Is losing 20lbs in 6 weeks possible?



  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    The thing to understand is there is such a thing as too much exercise, or I suppose gradually decreasing in effect as the more you do.

    an hour to two a few to 5 days a week is plenty. Anymore and your likely to see overtrain than progress.

    Diet is extremely important. 1200 is good, but horrid on an exercise regimen if they are all microwavables. Whole foods, healthy foods non processed foods. And youll likely come close.
  • mrsthomasstevens
    mrsthomasstevens Posts: 34 Member
    If you eat healthy and increase your exercise from more than walking, it may be need to add cardio and strength training to get thr results you want in that short period of time...
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    This could be a bad idea. Two pounds a week is all you can safely lose. Back in 1988, I lost a lot of weight quickly on MediFast at my (now ex) wife's suggestion ... they had to closely monitor my liver function to make sure I wasn't doing any damage. That alone should tell you something. The fact that I lost a lot of lean body mass along with the fat, and ended up putting it all on quickly ought to also tell you something. You want to lose over three pounds a week ... that's pushing it.
  • mshidden
    mshidden Posts: 24 Member
    1% to 1 1/2 % of your body wight is responsible, but without hitting the gym hard your asking for disappointment.. So at 178 that is [1.78 to 2.63] so if you have a body wight of 250lb [2.5lb to 3.75lb] as for the 1200 calorie rule it's a good idea. So that means you have to increase you calorie deficit with exercises. in short Do the math.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I think it's a bit much to say that cutting your calories from 1000 to 700/day will cause your body to go into starvation mode.
    I'm not fully convinced you actually read my entire post? What about for someone who sits around all day? Is it really necessary for them to consume 1200 calories when all they are doing is sitting on their *kitten* all day long? Fat = unused energy. If we are consuming 1200+ calories a day and our body is still storing some of these calories as fat, obviously they weren't needed calories now were they? I'd recommend you look into doing some research before waving the starvation stick in someones face. It has been blown substantially out of proportion.

    Did you seriously just advocate eating 700 calories a day? That's not even meeting your BMR, even accounting for variances! You might be able to sustain this at your age, but you are likely doing some damage to your metabolism at the very least. I may be mistaken, but I also believe that advocating such a low calorie daily intake without doctor supervision s against the rules of this site.
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    I'd like to see the people who state that 1200 is the only amount you can eat to lose weight. Without being corrected of course.

    One of the things that shocked me when I first started was the people telling others to eat more to lose weight. Very few people here will tell people to eat less. Why? Because its not healthy!

    I'm a 250lbs women who is on 1600 cals and still losing. If I was 140lbs (and still wanting to lose of course) I'd prob then be on 1200.
    When I was consuming 1200+ calories a day my body was still producing more fat. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean it didn't need those calories? No sarcasm intended there.
    All in all, everyone's body is different. I just feel it's unfair to generalize weight loss in stating that you need to consume said amount of calories/day in order to lose weight when a substantial amount of people have experienced great results by not doing so.
    I wasn't meaning to imply that you would lose 20 lbs of fat in 6 weeks, but that losing 20 lbs period can be done in 6 weeks. It really doesn't seem logical to me to be consuming more calories than I feel I need. I eat when I am hungry, I don't think that I should be having to go above and beyond that to meet the "said calories needed to be consumed for weight loss" mark. For someone who doesn't have a ton of weight to lose, I find it easiest to lose weight how I have always been told to: cut calories, exercise more. It has been a lifestyle change as I am transitioning to eating only healthy, good foods versus the pure junk I used to eat. It works for me, it works for others, just as upping calories and working out more works for others. I don't think there is just one RIGHT way to lose weight and it's kind of disheartening to be attacked like that. These are my opinions and if people want to try to tell me that I am unhealthy, please feel free to check out my before and after pictures, or hell, even call up my doctor and ask her for yourself.
    My point was that starvation mode is blown out of proportion way more often than not. That's it. If anyone feels the need to make any more comments on my approach to weight loss, please message me rather than try to start a huge, unnecessary dispute on the forums. Thanks.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Yes its possible but its not healthy and its not sure to be fat loss and not a combo of fat and muscle. It's a tricky balance.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I really want to lose 20lbs more by January 31st! I eat 1,200 calories a day and walk anywhere from 45-120 minutes a day with my dog. Is my goal achievable with how little I exersice? I'm so out of shape, it's sad lol. I can bike pretty far but running is very hard for me. I'm also going to start playing tennis 2x a week with my husband. Has anyone else achieved a goal like this?

    You may want to read the many links provided here for information about why you shouldn't try to lose that much weight in such a short amount of time, even if you could:
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    That means you would have to cut out 1666.66 calories a day. Assuming your caloric needs are about 1800 calories, and you are eating 1200 calories, that means you are in a deficit of 600 calories. 1000 more to go. Walking burns about 100 calories per mile or 20 minutes (estimate), so walking for an hour everyday would burn about 300 to 400 calories. At a maximum that leaves you with 600 calories more to burn. To burn 1000 calories in a day from exercise I would suggest using a combination of exercise videos and walking.

    Walk for a burn of 300 calories a day and do an hour long exercise video. High-calorie burning videos include Jillian Michaels, Tae Boe, Zumba, etc.

    I hope this helps, and good luck!

    P.S. I would personally aim for 12 pounds in 6 weeks which is the recommended amount. This requires a deficit of 1000 calories a day. This would give you flexibility with being able to eat more the more you exercise (with eating back calories). Always eat at least 1000 to 1200 calories a day.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    If you lost 3lbs a week for 6 weeks, that would be 18lbs lost. Is that doable? Yeah but it might not be the most healthiest rout to go. My doctor doesn't want me to lose more then 2lbs a week. It usually takes me a month to lose 10lbs and most the time I lose between 7 and 8lbs a month.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    It's possible but definitely not healthy! Plus you're much more likely to gain it all back when you rush things.

    10lbs seems a much more realistic goal and even though it doesn't seem like much, it can make all the difference looks-wise especially at your weight :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    That means you would have to cut out 1666.66 calories a day. Assuming your caloric needs are about 1800 calories, and you are eating 1200 calories, that means you are in a deficit of 600 calories. 1000 more to go. Walking burns about 100 calories per mile or 20 minutes (estimate), so walking for an hour everyday would burn about 300 to 400 calories. At a maximum that leaves you with 600 calories more to burn. To burn 1000 calories in a day from exercise I would suggest using a combination of exercise videos and walking.

    Walk for a burn of 300 calories a day and do an hour long exercise video. High-calorie burning videos include Jillian Michaels, Tae Boe, Zumba, etc.

    I hope this helps, and good luck!

    I would NOT do this.

    And weight loss isn't linear. We track cals & exercise to get an estimate but no studies have ever shown that exactly 3500cal deficit has equalled 1 pound of fat loss. (And this is definitely not going to happen if you don't include any resistance training)

    OP: do you want to lose weight or do you want to lose fat?
  • JT1090
    JT1090 Posts: 79 Member
    You guys are right (and most likely more experienced with weight loss). 2lbs a week is healthier. That will leave me with a 10-12lbs loss by my goal date. I will stick to that :smile:

    And for the guy that asked, I want to lose FAT.
  • barbiebarkley
    i think ya can.i did but its was alot of dedacation and will power.i was determined so i did what i set out to do..good luck and kill those pounds.:smile:
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I lost 27 lbs my first month, I was really heavy when I started, 12 lbs came off in my first week (alot of it water weight) and now I am a little over 11 months in and am down 180 lbs. Recently I have been averaging about 2 lbs per week, though.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    You guys are right (and most likely more experienced with weight loss). 2lbs a week is healthier. That will leave me with a 10-12lbs loss by my goal date. I will stick to that :smile:

    And for the guy that asked, I want to lose FAT.

    keep eating right, do cardio and strength training, get plenty of rest, and you'll see a difference. i would recommend you don't eat 1,200 calories, and eat at least 1,400 instead. and re-eat those exercise calories.

    trust me, i used to pretend to be a doctor to pick up women at bars.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member

    I'm going to attempt to answer the "lose fat" part of this thread and just gnaw on my fists and bang my head against the wall and try not to read the earlier hotly debated "starvation mode" posts - I'll keep THAT opinion to myself - until asked... :wink:

    Anyway, to burn fat and maintain muscle - I recommend the following:

    You want to eat plenty of lean protein to help maintain your current muscle mass - about 1 gm per pound of lean body mass - to be safe - I usually recommend just eating one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Protein will help you feel full and it sends signals for your hormones that tell your body "hey, there's plenty of energy around - let's burn some fat!"

    In addition, you'll want to do weight training - with HEAVY weights - lift as heavy as you can. Need a guide? I HIGHLY recommend the book, The New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler - it has all the information you need.

    Lastly, eat clean in general and drink LOTS of water and only water - avoid processed foods, sodas, sugars, refined carbohydrates. Fill up on lean protein, fiber, veggies. It will give you the body of your dreams!

    Best of luck to you!
  • rattler0812
    rattler0812 Posts: 40 Member
    My wife, before getting pregnant lost a lot of weight at first by merely removing processed foods from her diet. It was hard as most of the things she loved she could not eat. But she lost a lot of weight. She had an issue with PCOS, was on medication for blood pressure and a heart condition. With her doctor monitoring, she got her PCOS under control, was able to stop taking the meds and still pass her quarterly physicals with her doctor. Over the course of 7 months, she lost 50 pounds. She worked out each morning, watched what she ate and ensured that what she took in was good calories (that included the extras as far as carbs, proteins, fiber, etc.). It has a whole lot to do with the content of what you take in and how you want it to work with your body.

    My recommendation, based on what I have seen my wife do, is that you need to watch carefully what you take in (and that includes eliminating processed foods for at least the first couple of months). Your body will adjust to the healthier foods during that time and be in a better position to keep the weight off. After the first couple of months, you can add start to slowly add in the processed foods to achieve the right balance.

    What I have found that works quite well is get ingenious in your workouts. There is nothing saying that you can't walk your dog with ankle weights. Playing tennis 2x a week with your husband will be good (not only to get in shape but to have a date). My wife and I would rock climb 3 times a week as part of our getting out on regular dates. Then children came along. :-D

    Good luck on your goal.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    That means you would have to cut out 1666.66 calories a day. Assuming your caloric needs are about 1800 calories, and you are eating 1200 calories, that means you are in a deficit of 600 calories. 1000 more to go. Walking burns about 100 calories per mile or 20 minutes (estimate), so walking for an hour everyday would burn about 300 to 400 calories. At a maximum that leaves you with 600 calories more to burn. To burn 1000 calories in a day from exercise I would suggest using a combination of exercise videos and walking.

    Walk for a burn of 300 calories a day and do an hour long exercise video. High-calorie burning videos include Jillian Michaels, Tae Boe, Zumba, etc.

    I hope this helps, and good luck!

    I would NOT do this.

    And weight loss isn't linear. We track cals & exercise to get an estimate but no studies have ever shown that exactly 3500cal deficit has equalled 1 pound of fat loss. (And this is definitely not going to happen if you don't include any resistance training)

    OP: do you want to lose weight or do you want to lose fat?

    I wasn't telling her to do this. I was just giving the information she asked for. It is her choice to do what she wants. It looks like she decided to go for losing 2 lbs a week. I think that is great because it is safe and manageable. I realize that there is more to losing weight than 3500 calorie deficits, but myfitnesspal is based on 3500=1 pound.