Need advice-Hormones

So I stopped having TOM earlier this year and have been seeing a doctor about it. He is putting me on a month trial of Enjuvia to see if that helps (also progesterone), but will this make me gain weight? I have heard so many people say it does.



  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    There are very few drugs that actually change your metabolism to cause weight gain. Typically when drugs say they may cause weight gain, it's because it causes an increase in appetite. Since you are counting calories, you should be fine.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    There are very few drugs that actually change your metabolism to cause weight gain. Typically when drugs say they may cause weight gain, it's because it causes an increase in appetite. Since you are counting calories, you should be fine.

    I like this answer :D
  • I've just done research and people have. I also wonder if it will screw up my hormones. I'm only 18.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I've just done research and people have. I also wonder if it will screw up my hormones. I'm only 18.

    It sounds like your hormones are already "screwed up" and the doctor is offering you a solution to fix that.

    It's good to be actively involved in your health care... and it's good to question your doctor's advice within reason... but... you have a problem: your menstrual cycle isn't normal. You have a solution: you can take the hormone regiment recommended to your doctor.

    If you don't like that solution, you can talk to your doctor to find another one. Or you can do some research and come up with some kind of alternative therapy. Or you can choose not to treat your condition.

    But it is completely within your power to minimize weight gain while on this medication. Count calories. Stay within your calorie goal. Exercise. Be happy :) Don't stress. The pills aren't going to cause permanent changes to your body and they aren't going to make you gain weight uncontrollably.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Typically, natural menopause causes weight gain. So if your hormones are off, it could be you did/would gain weight because of that.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i would also suggest seeing an endocrinologist, if you haven't already (maybe you have...i have NO idea what Enjuvia is).
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Progesterone can cause bloating (it's the dominant hormone in the second half of your cycle right before TOM).

    Ask whether you can go on a ten day regimen of provera (also progesterone) instead of the full month. At the end of ten days, when you stop taking it, you should get your period and hopefully the subsequent cycles will be normal.
  • Is it possible that you have an eating disorder that you're not acknowledging?
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Yes, many people say that it's just "calories in, calories out" to lose weight, but that only applies to people with normal metabolisms. The chemical reactions that either burn calories or store them are triggered by various hormones. There are literally hundreds of different chemical hormones in your body, and they all interact with each other, so if one or two of them are off, then yes, it can affect your ability to lose weight. Lack of the correct hormonal "signals" to your cells can result in your body storing fat when it doesn't need to, or failing to turn the calories you eat into usable energy. So anytime you mess around with your hormones, there's a possibility that it will cause weight gain, or difficulty in losing weight.

    Have you been tested for PCOS? Lots of women on this site have that, and have taken hormones to treat it. You might do a topic search for PCOS & see if any helpful advice or threads pop up for you.

    I've only taken hormones once, but it was a bad experience. I was almost 17 and my cycles were still completely unpredictable, so the doc put me on birth control to try & even it out & regulate it. It worked, but caused depression as a side effect. After I caught myself contemplating suicide one day, I got off those things. I know there are lots of women who take them, with absolutely no ill effects. But there's a reason that they put those warning labels on there. So just be careful, work closely with your doctor, & pay close attention to any negative side effects.

    If you do have PCOS or a related disorder, many women have found it helpful to try a low-carb, high-protein diet. The chemical reaction that lets you get your energy from fat & protein (rather than from carbs) requires a slightly different mix of hormones. So sometimes, for people with problem metabolisms, this is an effective way to lose weight. You might ask your doctor about it.

    Good luck to you!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Personally, mine has stopped, and I am going to the doctor tomorrow for it. I don't mind it if I have to take hormones for 10 days, but if he asks me to go back on birth control for months at a time, I will say no. I just stopped taking my pills in October, and I feel wonderful without them.

    People say that something is wrong if your cycle isn't normal, but honestly, I'm only getting it checked because my doctor mentioned it in my last appointment to come back if it had been a full two months. I don't really want to get my period back. I don't miss it one bit.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    You know... it could be weight related. Your profile says you're 5' 5" and 113 lbs. That puts you on the low end of normal. Adding an extra 5lbs isn't going to hurt you at all and might be all you need to set things in motion again WITHOUT taking Enjuvia.
  • Progesterone can cause bloating (it's the dominant hormone in the second half of your cycle right before TOM).

    Ask whether you can go on a ten day regimen of provera (also progesterone) instead of the full month. At the end of ten days, when you stop taking it, you should get your period and hopefully the subsequent cycles will be normal.

    Actually what I'm doing is a month of the estrogen then on the 16th day adding progesterone.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Progesterone can cause bloating (it's the dominant hormone in the second half of your cycle right before TOM).

    Ask whether you can go on a ten day regimen of provera (also progesterone) instead of the full month. At the end of ten days, when you stop taking it, you should get your period and hopefully the subsequent cycles will be normal.

    Actually what I'm doing is a month of the estrogen then on the 16th day adding progesterone.

    Ok. I would still ask about just doing the provera for 10 days instead if you want to avoid a full month of hormones.
  • Progesterone can cause bloating (it's the dominant hormone in the second half of your cycle right before TOM).

    Ask whether you can go on a ten day regimen of provera (also progesterone) instead of the full month. At the end of ten days, when you stop taking it, you should get your period and hopefully the subsequent cycles will be normal.

    Actually what I'm doing is a month of the estrogen then on the 16th day adding progesterone.

    Ok. I would still ask about just doing the provera for 10 days instead if you want to avoid a full month of hormones.

    Would that eliminate the estrogen part? Because the prog. is only ten days.
    I'm supposed to start tomorrow, so should I call insteaD?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    hmm well I'm no doctor. Maybe the doctor had a specific reason for picking that regimen over the progesterone only. In any case I doubt one month is going to do any damage weight wise.. as long as you keep logging it should all be good. And you're fine weight wise right now so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape. Besides when I was on the pill I didn't gain at all, I think that's a little rare.
    ps yes it would eliminate the estrogen part.
    But maybe your doctor wanted that part in there for a specific reason that we can't know.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    My twin sister was disgnosed with breast cancer, I don't take hormones. I had a complete hysterectomy after being diagnosed with pre-uterine cancer about 5 years ago. Hormones are not for me..... :noway:

  • hmm well I'm no doctor. Maybe the doctor had a specific reason for picking that regimen over the progesterone only. In any case I doubt one month is going to do any damage weight wise.. as long as you keep logging it should all be good. And you're fine weight wise right now so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape. Besides when I was on the pill I didn't gain at all, I think that's a little rare.
    ps yes it would eliminate the estrogen part.
    But maybe your doctor wanted that part in there for a specific reason that we can't know.
    Alrighty, thanks. I'll just keep more of an eye on my calories. And try to eliminate sodium since I know water retention is commong.:)