What would you do?

savlyon Posts: 474 Member
Here's my situation:
I absolutely love my job. I have 3 day weekends. I am off before 5pm and never work nights. I never ever have a bad day at work. My boss is great. I love the location, it's close to home and my daughter's school. My tasks are simple and allow me enough time to do other things (like MFP or knit or read a book.) I work with at risk teenagers and get to be one of the only positive influences in their lives. I get to see their lives totally changed sometimes!! Sometimes it is boring and it doesn't use near enough of my talent/skills and it is not necessarily in my field, but the experience could add to future work in my field. There is no room for advancement. I don't see myself here for the long haul, and I'm not expected to be, but I think I have enough stressers outside of my job, that it is really nice to go to work and have everything completely stable. I never wake up wishing I didn't have to go to work.

Here's my problem:
Each month when I get paid it isn't enough. They cut the budget so I didn't get a raise this year (I'm lucky to have a job) and I can't get more hours. I know people will say "what is enough?" but we are truly in the poverty range, even though I have a bachelor's degree. I am able to pay my basic expenses like rent, gas, utilities, phone, etc...but when things like the brakes go out on my car or even a $20 copay at the doctor's office sets me behind big time. Paying student loans is a dream right now. I pick up extra shifts here and there at the YMCA in the evenings and on Fridays, I babysit kids and find other resources when I can.

I know everyone has financial difficulty right now...I'm just curious, what would you do? Would you find another job that you might not like, or stick with what you really like doing even if it doesn't pay the bills? What's more important? Happiness or money?


  • Alishia_655
    Honestly, I think Happiness is more important. But if you can't pay your bills, you may need to look for something else. Then again, the economy is horrible and this time of year you may only be able to find something seasonal. Are you able to get a job in the evenings (i know you have a daughter and that makes it tough) perhaps only a few days a week to cover anything extra that may pop up?
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I'd chose money over happiness. If you're having trouble paying for things and are in poverty range, you should definitely get a better-paying job. Happiness is important, but money is more.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If I couldn't pay my bills, I would look for a new job. You very well may find one that you also like, but that pays a living wage.
  • HeatherBriggs1970
    If basic needs are met and you are happy I would say stay where you are. Sometimes we have to think outside the box when we are in a pinch. For example...last year at this time I donated plasma for a few weeks to make ends meet. Certainly not something to do on a regular basis but it helps others and myself at the same time.
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    I have been in both extremes and prefer happiness over money.

    What I would do, is keep the job I love and then find another part time job to sock away some extra money (just in case). It could be a few nights a week or a weekend. All of this would go into savings for the emergencies. I would not count it into the budget income. I have done this and will be doing it again. It doesn't even need to be something long term, but seasonal for now.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I know 1st hand the more you make the more it takes. I make 3x what I did this time last year and we're struggling more now than we were when I was working part time. I'm saying this to tell ya, making more money is not always the answer. Sometimes you need to look at your expenditures and cut out things that you can honestly do without.
    IMO you should start looking for a new job, I wouldn't jump right into anything since you are currently working and are happy there. That gives you the luxury of being picky and finding something that you truly want to do and can make good money at.
  • kronesa
    kronesa Posts: 12 Member
    I think that you know what the right thing is for you, and it sounds like you're looking for validation on that choice.

    There's a lot that goes into a decision like this and you need to consider what you're teaching your daughter as well. How do you want her to grow up? What do you want her to value more? That is the behavior that you need to model and a decision that only you can make.

    I wish you peace with this decision, it's a tough one.

    As an aside, my husband left his higher paying job 3.5 years ago for a lower paying and more rewarding position, and is still not earning what he was when he left that job. However, his satisfaction with his current job is worth more than the salary that he isn't earning. The peace that we have gained at that cost is worth every penny.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    A turtle that never sticks its' neck out; doesn't move. Told to me by an ultra wealthy (very happy) client. I would keep doing what you are doing, but keep your eyes, and ears wide open. You may find something that you enjoy even more, and pays all your bills, with a little left over for some luxuries.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Happiness................I left a job I loved for more money and the job ended up the most stressful job I ever had. I needed a cocktail every night after work to relax.
    I wish you could find a good paying job you love!
    Maybe look for a job but don't quit the job you love until you find something with more money that you may enjoy.
    Hard decision that only you can make.
    Good Luck
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    For me it's money, I can focus on happiness when I can afford it.
    You need to focus on you though. Good luck!
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    From experience I know that is a personal question/. My brother will say money is more important (he has it and makes a lot of it)

    and a friend of mine who travels around the world on his bike would say time. He is always in the poverty range.

    Me personally, I have a disability so having money has afforded me opportunities that I would not have had, like being able to get

    a college degree - by going to school part time and working 1/4 of the time.

    It depends what is more important to you - what your goals are and what you are willing to sacrifice.
  • CurlyQTee
    I work 2 jobs. I say the road to happiness isn't paved with money. It makes life easier but, do what ever you would do because you like it.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Interesting answers! Thanks for your ideas and perspectives!

    I am a single mom so I am not willing to work a part time job other than at the YMCA. I have considered selling Mary Kay, but truthfully, I suck at selling things.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    We are below poverty and I have to go back to work instead of staying home with my little guys. It sucks. But we can't keep living off of borrowed money and want to be financially stable. Once we are debt free, hopefully I can go back to being at home with the kids. So right now, we have no choice but to choose money over happy. Money cant buy happiness, per se, but it takes a lot of stress out of life when you have enough.
    Who knows, your next job may be great. Even if it doesn't give you free time to knit. I like jobs where it keeps you busy so the time flies, but not hectic.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Wow /:

    That's pretty hectic. The good news is that you're happy with your job.
    How often can you say that??

    And you're right about having unexpected charges on top of what you already pay.

    That's why my mom has two jobs.
    One for expenses and the other for unexpected charges.
    It has been really helpful throughout this time if need.

    In my opinion, you could look for another job.
    They are scarce but if you do find one, that's great.

    As the other comments state, happiness is really important and should be a priority.
    As long as you're happy, you're doing well (;

    Just as long as you're not living by each cent because that could probably cause stress.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Interesting answers! Thanks for your ideas and perspectives!

    I am a single mom so I am not willing to work a part time job other than at the YMCA. I have considered selling Mary Kay, but truthfully, I suck at selling things.
    Don't bother with home based businesses. You need to know A LOT of Mary Kay addicts to be able to make any profit. I have quite a few friends who have done different hbb's, and they mostly don't work out well unleash you are going to invest a lot of time and energy. If you don't like selling stuff, just run the other way. :-)
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Is there something profit generating that you can do on your down time like a reputable envelope stuffing company or sell things online...Idk...I hope that helps.
  • BlueDahlia77
    I love this suggestion! I've been thinking for a long time about getting a part time job and, if I do, I think I'll do that.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Here's my situation:
    I absolutely love my job. I have 3 day weekends. I am off before 5pm and never work nights. I never ever have a bad day at work. My boss is great. I love the location, it's close to home and my daughter's school. My tasks are simple and allow me enough time to do other things (like MFP or knit or read a book.) I work with at risk teenagers and get to be one of the only positive influences in their lives. I get to see their lives totally changed sometimes!! Sometimes it is boring and it doesn't use near enough of my talent/skills and it is not necessarily in my field, but the experience could add to future work in my field. There is no room for advancement. I don't see myself here for the long haul, and I'm not expected to be, but I think I have enough stressers outside of my job, that it is really nice to go to work and have everything completely stable. I never wake up wishing I didn't have to go to work.

    Here's my problem:
    Each month when I get paid it isn't enough. They cut the budget so I didn't get a raise this year (I'm lucky to have a job) and I can't get more hours. I know people will say "what is enough?" but we are truly in the poverty range, even though I have a bachelor's degree. I am able to pay my basic expenses like rent, gas, utilities, phone, etc...but when things like the brakes go out on my car or even a $20 copay at the doctor's office sets me behind big time. Paying student loans is a dream right now. I pick up extra shifts here and there at the YMCA in the evenings and on Fridays, I babysit kids and find other resources when I can.

    I know everyone has financial difficulty right now...I'm just curious, what would you do? Would you find another job that you might not like, or stick with what you really like doing even if it doesn't pay the bills? What's more important? Happiness or money?
    I would ALWAYS get paid what I am worth. PERIOD!

    And yes, one must weight happiness against money motivations.
    As for employees, if anybody thinks they're not getting a fair deal, go find another job. In this economy, that might prove challenging. I have people lined up to do the work I offer, so if any employee snivels about low pay, I have 15 guys ready to take his job.

    You must decide if your worth some place else will offer you the same fulfillment. If so, go, but if not, consider the cost of misery at a job you detest.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Find a better job. I know you love your job but it's about providing for your daughter and not living in poverty. You would be saving time and the stress from money. You're daughter will look up to a strong mother who provided for her and you. Just because you love this job doesn't mean you can't love another. It will be more work but you can find a great job too! =] good luck