New, 5'3" 131 pounds, friends?

Hi, I'm new to this site (like three days new) and so far it seems awesome. I'd like to try connecting with a few people who have similar goals. I like the idea of giving/receiving a little support and having someone to help keep me honest.

So let's see, getting to know you...I'm 27 and I'm trying to lose around 11 pounds. My eating habits aren't great but aren't terrible either (occasional junk food &light beer). I'm a grad student (so I'm busy, which makes it hard to stick to my exercise regimen sometimes), I like exercising but struggle with motivation sometimes, and mostly I want to get back into an old pair of jeans. Everyone knows that "last ten pounds" is pretty hard to lose, especially if you have a hard time sticking to a healthy diet (oh, peanut butter cups...!).

Oh! And I am trying to stop eating cheese. So far it's scaled back to occasionally, like maybe once a week.

Anybody want to make friends?


  • hello and welcome here hope you have a great day
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm a little shorter than you, 5ft 1 1/4" and started on here in April at 135 lbs, got down to 125 in August and with the holidays and all, staying between 125-127. My goal is to lose another 5 lbs or so. Feel free to friend me if you like.:smile:
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    I have a little more weight to lose then you but I can relate on the fact I am in my 20's and I am constantly busy working 9-5 monday through friday so I don't have much time for exercise!! :) Definetly add me!
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I'm the same height as you and weigh about 3 pounds more. I'm looking to lose about 9 more pounds. I'm also a student - sr., getting my bachelors. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    hi, im 5'3 about 133. My goal weight is 120 which has always been my dream weight. Im sooo close, but so far away lol!! I started out at 150. It is hard working and running around w my 2 year old. I don't always make the best food choices, but i try everyday and i always try to get my workouts in.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    motivation and dedication! we can relate......
    add me if you'd like! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey, i'm 5'2" and weigh a bit more than you but our ultimate goal I think is the around the same! I've not been here long either. I'm also 20 and a student doing my bachelors. Feel free to add if you like!
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi and Welcome: I've been around for a bit but I'm not as active on the board as I should be. I am 30yrs old, 5'3", 129.75lbs (hey every ounce counts :wink: ) and also very busy with my 2 toddlers and working full time.

    Congrats on school :happy:

    Yesterday I started Chalean Extreme/Turbofire Hybrid and loggin in my food. I need a little, well a lot, of improvement with my eating but that'll be in time. Right now I'm going to stick to 1500 calories a day. I'd like to do 1200 calories a day but it's just not realistic for me.

    I'd be happy with losing 5lbs but would love 10lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 130 is my goal for now. I'm currently at 153. I'm 29 years old (for now) and I also love cheese.

    However, I'm not trying to cut back on my cheese. I love it and I need the protein and calcium.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm also five three, but started off heavier than you - i was 139 !!!!
  • TheWellnessPAC
    TheWellnessPAC Posts: 12 Member
    hi welcome!! I'm 5'6, 128-132 lbs and have always enjoyed fitness. Lately I've been working out and eating healthy full force because I realize my decisions now impact my life later. I work out at least 3 times a week doing INSANITY especially, p90x 1 & 2, and HOPEFULLY asylum ( its on my christmas list. ). My nickname is "humminbird" because I eat every 4 hours, but i get so hungry! I am obsessed with Shakeology for breakfast, and I try very hard to get others to find the beauty in working out.

    Before working out, I was always tired and eating junk food. I would drink at least 4 coffees a day and it got to the point where I needed it to function. I woke up one day and decided that I needed to change. So I bought my first workout program and hit it hard. Its brought me so much energy, joy, and so much more that i cannot describe it. For the first time in my life, i'm HAPPY with everything. :)

    Feel free to add me!! Hopefully we can encourage and inspire each other.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Hi, I am 5'3.5" and just started at 131 and now am at goal !! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi everyone! Wow, thank you for all of the replies! I'm excited to get to know you guys.
  • (bear with me while i learn how to properly use message boards...)
  • hi welcome!! I'm 5'6, 128-132 lbs and have always enjoyed fitness. Lately I've been working out and eating healthy full force because I realize my decisions now impact my life later. I work out at least 3 times a week doing INSANITY especially, p90x 1 & 2, and HOPEFULLY asylum ( its on my christmas list. ). My nickname is "humminbird" because I eat every 4 hours, but i get so hungry! I am obsessed with Shakeology for breakfast, and I try very hard to get others to find the beauty in working out.

    Before working out, I was always tired and eating junk food. I would drink at least 4 coffees a day and it got to the point where I needed it to function. I woke up one day and decided that I needed to change. So I bought my first workout program and hit it hard. Its brought me so much energy, joy, and so much more that i cannot describe it. For the first time in my life, i'm HAPPY with everything. :)

    Feel free to add me!! Hopefully we can encourage and inspire each other.

    You look amazing in your photos! Insanity looks so hard...I've tried HIIT in the past but it never really stuck. Even 4-5 minutes was seriously challenging for me. I used to be in much better shape before I went back to school (old story, right?). I've done P90X a few times (but only once doing it seriously) and hope I can do it again this summer. During the semester I just don't have an hour a day to spare. I'm focusing on cardio at the moment, but planning to add back in Ab Ripper X (least I can do, right?) Also I'm trying to recover my healthier eating habits (and get my partner to eat healthier as well!). I'm lumpier and squishier now, but I can still see some of my arm muscles, so I have hope.

    Anyway, thanks so much for responding! (Yay, friends!)
  • Hello and welcome! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I love new friends!
  • I'm 5'2" and 130 is my goal for now. I'm currently at 153. I'm 29 years old (for now) and I also love cheese.

    However, I'm not trying to cut back on my cheese. I love it and I need the protein and calcium.

    I'm actually lactose intolerant. There was a period in my life when I didn't eat any dairy at all (because I couldn't, and I refused to take/pay for lactaid, since at the time it felt unfair to me). I use rice milk for cereal but I still like real yogurt. It tastes better and it's less expensive than dairy alternative yogurts. Sometimes I drink kefir, too. Cheese is so tasty and addictive and it can be so fattening. I end up eating way too many cheesy foods. I want to take fewer lactaid pills in my day and cut out the fat that comes with cheese. Also, its an easy way to get myself to say no to frozen pizza, which is something I end up making for dinner when I'm feeling tired or lazy. Obviously something like crumbled feta in a salad is a much healthier way to have cheese...but I always end up going for the junky stuff so I figured I better cut it out entirely--at least for a while.
  • Hi and Welcome: I've been around for a bit but I'm not as active on the board as I should be. I am 30yrs old, 5'3", 129.75lbs (hey every ounce counts :wink: ) and also very busy with my 2 toddlers and working full time.

    Congrats on school :happy:

    Yesterday I started Chalean Extreme/Turbofire Hybrid and loggin in my food. I need a little, well a lot, of improvement with my eating but that'll be in time. Right now I'm going to stick to 1500 calories a day. I'd like to do 1200 calories a day but it's just not realistic for me.

    I'd be happy with losing 5lbs but would love 10lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Me too, five pounds would be enough to get me into my old jeans, but ten pounds would be great too, and I mean, it's a goal, right? Something to work for. I have a digital scale that reads to tenths, but somehow I magically weighed a round number. Maybe this is another post entirely, but I have to figure out how often I'm going to weigh myself, since it can vary so drastically from day to day.

    2 toddlers! That sounds like a workout by itself :). 1200 calories is hard. I think I've been doing okay with it (well, closer to 1300) so far because I haven't been working out very much. Trying to make good habits over my break...but if I'm working out more often I'll probably need more calories too.

    Thanks for the welcome!!
  • Sure I will be your friend! :)
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    You sound like just like me! Grad school is requiring me to sit alot it seems. lol I could totally use some motivation. Let's do this!