Hello I am Kimberly

Hello everyone! I am Kimberly, a married mother of two little girls age 5 and 3.I am 28 years old and have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. My doctor told me that if I lost weight then I would not have a problem with diabetes so I am here to see if I can find support. I have tried a few sites like this and have failed so I thought I would try one last time. I am 183 lbs and my goal is at least 150. I am only 5'1". If there is anyone in need of a exercise and diet buddy let me know.


  • ShaneWinston58
    Hi Kimberly, I'm Caroline. I can always use another workout friend. I've only been on MyFitnessPal (MFP) for about a month, and I have lost 9 lbs. Not a miracle, I know, but it is a start. I now weigh 187.5lbs. My goal is to get to about 135lbs. We'll see about that! There are a lot of people on here who are supportive, so don't be shy about asking someone to be your friend. Glad you are on board!

  • ShaneWinston58
    BTW, Diabetes is one main reason that I am on here, too.
  • LifeTraveler
    Hi. I'm a type II diabetic, and my doctor said if I lose the pounds, I might be able to get off the medication. That's just one of the reasons I need to lost the extra 60 pounds I have on me. Welcome aboard!
  • Mizstar
    Aloha Kimberly,
    I have been here for a couple of weeks. Pretty new to this site and I haven't added any friends. Feel free to add me if you would like.
    I am an insulin dependent diabetic, and have been for close to 19 years now. It is a lifestyle for me and I have had side effects that will only progress if I don't get a handle on it and this extra weight.
    I have hired a personal trainer and have been changing my eating habits and exercising daily for the past 3 weeks.
    I am happy to say that my insulin intake has been cut in half already and I feel so much better.
    Diet and exercise do work, but it has to become a lifestyle for us diabetics.
    Good luck with this new adventure you have started!
    I am always open to questions about this disease or this journey we are on if you have any.
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hi. Kim I am Rachel and you can add me as a buddy! We can helkp each other out along the way. I have a two year old daughter and a one year old son. I need someone as well to help me with eating the right foods and support for working out and staying with it. I am sure we will find great support on this website!