Attack of the Munchies...

I dont know what it is but I just got the sudden urge to start snacking... I know I'm not really hungry, but every time I go fill up my water bottle or pass the front cafe area in my office, I cant help but grab a small piece of one of the many types of holiday goodies that are up there! I've been so good resisting temptation lately, but today is tough!


  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Oh I hate those feelings! I was like that yesterday! I think today is going to be bad to because work is so slow. Good thing is only thing i can eat are pineapple bits! because that's all i have!!
  • I am like that daily. I know diet sodas will increase cravings for sweets and to munch, and I am a sucker for a good diet coke every now and again. So I have found staying away from diet soda's is helpful. Also, a piece of gum can also help witht he issue of wanting to chew something without the calorie intake. There are some very yummy pieces out that for the choosing. My last tip, if you just have to eat something especially if it is something sweet, eat a piece of fruit, like an apple or a pear. So far Ive seen results in just a few weeks, and be careful, snacking adds up, i know, my waist line doesn't lie :)
  • Whenever I feel the need to snack on something sweet I try to brush my teeth. This seems to help me avoid the goodies
  • Whenever I feel the need to snack on something sweet I try to brush my teeth. This seems to help me avoid the goodies