
I am 18 years old and battling a weight problem, extremely.
I weigh 240 pounds, about 100lbs over weight for my age.
I want to have a greater self image of myself and just be
happy with myself. I have tried everything and I don't know what to do much longer. :(
Any tips? My motivation is kind of low.


  • cameralinds
    Don't get overwhelmed. Make small goals. 10 pound goals. 5 pound goals. Take it one step at a time. One day at a time. Get a good support system, both online and in real life if you can. Look in the mirror every day and tell yourself that you love yourself. Say three nice things about yourself any time something negative about yourself exits your mouth. On the days that it's hard, keep on trucking. On the days that you go in the red, know that at midnight (or when you wake up), that it's a new green day. Don't be hard on yourself, but kick your *kitten* at the same time. Never, ever, ever give up. Be good to you.

    Really clichéd and hokey, but try some of those things, especially the mirror and the three nice things part. They will do WONDERS for your self-esteem. Be consistent and as genuine as possible with it. If it feels forced, do it anyway. Your mind will catch up with your mouth in no time.

    You can do it!
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I am 18 years old and battling a weight problem, extremely.
    I weigh 240 pounds, about 100lbs over weight for my age.
    I want to have a greater self image of myself and just be
    happy with myself. I have tried everything and I don't know what to do much longer. :(
    Any tips? My motivation is kind of low.

    well u have taken the first step!! as for tips..

    -self diciplin - dont rely on others to help you, not your mom, not your dad, not your brother, not your bestfriend nobody! is going to help you achive your goal!!! you have to do what you set your mind to yourself!

    -dedication - once you have set your goal you have to be hungry! chase it no matter what happens, doesnt matter if you are sick, hungry, tired, unmotivated, or w/e ur excuse could be... because there simply is NO EXCUSES! you set a goal.. you made a promise to yourself! if you fail in the morning but you succeed at night! you are winner! if you fail and you give up... u just lied to yourself!!!

    -high motivation - find what type of motivation works for you! let it be videos, pictures, magazines.. whatever it may be! look at it every morning u wake up, everytime u think you want to eat something unhealthy, everytime u are about to give up!!!

    if you want to succeed at something you have to want it just as bad as if you were underwater and you need to gasp for air!! when u get that feeling you will succeed!

    good luck!
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    if i've learned anything about motivation.. it's gotta start with you and you have to really want it. this is a good place to get connected and try find people that'll inspire, support and help you.

    what specifically are you struggling with: "I have tried everything and I don't know what to do much longer. :( " ??

    keep within your cals! get workin out! good place to start! :)
  • nixon76k
    I definitely love this site as a starter. Seeing what you eat and keeping track of your goals really helps. I prefer to start out with smaller goals, and when I reach those, move my weight goal again. The little accomplishments can really build morale. Also, joining some of the challenges can keep you on track too! And support, support, support. Get some from your friends, family, etc. There are a lot of supportive people on this site as well. Good luck in your endeavor and feel free to add me if you'd like! You can do it!
  • bigga111111
    Personally I think it all starts with your diet. Start making small changes getting your body use to the change , dont try to go cold turkey. though this might work for some people, if you want to make these changes ,life changes, be realistic with yourself. Only you know what your body can handle . After getting control of your diet , it would be important to start an exercise plan, to help you to turn fat into muscle or just getting rid of fat. Just remember to make these changes, LIFE CHANGES, because diets last for certain time periods but Life Changes bring good habits. It will be hard sometimes but never give up .Good Luck.