Loose skin question? Preferably moms

I am 148lbs.... now I was 153lbs and I am 5'2. I have had two kids so that is where all my weight came from because before this I was 105lbs, and I gained weight quickly with my first. So I have stretch marks and more skin then fat on my stomach. Yes I do have plenty of fat on my stomach though otherwise I wouldn't be on here trying to lose weight, but I am curious... Will I have loose skin in the end... because I have one of those stomach's where all the stretch marks were on my belly by my belly button.. so now my stomach isn't smooth but bumpy and just not smooth lol? Anyone else lose the weight and not have a problem etc...


  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I'm a guy, but I have the stretch marks like you described.. Anyways, stretch marks don't necessarily mean loose skin, it's one of those things you won't know til you get there. Big things, lose the weight slow, and keep hydrated (lots and lots of water) will help you have less loose skin. Be patient, work out, drink right, and you'll get better results then dropping it all off at once.

    Good luck!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm a guy, but I have the stretch marks like you described.. Anyways, stretch marks don't necessarily mean loose skin, it's one of those things you won't know til you get there. Big things, lose the weight slow, and keep hydrated (lots and lots of water) will help you have less loose skin. Be patient, work out, drink right, and you'll get better results then dropping it all off at once.

    Good luck!

    Agreed - it takes time and patience. The stretch marks may not disappear completely, but much of the skin will tighten up. I've seen changes just in the last few months as I've lost weight, and my youngest is 8.
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    I'm a guy, but I have the stretch marks like you described.. Anyways, stretch marks don't necessarily mean loose skin, it's one of those things you won't know til you get there. Big things, lose the weight slow, and keep hydrated (lots and lots of water) will help you have less loose skin. Be patient, work out, drink right, and you'll get better results then dropping it all off at once.

    Good luck!

    thanks so much !!
  • nikkih1013
    Yes, as someone said, drink lots of water! water helps plump your skin and helps hydrate your skin. When you lose weight your skin gets dehydrated so the water will help plump up your skin again. Also make sure your exercising to help muscle toning.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I have 4 children and I have skin--not a lot--but its there. I gained a lot, but also lost a lot. When I had my 3rd I lost a lot of weight and looked really good and was down to a goal weight I liked. However, there was still a little skin. I noticed when I started doing strength training with my cardio, it got way more toned.

    Good luck!
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    I have extra skin, and I have a friend who has had two kids and is super toned but she still has extra wrinkly skin on her belly. Its like when you blow up a balloon and then let the air out, its never the same. Except for those few women...whom I hate ;) lol
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Keeping a nice tan also helps for stretch marks, fyi...if you ever look close up at alot of fitness models even have stretch marks in places.