Running advice??

I used to be a serious runner. Then I got pregnant. My balance was terrible, fell a couple times and wasn't able to run anymore. Now baby is 3 months old and I want to start running again! We don't have a treadmill (or a car right now for that matter). The husband gets ready for work at 630 every morning so I would have to get up at like 6 to go for a half hour. Baby is too young to sit in a jogging stroller and run with me. Not to mention I don't want to tell my husband I am running. Weird, I know. But I want to surprise him with a fit me! Soo... what should I do? Get up super early and tell him anyway? Wait until baby is a little older? Get a sitter for an hour a day? What would you do?

Btw, my 3 month old is doing squats in front of me on her own, <<proud mother right here!!


  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I'd get a sitter and run then..
  • starross87
    Maybe find a gym with a daycare that's included in the membership...I know at most YMCA's they have on-site daycare facilities with certified babysitters and trustworthy staff. It's something to look into!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Run back and forth inside the house and up and down the stairs. It's better than nothing, and gives you a chance to get back in the swing of things until baby's old enough for a jogging stroller.

    Is hubby home in evenings?

  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    Run back and forth inside the house and up and down the stairs. It's better than nothing, and gives you a chance to get back in the swing of things until baby's old enough for a jogging stroller.

    Is hubby home in evenings?


    Our house is pretty small, actually REALLY small. lol No where to run. He is home in the evenings but that's usually rushed. Dinner, a little family time and bed. I'd honestly rather give up some sleep than family time!!

    I may just get a babysitter a couple times a week. I have no way of getting to a gym right now :/ Thanks guys!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    A sitter would be great. Even better if you had a friend or relative who can come by and help you out for an hour a couple times a week.

    Good luck.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Run back and forth inside the house and up and down the stairs. It's better than nothing, and gives you a chance to get back in the swing of things until baby's old enough for a jogging stroller.

    Is hubby home in evenings?


    Our house is pretty small, actually REALLY small. lol No where to run. He is home in the evenings but that's usually rushed. Dinner, a little family time and bed. I'd honestly rather give up some sleep than family time!!

    I may just get a babysitter a couple times a week. I have no way of getting to a gym right now :/ Thanks guys!

    Ours is very small too. I have run back and forth in a hotel room too. Or you can run on the spot. All the time that Nelson Mandela was in prison, he worked out in his cell:

    "On Monday through Thursday, I would do stationary running in my cell in the morning for up to forty-five minutes. I would also perform one hundred fingertip push-ups, two hundred sit-ups, fifty deep knee-bends and various other calisthenics."

  • moniquelessard
    I would get up early and run. Get it out of the way. In the late morning or early afternoon you can nap when she naps if you feel tired. Honestly, just tell your hubby. He will be able to support you and watch your daughter while you run. I'm a single parent here (from when my daughter was 1 month old). I'm also a runner. I would have KILLED to have someone to watch her for 30 mins a day so that I could run. Take advantage of the support you have. :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I would get up early and run. Get it out of the way. In the late morning or early afternoon you can nap when she naps if you feel tired. Honestly, just tell your hubby. He will be able to support you and watch your daughter while you run. I'm a single parent here (from when my daughter was 1 month old). I'm also a runner. I would have KILLED to have someone to watch her for 30 mins a day so that I could run. Take advantage of the support you have. :)

    I agree with this...and good luck! (and congrats on the new baby!)
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    When I tried to start running again after I had my oldest, I injured both knees by starting too hard. I didn't realize exactly how hard pregnancy was on my body. I'm starting slower this time and having better luck.

    Does the seat on your jogger fully recline?
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks all!

    The seat on my jogger doesn't. It was a nice used jogger as I can't afford much lol.
  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    If you have a regular stroller or a baby backpack or frontpack, I would go ahead and start walking. Then when baby can be okay in jogging stroller, you will be ready to run.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I would do it first thing in the morning. Saves money and you get time to yourself!! Or if you can, next option will be babysitter!! most strollers will accommodate babies at 6 mos I believe!!!
    Good luck! I did my first marathon when my daughter was 8 mos old!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I would do it first thing in the morning. Saves money and you get time to yourself!! Or if you can, next option will be babysitter!! most strollers will accommodate babies at 6 mos I believe!!!
    Good luck! I did my first marathon when my daughter was 8 mos old!
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I run at 4:30 in the a.m. so my suggestion would be to get up and do it early. That way it is out of the way and there is nothing that can alter your plans for running as would if you did it later. If I plan on running after work I usually don't because I have a headache, am to tired, etc. I'm definitely not a morning person and I would rather not run at all, but it keeps me fit and I am always signing up for races just so I have something I have to train for. And while it would be great to surprise him with a fit you, it would probably be even better if he knew so he could support you. :) Happy running!