Spin On My Own during Spin Class?

Does anyone think it's rude if I put my headphones on, turn on my Spin App and Spin to my own pace etc instead of following an instructor during class?

There is a Tuesday Spin class, but I am highly annoyed by the fact that the schedule says it's a Spin Cycle class (45 minute ride) but when you go it's actually a Spin bootcamp where you get off the bike every 3 minutes for a 1.5 minute bootcamp session (crunches, squats etc)? I find it very annoying myself, because I don't think I get a really good workout this way, as it's only 3 minutes on the bike every 5 minutes!!

So I want to Spin tonight and thought maybe I could just spin on my own during class, since I have a Spin app on my Ipod?


  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'd speak to the instructor privately, first.
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Can't you just use the bikes during a time when there is no spin class? If that's not an option, I'd talk to the instructor of the class first to make sure they know you're not trying to be rude but just use the bike for that time slot :)
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I'd speak to the instructor privately, first.

    She says that it's our class and if we don't want get off the bike we don't have to. So its the same thing right?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Can't you just use the bikes during a time when there is no spin class? If that's not an option, I'd talk to the instructor of the class first to make sure they know you're not trying to be rude but just use the bike for that time slot :)
    that's what I was thinking too. at my gym they have a few spin bikes out on the floor for people to use on their own.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Can't you just use the bikes during a time when there is no spin class? If that's not an option, I'd talk to the instructor of the class first to make sure they know you're not trying to be rude but just use the bike for that time slot :)

    Not that I can go, I'm at work all day and get to the gym about 5:00, the class starts at 5:30, I take Spin Monday (on my own), Wednesday (on my own) Thursday with instructor, and Saturday morning with the instructor... I was doing Tuesday's at another gym before I moved, but this class sucks
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Can't you just use the bikes during a time when there is no spin class? If that's not an option, I'd talk to the instructor of the class first to make sure they know you're not trying to be rude but just use the bike for that time slot :)
    that's what I was thinking too. at my gym they have a few spin bikes out on the floor for people to use on their own.

    I wish! LOL .. but nope they don't have them on the floor.. just in the class room, which is open when there is not class, but there is always a class in the evenings.
  • nynex909
    nynex909 Posts: 1 Member
    Could you tell me what Spin App you use, please?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    I would talk to the instructor and if she says you don't have to get off the bike then I see no harm in using your app. I have an instructor who is technically excellent but her music is awful! I sit in the back of the room and use my iPod. I generally follow her moves (climb, run, etc) but do it to my music. I'd love to know the app too!
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I think it could send the message that you think you know better then the Instructor, which he/she (and the rest of the class) may find insulting.

    But, I am totally interested in the spinnnig app. I didn't know that one existed! Thanks.
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I'd speak to the instructor privately, first.

    She says that it's our class and if we don't want get off the bike we don't have to. So its the same thing right?

    I think it's probably the same (sorry, I missed this post before my earlier response).

    Maybe just sit at the back.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Someone did that in my spin class on Sunday... he was already working out before the class started...

    He was using the Spin Mentor app... I downloaded it and am trying it for the first time tonight