Husband brings in fast food

So I am really trying hard to lose weight but doesn't look like I am getting the support from my husband. He brings in fast food all the time breakfast, lunch and dinner. I cook and since I am not frying the food he doesn't really want to eat it and I include lots of veggies. So at times I succumb to eating some of his food which I know is defeating the goal but face it my mind still knows what that kind of food tastes like. I know its a matter of will power but just wish I had more support, ya know? :brokenheart:


  • Tammi6818
    Tammi6818 Posts: 10 Member
    So I am really trying hard to lose weight but doesn't look like I am getting the support from my husband. He brings in fast food all the time breakfast, lunch and dinner. I cook and since I am not frying the food he doesn't really want to eat it and I include lots of veggies. So at times I succumb to eating some of his food which I know is defeating the goal but face it my mind still knows what that kind of food tastes like. I know its a matter of will power but just wish I had more support, ya know? :brokenheart:

    Trust me when I tell you I know the feeling. My boyfriend doesn't buy fast food, but he loves to eat and always cooking and asking me to prepare various type of carribean food which can be very fattening. How about at breakfast he says " babes what are we having for lunch' and at lunch its "babes what are we having for dinner"...but this time around I am going to make sure I am strong for me and see that food and leave it alone.....even if I have to put masking tape on my
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    My husband use to do that frequently or bring in junk food and my favorite drinks in the house. The best thing to do in these situations is be full before you see the food! I know it's easier said then done to say just resist but when we are hungry we tend to eat whatever is convenient and around. I would have delicious healthy food surrounding me and the results (your weight loss) will speak for itself. Be strong and be full!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Are you explaining to him that his bringing that food into the house is making it harder for you to stay on track? My ex lived for fried chicken, and drank Coke all the time. I used to cave whenever he asked to get something from KFC, and then I made up my mind that I wasn't doing anything good for myself by eating what he ate. I would make him fried chicken as a treat, but I started finding more healthy ways to make the foods he liked so I could eat them, too. Or I would take the skin off some of the chicken before I cooked it, that way I could have a healthier meal even if he didn't. I hope you can get him to be more supportive.
  • KanBrit
    KanBrit Posts: 26 Member
    I understand totally. My hubby and kids have been bringing me all kinds of gifts lately... chocolate bars, ice cream you name it!. They never did this before I starting eating healither. I don't know if they are doing it on purpose or are just not thinking.
    I just keep trying to stay on track and not eat everything that they bring me. You can do it!! Don't let it get you down..
  • sydanne33
    I have struggled with this with my husband. He has a very fast metabolism and can eat whatever he wants. I have gained 30 lbs since we got married because I eat what he eats. If he brings home pizza I eat it, if he gets a burger I get a burger. I love cooking, for a while I was making chicken breast or fresh fish and veggies every night. He was miserable, and would go out to get a burger or ice cream, and I would end up eating a burger or ice cream too…I am realizing this is not his fault, and I have decided that while we need to share everything else in our marriage, our food choices should not coincide.

    I have started eating dinner before he gets home, and if he wants to go to a burger joint, I will go with him and not eat. It takes will power, but if your husband is unwilling to eat ANYTHING healthy like mine is….its your only choice. I will still cook him what he wants for dinner, but I make my own separate meal for myself.