
I think i might have a problem with under eating :grumble :grumble :sick :sick :frown
Today i am full to bursting and have only eaten 1109 calories when my daily goal WITHOUT exercise is 1200.. to make matters worse i did 50 mins of exercise today from walking && swimming and burnt off another 404 cals :laugh :laugh. I can't actually eat any more otherwise i will vomit!! i have had the same trouble in the 2nd day of MFP.. ((this is only my third day)) I only ate 1101 cals yesterday and was full; to make matters worse I did loads of exercise and had a daily goal with exercise of 2398 :laugh :laugh :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway I had 1297 left at the end of the day :frown
I have eaten loads today.. For Breakfast I had one slice of toast with butter, Lunch i had a bowl of fruit and fibre, For a snack i had some yoghurt covered raisins and peanuts, then for dinner I had a beefburger and a sausage and then 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream! NOW I AM FULL TO BURSTING!!!!
I don't understand how i am not eating enough calories... I have stopped exercising as much and am being more lenient to fatter foods!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???!!???


  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    I think i might have a problem with under eating :grumble :grumble :sick :sick :frown
    Today i am full to bursting and have only eaten 1109 calories when my daily goal WITHOUT exercise is 1200.. to make matters worse i did 50 mins of exercise today from walking && swimming and burnt off another 404 cals :laugh :laugh. I can't actually eat any more otherwise i will vomit!! i have had the same trouble in the 2nd day of MFP.. ((this is only my third day)) I only ate 1101 cals yesterday and was full; to make matters worse I did loads of exercise and had a daily goal with exercise of 2398 :laugh :laugh :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway :noway I had 1297 left at the end of the day :frown
    I have eaten loads today.. For Breakfast I had one slice of toast with butter, Lunch i had a bowl of fruit and fibre, For a snack i had some yoghurt covered raisins and peanuts, then for dinner I had a beefburger and a sausage and then 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream! NOW I AM FULL TO BURSTING!!!!
    I don't understand how i am not eating enough calories... I have stopped exercising as much and am being more lenient to fatter foods!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???!!???
  • usmdancer88
    usmdancer88 Posts: 14
    maybe the foods you eat are just lower in calories, such as fruits and veggies (which are pretty low in calories)....you might want to add more in that area to fill your calories, but i also have the same problem. I never fulfill my calorie amount, especially after exercise. I completely understand!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Try smaller healthier meals more times a day- You should be eating every 1.5 to 2.5 hours from your last meal-

    Also always have a protein with a complex carb (the list of complex carbs isn't big so have at it)
    Don't forget your good fats again that list isn't long either.

    When you eat healthy you have to try harder to get it all in so you just increase your portions a little-
    I workout really intensely however I don't eat the calories I earn in the gym and I am eating anywhere from 1400-1600-

    1200 calories puts me at a standstill I am too active to only eat that much and that doesn't include my workouts

    Post your meals of what you ate if you don't mind it would make it easier to show what we can help with as well
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    One little piece of toast filled u up at b-fast?
    I wish I had that problem...but seriously....
    I would take baby steps and try to bump up your cal at snack/meal time
    Add nuts or string cheese.......add peanut butter....try pb with apples

    what about drinking cals....like with your toast a carnation b-fast drink (powder you add to milki, or any protein/whey powder)

  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Try smaller healthier meals more times a day- You should be eating every 1.5 to 2.5 hours from your last meal-

    Also always have a protein with a complex carb (the list of complex carbs isn't big so have at it)
    Don't forget your good fats again that list isn't long either.

    When you eat healthy you have to try harder to get it all in so you just increase your portions a little-
    I workout really intensely however I don't eat the calories I earn in the gym and I am eating anywhere from 1400-1600-

    1200 calories puts me at a standstill I am too active to only eat that much and that doesn't include my workouts

    Post your meals of what you ate if you don't mind it would make it easier to show what we can help with as well
    Here are my meals for today::
    Breakfast: Butter - Unsalted, 1 pat (1" sq, 1/3" high) Cals: 36 Carbs: 0 Fat: 4 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 11 Vit C: 0, to go with: Brace's - Thick White Bread, 1 slice Cals: 90 Carbs: 18 Fat: 1 Protein: 4 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C: 0
    Lunch: Kellogg’s - 40g of Fruit and Fibre With 125ml of Semi Skimmed Milk , 40 g with 125 ml of milk: Calories: 202 Carbs: 33 Fat: 5 Protein: 8 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C: 0 Dinner: Tesco - Quarter Pounder Beef Burger, 1 burger Calories: 185 Carbs: 5 Fat:11 Protein:18 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C:0 Asda - Pork Sausages, 1 sausage Calories: 115 Carbs: 1 Fat: 7 Protein: 12 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C: 0 Breyer's - All Natural Chocolate Ice Cream, 1/2 cup Cals: 140 Carbs: 17 Fat: 7 Protein: 2 Cholesterol: 20 Vit C: 0
    Snacks : Vitamin Tablet, 1 raw Cals: 0 Carbs: 0 Fat: 0 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C: 100 Percy Dalton's - Peanuts, Raisins and Chocolate Chips, 75 g Calories: 336 Carbs: 36 Fat: 17 Protein: 10 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C: 0 Carrots - raw, 1 large Cals: 5 Carbs: 1 Fat: 0 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 0 Vit C: 2 Total: 1,109 111 52 54 31 102 Your Daily Goal: Cals:1,604 Carbs:220 Fat:53 Protein:60 Cholesterol: 300 Vit C:100 Remaining: Cals: 495 Carbs: 109 Fat:1 Protein:6 Cholesterol: 269 Vit C:-2
    *You've earned 404 extra calories from exercise today
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    i got told that yesterday too so I tried eating some... i had about 75g of yoghurt covered peanuts and raisins mostly peanuts :smile: :smile: While it did help with my calories I'm still under :laugh: :laugh:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    have you ever thought about having a big mixed garden salad with 2 tablespoons of dressing? Close to 200 calories by itself.

    two pieces of bread with some pb on and a glass of milk
    try oatmeal with a banana

    What I love to eat after workouts is a small banana (90 cals) a tablespoon of peanut butter (100 cals) and a quarter cup of whole unsalted Almonds (160 cals) mix it in a bowl and eat.
    350 cals total and its all good for you too loaded with protein :D

    siice the banana up, add in the almonds and peanut butter in a bowl and mix
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I'll be happy to share my overage with you! :tongue:
    What about protein shakes or meal replacement bars? Muscle Milk especially is fairly high in calories but they are very balanced with protein/fat/carbs.Or What about adding an egg or two with a slice of bacon to breakfast. Your breakfast is very, very small with no protein. So maybe if you spread your calories around differently? Your lunch and snack were also pretty tiny with a big dinner.
    I'm sorry I don't have any other ideas. I can easily and have been (before MFP)eating 3000 calories a day but since I work off 800-1200 I didn't gain weight, but I sure as heck didn't lose it either!
    Good luck!

  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    Switch your white bread for whole grain - it will boost your calories, add fiber and it has a ton more nutrients that white bread.

    Use Peanut Butter or Almond Butter instead of regular butter, because you can get a lot more on your bread and the fat in the PB is better for you than the fat in the butter (don't get me wrong, butter isn't bad, but when you are undereating so much, you NEED more nutrients in each bite)

    Ditch the yogurt covered raisins (because they are sugar covered sugar) - and trade them for whole nuts and fresh berries, or some yogurt (don't bother going with fat free because you need the calories and fat free means more sugar if you go for the flavored variety) Raisins are not necessarily bad, but they are sugar-dense and should be eaten sparingly and it doesn't make sense to cover them in more sugar.

    Eat a banana for 105 instant calories, top it with peanut butter for a balanced snack

    If you're gonna eat a burger, put it on a whole grain bun with a sliced tomato and some cheese for more cals. Or put your sausage on a bed of wild rice (or whole wheat pasta) and add in some steamed veggies!

    Like another poster suggested, eat more often and try the instant breakfast drink if you're interested - it's packed with vitamins.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    breakfast- you need protein. 1 egg, 1 whole wheat english muffin, thin slice ham......yummo.

    you need food to lose weight. I know it sounds insane, but I sent my body into an holding pattern by under eating for too long. I just got off 1 month on maint. cals to give poor me a break.

    Now I am at 1200 + exercise cals (and I am DOING 30-120 min a day!! ) WIll work for food!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    You only eat Buttered bread for breakfast?- You need like 350 400 calories per meal plus at least 2 snacks totaling 100-200 calories

    My breakfast is typically

    A packet of Original Oatmeal with a packet of splenda and some eggs - thats my protein and complex carb

    my am snack is usually a Protein Shake

    Lunch- Some form of protein and complex carb- Like Friday I had some turkey so I ate another packet of oatmeal for my carb since I didn't have anything else that I could have

    Pm snack protein bar or a Green Apple

    Dinner- some kind of meat with brown rice or sweet potato and a vegetable

    Before bed snack another Shake

    You have to eat--

    Also what were you eating like before you decided to jump on the weight loss bandwagon?
    What was your typical day like?
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    My typical day before i started MFP was like this:
    Breakfast: Nothing - so I'm quite proud now I actually eat something :smile:
    About 10.15 - cheese salad sandwiches, an apple and a packet of crisps,
    About 1- Another apple and a chocolate bar.
    about 4 - Another packet of crisps
    Dinner (around 7) - A whole pizza and some fries
    Bedtime snack (around 10) a large handful of grapes or a 2 carrots.
    I was eating a LOT!!! this is why i need to lose weight! :laugh: :laugh:
    Good news.. Third day in i have lost 2 pounds :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy::blushing:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Macdonalds? lol
    someone said chocolate milk shake is a good way to bump up your cals and good after excersise.
    chocolate milk recovery
    i could fill my cals easily but then im lazy lol!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    ps congrats on the 2pounds loss woo!!!:smile:
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks :smile:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    your meals are much too small. Small meals are fine if you're on a 6 meal a day plan, but you're not... a slice of bread is not a meal. Pair it with a couple scrambled eggs, a glass of milk and a piece of fruit and we're talking. A BALANCED meal contains food from every food group, never just one of 2. You need more protein in your diet. Your lunch is more like a snack. for exmaple my lunch today: a slice of cantaloupe, 1 cup chicken gumbo soup, 2 slices wheat bread toasted with 1 tbIs natural peanut butter, and a strawberry yogurt. I don't know how you're not ravenous!
  • vickyclare96
    vickyclare96 Posts: 124 Member
    I do get a bit hungary but then i just look at the calories and realise it's not worth it...
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    But you have the calories to spare... Why isn't it worth it?
  • Petunia_K
    Petunia_K Posts: 35
    Wait- you said you do get hungry? But then you look at the calories and decide not to eat the food. If the fact is that you are eating when you are hungry and you just can't eat any more that is a different story than if you are stopping when you are hungry because you're afraid the calories will add up.

    One thing I noticed was that you listed that you ate a Quarter Pounder Beef Burger, 1 burger Calories: 185. That seems really low for a quarter pounder. I know the one at McD. is at least 400 cals with no cheese. Is it possible that on the days that you are stuffed you are underestimating the calories you are actually eating?

    I'm really glad you are being successful so far. Good luck. Try to pack in the nutrients and make calories secondary. If you are hungry and you are way below your cal limit, eat something nutritious. If you are not hungry, maybe don't sweat it unless you are plateauing in your weight loss and then you may have to bump up your cals. for a while like the previous post said. :flowerforyou: