Starting over on January 1, 2012!

For the past few months, I been having alot of troubles with migraines, working and so on. My food pattern was not going the right away. I keep telling myself I will go back to normal soon. But with holiday, working, sleeping pattern (working overnight shift, hopefully soon will switch to day time shift) and health issues with migraine and mesh is causing me up and down. I am telling myself that on January 1, 2012. I am going to be STRICT and COMMIT to my lifestyle changes. I didnt do anything bad from what I see to myself. Just eat a little more than I should. When I am in pain, I turn to food. I dont know if food help release the pain with Migraine and mesh, still testing myself. But I still excercise because my job kept me busy.

I wanted to express my feelings out with you guys because this is where I feel more confident. I know some of you guys would feel same because the holiday is in WAY of foods and exercise.

I have lost 113 pounds and I dont have time to go back up to where I was. So I had to make sure I continue doing my lifestyle changes. If I gained a little bit, I will know that I can always come back to MFP and start all over again. NO one cant be perfect and stay with MFP every single day BUT knowing have someone to talk to when frustated or upset or worry about health. So I am telling myself, on January 1, 2012 my life had to be WATCH out!!

Hope everyone have a good lifestyle changes..(I dont like word DIET, as it is a negative word), I would say lifestyle is what make life much better!! and HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!

Have a good day! Now I feel better! Whew! Thanks for listening!:love:


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    i feel you-- I have migraines anywhere from 15-20 days per month and it's terrible. So far it's been meaning less food for me than normal since it's been hard to eat but yeah, it can be tough. Are you getting treatment for your migraines? I hope so; I don't know what I'd do without my migraine meds.

    Good luck with your lifestyle change :) I find that changing one or two things at a time works better than trying to completely redo everything at once, but that's just me.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Oh man, I feel for you. Migraines are awful. I used to get them really bad. It's funny that you said you are starting over on January 1st, because when we were ringing in the new year for 2010, it was probably the worst day of my adult life. Ugh. I was on my bathroom floor, and I don't drink alcohol, so if I am found on the bathroom floor, everyone knows it's because a migraine made my puke my guts out.

    I had been hallucinating and everything.

    Honestly, when I had my migraines, weight loss was not my #1 priority. Just feeling better was.

    Please be careful when you get back on track. With migraines, you don't want to make too many drastic changes too soon. So, if you are currently eating 2000 calories a day, don't drop down to 1200 all of a sudden. Maybe eat 2000 a day for one week, 1800 a day for the next week, 1600 a day for the following week... you get the idea.

    I know for me, getting my sleeping patterns regulated was the biggest help ever, but I know that everyone is different, because what worked for me had nothing to do with my aunt's migraine problems.

    Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • ollie88bug
    I tried accupuncture for headaches and allergies and I can't explain it but IT WORKs...If you can try it...It will change your life