More Calories in AM or PM?

Can anyone tell me when the majority of your calories should be eatten? When I log my meals it tells me I'm not eating enough calories to reach my daily goal. What is the best way to devide my calories up between each meal? Thanks Bridgette


  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I usually do mine at lunch, earlier in the day..if I cram too much food at night, I might go to bed feeling bloated..or it might reflect on the scale the next morning if doing a weigh in.
  • backstreet1008
    The time of the day really doesn't matter. Some people (including myself) feel that it's better to have a bigger breakfast but that's simply because it keeps me going and I happen to be the most hungry earlier in the day. But it really all depends on the individual. Do you have snacks between your meals?

    If you make your diary public we can make suggestions of foods to add to make sure you're eating enough.
  • 4HealthyMe
    4HealthyMe Posts: 34 Member
    In my opinion, it doesn't matter when you eat the most calories. What would you prefer? Eating more in the a.m. or p.m.? Would you prefer more snacks or bigger meals? I prefer to save my calories for dinner & an evening snack. And I prefer to exercise in the morning. But I am consistent with my exercise and on target with my calories. THAT is what matters most.

    Maybe play around with it and see what works for you.
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    I definitely consume the majority of my calories between 6am and noon, but that is just personal preference and I usually run in the mornings so I need the extra then. If you are having problems meeting your calorie goal try foods like almonds, avocado's, peanut butter.....things that aren't too filling "bulk wise" but pack a lot of punch and are good for you. If you have been undereating for a long time it will take your body a while to adjust and start losing weight, and if you have been undereating for a long time, don't be surprised if you do gain a little at first. How much are you consuming a day and how much is your goal?
    EDIT: keep your diary open and you will get all kinds of suggestions if you ask for help, just remember to take it all with a grain of salt and research the ideas presented to you before you jump right in :) Good Luck!