Fighting the "I'll Start on New Years" Mentality

I have company coming in this week, and no routine or set schedule to speak of for at least a week. I find myself thinking "Well, just start over again on New Year's Day," but I don't want to see how much weight I can gain before January 1st! How are you fighting the mentality to cut loose and just start over again for New Year's? How are you staying motivated with the lack of routine and structure the holidays cause?


  • kanata
    kanata Posts: 42 Member
    Personally, i don't keep to new years resolutions, if i do, i try to start about a month before, so i know when new years comes around, i have at least another month to keep at it. Perhaps by that second month it'll become habit :)
    Otherwise, i don't really set resolutions on new years, my goal is to do something by Christmas, then when Christmas comes around, it's the challenge of keeping it up during the busy Christmas period, and once you get past that New Years seems so much easier!
    I find holidays are ideal as i can get up when i need to, and exercise before breakfast, if anything the hunger will MAKE me exercise as i really want brekkie lol. Been doing the 30 day shred recently as jogging is just... so cold out haha. My asthma is so bad in the cold air it's just so much harder so dvd's are ideal, especially short snappy work outs. Last year it was all about 8 minute abs, buns, legs, arms and abs.
    Sorry, bit of a rant there but, hope that helps. Make a Christmas goal!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I'm just trying to remember each day is like any other day and stick to my plan. I am giving myself Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. Going a little over a couple days isn't going to undo all my hard work. Instead of my New Year's Resolution being to start losing weight, it is to continue on the course I am taking.
  • 91lepere
    My goal is to look great FOR New Years! I bought a slinky dress and a need to make sure my arms are toned so I can feel hot!