supports being lazy and obese. YOU CAN DO It!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's another thought along the same lines: So maybe around the holidays everyone eats a bit more and you can too BUT try limiting the naughty stuff. AND on top of that, ADD in some extra exercise to combat the extra calorie load. Even if it isn't a wash, you're taking control of the situation.
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    Tell your family that you have decided to do this for you. if you are open with them and consistent with them they will stop pushing food on you. telling them that you are not going to eat that because of ______ (your diet, your life style change, you are not hungry)
    if they do not know that you are trying to watch what you eat then how are they two know if they are doing anything wrong but suggesting that you eat more?

    if they can not support you in this then maybe you shouldn't be around negative influences. (you can try telling them that to)

    i know that its hard. but just dont give up. if anything get them interested in what you are doing!
  • Thanks for the advice. I did manage to not overeat tonight and I credit my daughter for standing up for me. I had my uncle and nephew joking that they had a Bigger Loser contestant at the table so that felt like But, the victory is mine. I credit any weight loss to my daughter's support and encouragement I get from you guys on this MFP! :)
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    similar question was posted.. so copy n paste..

    to answer your question... people get annoyed when you talk about fitness,dieting, eating healthy etc constantly.. because it makes them feel like ur putting them down for eating and doing what they do and that is exactly what you get in return "ohh the crap ur doing is stupid and pointless" so just dont bug him and let him do what he wants n if he raises an odd eyebrow just work harder to achive ur goals until u hear him say "hey dear, what should i eat so i could cut down on fat n get some muscle, also how much r u paying for ur gym membership?"

    lead by example and showing results.. not nagging and b*tching because then u just become a neiuscens

    hear this problem alot even have the same problem in my house hold... i go through cycles of cutting and bulking.. so when im cutting i eat clean when im bulking... well i eat ALOT and occasionally i have blueberry muffin as a pre-workout carb up etc... n i get yelled at for bringing a effin muffin in the house!! like cmoon!!

    YOU are supposed to be the one controlling ur diet and what u put in your body! not ur SO, not your mother, not your best friend, not your boss at work!!! so quit whining and do what you got to do! good example... i was doing a anabolic diet/keto diet.. low carbing.. at the time i was part time deliveries at a pizza joint... if i was going by what alot ppl are saying here i would have to make a call to work and say... "sorry guys i cant come in to work anymore.. im dieting and you guys sell pizza... so unless u start making healthy salads for me at lunch time i wont be there"

    again the time i was low carbing my SO was telling me to cheat n just eat a muffin (i was craving one like crazy for the entire 3-4months) and she would tell me to eat this and that n the diet is stupid n what not.. well i have dedication and self diciplin.. i didnt b*tch whine or complain.. it was my decision to do the diet not hers.. so why would she have to suffer because i made a change??

    now she is doing a keto diet herself after seeing my results lmfao.

    ps. sorry if i came across rude but just heard ppl whine about this constantly..