Sweating to the Oldies

I bought a few of these tapes yesterday, but have not tried them yet. has anyone tried these? It's a little old-school, but I thought they would be fun.


  • meadowlee
    meadowlee Posts: 14
    I bought a few of these tapes yesterday, but have not tried them yet. has anyone tried these? It's a little old-school, but I thought they would be fun.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh Richard can work my last good nerve, but boy he got my big butt moving!!

    I started with his tapes. He is very motivating and uses REAL ppl!! Of course I know the skinny women in the other vids are real too, but it helped me to see ppl who were over weight and struggling like me.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • jaydeangel
    jaydeangel Posts: 31
    I have never done them but my Mom had them when I was little. You may burn some extra calories from all the laughing you will be doing at the videos. I know I would be laughing my butt off.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have one somewhere...my kids used to laugh their heads off with it too
  • girlaskew12
    girlaskew12 Posts: 14 Member
    I bought the 4 pack on DVD. It's a little campy and funny, but if you are just starting to work out Sweatin 1 and 2 are great because they are low impact, lots of warming up and they get you moving (about 25 minutes of actualy heart pumping cardio). Sweating 3 and 4 and longer and more complicated (especially the choreography), but they get your heart rate up. These workouts can be really fun if you are willing to laugh at yourself and put the effort in. Plus, I really like the ending where you find out how much weight all of the participants lost.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I LOVE this series of vidoes. I have 3 of them and still use them, in fact I think I will do one tonight.

    I love the fact that there are people on there that you KNOW need it and they can do it so you can too!!

    Go for it and have fun!
