aaaaaand i'm back. Again.

So. I am just frustrated with my lack of will power. I have been back and back and back so many times now it's just annoying. I always start off amazing and just go all out but then missing one workout leads to missing 2, to missing a week then all of a sudden i'm heavier than I was before and I give up. I don't want to give up. I want to feel good. I want to get the compliments and feel good and see a change in myself. How do I stick with it though? I know that coming back is the first step and of course hitting the gym is the first step too. I went this morning and just did 30 min. on the treadmill which was nice. Now, how long can I keep this up? I wish the answer was A.) FOREVER but I'm just scared of failure again. The idea of ANOTHER FAILED attempt at this life change is what has kept me away from the gym until today. I found the wedding dress for my June wedding and I want to look amazing in it. I know that chris loves me the way I am, but I want to feel like how he sees me. If only I could keep up the willpower. What keeps you all motivated? How do you keep going on days when you just want to sleep? Is it taking pictures, is it measuring? I need help and some people to kick my butt.


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    When it's time and you truly want it, it just clicks.. I was a horrible yo-yo'er as well. Something just clicked one day, and some reason no matter what gets thrown in my way it doesn't stop me. I'm not sure what the difference is, it is just different.

    Keep at it, and don't stop. Just keep chugging away and realize that one day isn't going to undo you.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    It helps me to have my diary visable to friends. That way, they can see what I'm putting in my mouth and it makes me rethink what I'm eating. It's all abotu the support system. I don't want people to see me slacking!
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    I totally agree with the above. I spent years yoyo ing. You have to be ready in your head to do this. Focus on your wedding and if it's what you really want you can do it!

    Good luck!
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    When it's time and you truly want it, it just clicks.. I was a horrible yo-yo'er as well. Something just clicked one day, and some reason no matter what gets thrown in my way it doesn't stop me. I'm not sure what the difference is, it is just different.

    Keep at it, and don't stop. Just keep chugging away and realize that one day isn't going to undo you.

    This was the same for me as well. I actually logged onto this site with a completely negative outlook. However, as I looked around, I got highly motivated and just *knew* that this time, I could make it work. The transformation took about a week to a month of logging. A week to get motivated and another month to realize that this WILL work for me, I just have to stick with it!

    Also, I decided to do lots of things different this time around. I did NOT ignore what I looked like (which I normally did until I lost 20 pounds or so). I did NOT put any time frames on my weight loss. Any time I have ever done that, I have been disappointed with myself for not hitting some target goal instead of being happy with the weight I already lost and my current successes! So my suggestion is to think about what you did that was discouraging in the past and don't do it this time!

    Try new foods. Healthy foods - and cook them in different ways. Sure helps you to not feel deprived when you are constantly eating new and interesting things!

    Try some new exercises. Come up with some health goals. Weight loss is 80 percent what you eat, however, since you intend to lose weight, then you should move that body. Give yourself another reason you want to lose weight - because you want to be able to run faster, or get through a zumba class - anything!

    Good luck to you! Once you hit that groove, you will find it to be quite easy! It's just a change in attitude and your overall goals in life that make it click. Maybe even faking it for a while will eventually make it happen for you ;)
  • mdorisi
    mdorisi Posts: 69 Member
    EEK! having a visable diary is scary but you're would me another thing for people to have to see...I'm liking it. keep it coming! :)
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    When it's time and you truly want it, it just clicks.. I was a horrible yo-yo'er as well. Something just clicked one day, and some reason no matter what gets thrown in my way it doesn't stop me. I'm not sure what the difference is, it is just different.

    Keep at it, and don't stop. Just keep chugging away and realize that one day isn't going to undo you.

    I agree! I would start a plan only to give up a few weeks later when life/college got in the way. A friend of my mom's told her about this site, and so far this is the only thing that has worked for me. I started slow, tracking what I ate for a week, and then slowly transitioned into a diet. It took longer for me to add exercise because I absolutely hate it! LoL But I'm nearing 30, and I don't want to be dead when I'm 40, so that's what made me change. Since Sept. of this year I've lost 32 lbs, and gained a ton of knowledge.

    Feel free to add me if you need support/motivation. I have down days like everyone, and some days I'm just to busy to exercise, but those days off let me recharge and get back into my routine.
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    Most of us are in the same boat dear.

    But this time, I am trying to make work-out and eating healthy just a a way of life.
    Not think of it as a means to achieve something.

    And, I am hoping that by doing so, the weight will come off in x amount of time in the future.
    Not thinking of it too much and not stressing can also have a positive effect on weight loss!!
  • rwilliams718
    rwilliams718 Posts: 3 Member
    i feel the same as you do! I found this on a forum and i literally hung it up in my room to look at it and read every day. Its helping! I changed it to first person so I can relate better, but hope it helps!

    Don’t think of your fitness as work, but rather a way of life:
    It’s kind of like taking a shower, sure you can go without one, but you just don’t feel right the rest of the day.

    Don’t skip workouts.
    Take training days as seriously as a Dr.’s appointment. Appointments and meetings get scheduled around your workout time, not the other way around.

    Take your rest as seriously as your workouts.
    Know that in order to perform at your best and to get the most out of your body, you have to give it a rest. Rest days and sleep are as essential as the workouts them self.

    Eat to fuel your goals.
    Everything you eat serves a purpose. Protein for muscles, carbs for energy, and produce for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Treats are done, but never over-done.

    Tune everything out when you work out.
    Focus. You know that anything you give your undivided attention to works out better. Being in tune with your body allows you to make tweaks, and know which tweaks to make.

    Push through frustration
    If you think it’s easy for the super fit to get fit, and stay fit, you’re wrong. They’re highly competitive and always striving to hit new goals. They struggle like everyone else with busy lives, stress, plateaus, fatigue, and frustration. But there’s isn’t a thought of giving up, it’s just a matter of finding your answer.

    Prepare your food in advance and don’t leave hunger to chance.
    Know what you’ll be eating the whole day. If you don’t bring you food, you know what you can order off menus and what you can find at a grocery store.

    use your flaws as motivators, not a reason to give up
    See your flaws and despise them like everyone else. But rather than letting your flaws bring you down, use them to motivate you UP.

    Envision the win-goal-finish line every day
    The goal is crystal clear in your mind. Regardless of life’s pressures race towards the winner’s tape.

    Persistance, persistance, persistance
    Stay persistent!

    There are no excuses
    Learn early that excuses are time-suckers and don’t get you anywhere near your goal. Better to get it done then whine about why you didn’t.

    There is no giving up
    Enough said.
  • What keeps me motivated is that my dr thinks if I lose 60-70 lbs, I shouldn't become a full diabetic and possibly come off diabetic meds all together:smile: After that my kids I wanna be around when they get married! :happy:
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I decided in January to take it one choice at a time. I would tackle the low hanging fruit and make gradual changes. I set very modest goals, but logged religiously. And keeping my diary open was a big step toward accountablity.

    Make up your mind to do it, one step at a time. You can, I know you can. But you have to know you can.
  • I wish myfitnesspal had a like button so I could like your post. Thanks for the daily motivation! It made my inspiration wall!

    Edit: directed at RWilliams reply
  • rwilliams718
    rwilliams718 Posts: 3 Member
    yay!! im glad it could help u as it did me!