What would you do?



  • horror_hamster
    i completely understand your situation. Until i got my promotion at work a month ago, i was in exactly the same situation. My student loans ate up most of my money, i maxed out a credit card simply to stay on birth control. it was messy. Unfortunately I had to work a job that is not my passion, is a schedule i hate, and more often than not, with people i dislike-- pushing papers and doing customer service (which isnt bad).

    What I did to make a little extra money (since i didn't have a lot of free time since i volunteered for PFLAG and as a community choir director because they are my passions) I would make and sell stuff (hand bags, mostly) and also i would pet sit/dog walk. I especially liked the dog walking because i love animals and i was going to be exercising anyway, so why not get paid to exercise with a 4-legged companion, right? so that's an idea.

    You like knitting, so knit for neighbors?

    OH! also, at one point i was so strapped for cash i took some online surveys that paid $ (as a shot in the dark) and ended up getting a couple $10 checks in the mail which came at JUST the right time.

    those are my suggestions, i hope things work out for you! I'm insanely envious of your ability to work at a job you love. maybe one day i'll have that but right now that's not monetarily feasible.

    best of luck!
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    Check into getting your student loans deferred or even wiped out because of your financial situation - a friend of mine did that because of financial hardship.
    Try to find a better paying part-time job waitressing or bartending, that way you can keep the job you like. Good luck!!!
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    Forgot to add that you might check into Government programs along the lines of what you do - that way you have the possibility of better pay, advancement and still doing what you love.
    Happy Holidays!
  • dravenangel
    dravenangel Posts: 39 Member
    Well there's no harm in looking!! :) You never know, as another post says - you may well find another job that you enjoy just as much. If you look and there's nothing out there that you want then you've lost nothing and can then concentrate on finding alternative ways of getting some extra funds.

    I'm starting to look myself. I'm lucky that funds aren't a problem but my job is the worst I have ever had.

    Hope whatever you do works out :)
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    I would stick to the job, but get a 2nd, if the 2nd job is not an option, try to budget better?
  • ScotsLenny
    ScotsLenny Posts: 139 Member
    Happiness , not much point being in a job in the first place if your not happy, even if the wage is ok
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    in my 20's and 30's, it was happiness over money, now in my mid 40's and looking at retirement down the road....money has to be the prioity. They say the reason most people cant live within their means is because they dont consider that living.

    get a second job to pick up a few hours and keep looking for something better. You put a lot of time and effort into your degree, now its time to put it to work for you. Its a tough economy but things are picking up slowly.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I do surveys online to make extra cash, they send me vouchers I can use in supermarkets, sometimes I get products to test too (which can save cash!).
    I'm starting my 2nd job in the New Year, it kinda sucks as I'll be working 7 days a week but I'd rather do that then get rid of my car/dog/food.
    It is really hard when you love what you do, but the money is poor :( I hope you can balance your at home time
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    in my 20's and 30's, it was happiness over money, now in my mid 40's and looking at retirement down the road....money has to be the prioity. They say the reason most people cant live within their means is because they dont consider that living.

    get a second job to pick up a few hours and keep looking for something better. You put a lot of time and effort into your degree, now its time to put it to work for you. Its a tough economy but things are picking up slowly.
  • sondrawolfe
    sondrawolfe Posts: 30 Member
    Happiness is important. Maybe more important than money right now. Keeps your eyes open for a "better" job, but in the mean time look for ways to save money. I do a lot of couponing, not to the level of Extreme Couponers, but along those lines. Shop at thrift stores and garage sales for household items and clothing. I've found a lot of great new or barely used items at both. (In fact, the family is doing all our gifts this year either homemade or garage sale/thrift store.) Also, great place to look for knitting supplies and books.

    FInd inexpensive nutritious recipes and don't waste food. When you think about that the average American family throws away 10% of our food, that's a big chunk of money.

    Put what you are saving each week into an emergency fund for those times when you need a copay, auto repair,....whatever. Peace of mind is an awesome stress reducer.

    Former single mom who has been there.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I was a single mom of 3 until I met my husband, I was a secretary at a bank, hated it, but stuck with it because I needed the money, stayed long enough to end up the compliance officer at the bank and was making pretty good money, but still hated it. I just left there a year ago and got into the job I'm in now and I love it, I love my boss, the people I work with, the hours and especially the pay, I doubled my income. But I stayed in job that I hated first, built up my experience, made enough money to support my family, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Having a job that you love is great, it really is. Feeding your family, making sure their transportation is reliable and keeping a heated/air conditioned roof over their heads, and clothes on their backs, that's more important.

    If you start budgeting now (and trust me I know what it's like to not have enough to save) then it will make it easier for you to continue budgeting when you are making more money. A second job from home, or a job that you can take your kid with you (my mom cleans houses and buildings in her spare time and takes my kids occasionally) could help you out a lot, every little bit helps. But in your position, if I was you, I wouldn't turn down more money because I was happy at my current job, there's always a chance that you could be happy at the next, or the next.
  • gamblewife
    Just take your time don't make any quick
    decisions. Think about what a wonderful
    job you have right now. I know it doesn't
    pay you enough but who knows what the
    future holds ?? Consider the fact that this i
    is not just a job like any other job but it's an
    opportunity for you to influence the lives of
    others!! How many jobs let you do that??

    Write down all the pros and cons of this job
    and write down what you would be looking
    for in another job and see how it comes out.
    I have been in your shoes as a young single
    mom, I know it's not easy. I'm still not rich
    today well not with money my oldest granddauhter
    over heard me saying something about money
    one day and she comes into the room and
    hugs me and says memaw you are rich, your
    rich in love and that's the best kind!! Your
    real rich!! I had to laugh and yes she is right
    I have been blessed abundantly with family
    of my own and lots of love so we are rich!!
    I pray that you my friend are rich I know you
    are with a child!! Everything else will work out!!
    Matt: 6:25-34 helped me alot during those times.

    It will get better!!
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I pondered your question again during a ripping workout (i think better when I'm sweating). I say that you should actively persue another line of work/job. Why would you want to stay in a job that doesn't challenge you, or use your skills to their potential. I have hung on to a lousy job before, and after I was fired. I wondered "why was I hanging on to that job"? My boss told me he was doing me a favor. He was correct. A job is like a relationship, and we all owe it to ourselves, to have enough self respect, and dignity to get out of it, what we are worth. It's not all about the money, it's about human potential. Your potential. Think about this; you are staying at a job, with no chance of a raise, no chance for advancement, and not using your skills. Boring! And the icing; you can't eek out the most meager of a living doing it. This sounds like a "no brainer" to me. Contrary to what you believe, or what is portrayed in the media, there are jobs out there. As an employer, I would hire somebody that, I was convinced of their abilities to add to my bottom line. There are many people out there that are clueless, and don't want to work hard. If you are in the top 50% in appearance, social skills, and have an ability to speak with confidence; you're in. I say put it out there; move on, and find your potential. You are worth it!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    There's a middle ground. If you're in the poverty range and can barely pay your bills and nothing else, you don't have enough money to ensure (or even allow) your happiness in the long run. I'd stay at that job while looking for something that paid a bit more, or get another job on the side. Otherwise (or in addition) maybe you can find ways to lower your bills a bit.
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    I use to work at home. You can try looking up at home jobs for part time work. I know that Kelly Services is hiring for a lot of positions for at home, like tech support.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Thanks for all of your advise.

    I really like my job and it is rewarding, even if it is not challenging. I think part of the reason I like that it is not challenging is because I have a lot of other things outside of work that need my attention and are very pressing. Work is the "easy" part of my day.
    I think I will try to find something else part time since I do have some extra time, but I'm not going to quit my job. I will look casually for a new job, but I would like to stay until the end of the school year.

    Your advise was really wonderful and gave me a lot to think about! Thank you!! :)