Staying Fit, Exercising, Still Losing Weight and Pregnant


I am 20 weeks along and due in April. The last 2 years have been a steady loss of weight for a total of 58lbs but now I'm pregnant but still overweight by about 90lbs. I heard from a trainer at the gym that it's still possible to lose weight safely while pregnant, although progress is slower. I was disheartened thinking that I would lose all that hard work I put into losing because you're supposed to gain while you're pregnant but now I'm curious. Anyone else had this issue? I'm still continuing my fitness routine with just a few adjustments to the exercises themselves due to keeping body temperature in the right ranges and having to work different muscle groups in a different way to keep baby safe. Diet actually didn't have to change much, I was already on the right track with good amounts of nutrients and balanced carb/fat/protein intake.


  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    If you are already active I think you are ok to keep going with the modifications you mentioned. Talk to your OB about your calories and exercise program to make sure. Chances are as long as the baby is growing well and the workouts aren't too intense your doctor will give you the ok! I walked a lot (several hours a day) before and during pregnancy and ended up a few pounds lighter then my pre-pregnancy weight the day after I had her. A week after I had her no one believed I had just had a baby so it is absolutely possible to stay fit during pregnancy. Now that being said with my second I didn't walk as much (different circumstances) and ended up 20lbs heavier afterward. I'd be happy if I still was that weight though! (that was 18 years ago!) LOL
  • katierg
    Thanks Roni! That's really encouraging. I hired a trainer who specializes in prenatal/postnatal routine and fitness. She is confident I can still lose weight. My PCP says I may only gain a net of 15lbs at the most and may actually lose weight throughout so she is kindof going crazy since they usually use weight gain as a measure of baby health but she says there are other ways to check baby's growth. :)
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    When you are overweight you are allowed to lose weight while pregnant. Though you will gain in baby weight so it will sort of level out. Make sure your doctor is keeping a close eye on your progress to make sure you are getting enough nutrients and your baby is growing normally. Other then that there are a lot of exercises that aren't safe in pregnancy so make sure you speak to a trainer about it.
  • katierg
    Just had midway US and baby's growth averages are all within 3 days of each other so growth is good. No abnormalities seen and it's a GIRL! <3
    She is also kicking up a storm this week, more than ever before and everyday stronger.

    The new workout routine mostly consists of back and leg strengthening (no lunges but tons of squats!! which I'm actually having fun with considering I HATE HATE HATE lunges and love squats more) then low impact cardio in between like spinning and short bursts on the eliptical to keep temp from getting too elevated while also keeping heart rate at a moderate level. She has me totally avoiding all ab workouts as there is no point in trying since I would likely injure myself while they are currently spreading and stretching.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Progress on the scales are slower because you have a baby getting bigger, blood volume increasing etc etc. The difference will be after the birth - then you'll see your REAL progress. Best of luck xx
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    aslong as your eating well and not pushing yourself to much it is ok i did the cross trainer rite up untill 10 mins before i went into hospital lol, plus keeping active etc (in moderation) is good for getting the baby into the best position for birth

    congratulations on your little bundle!
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member

    Too many of my friends are upset with their weight after using pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything and anything...

    Well done for staying informed and staying healthy

  • 2BaHealthyMommy
    2BaHealthyMommy Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for this post. I am 15w2d with baby #3- I also have 2 year old twins. I gained a lot with the boys and am hoping to keep my gain to a minimum- though healthy amount- this time around. I had terrible m/s but now that I am feeling like a human again I am hoping to begin exercising again. Your post inspired me to keep going!
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    If you are already active I think you are ok to keep going with the modifications you mentioned. Talk to your OB about your calories and exercise program to make sure. Chances are as long as the baby is growing well and the workouts aren't too intense your doctor will give you the ok! I walked a lot (several hours a day) before and during pregnancy and ended up a few pounds lighter then my pre-pregnancy weight the day after I had her. A week after I had her no one believed I had just had a baby so it is absolutely possible to stay fit during pregnancy. Now that being said with my second I didn't walk as much (different circumstances) and ended up 20lbs heavier afterward. I'd be happy if I still was that weight though! (that was 18 years ago!) LOL

    I was the same way. I totally turned around my horrible eating habits when I was pregnant. I started at 136 pre pregnancy, got up to 151 the day I had my son, and after the birth I was 126 same day. I just substituted junk food for fruits and veggies, and worked at walmart on the floor (running around constantly) so I got a lot of moderate cardio. My son was just fine, 7lbs 8 oz. and born at 41 weeks. Congrats and good luck!!
  • katierg
    Thanks guys! Very encouraging to see that I'm not the only one.

    On another note, I hate it when women use pregnancy as an excuse to eat unhealthy and not exercise. IMO this is the BEST time to start creating better health habits, for you and your baby.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    oh yea totally! that annoyed me while pregnant id say to someone oh i would really fancy a cake for example so their reply well have one your pregnant you can get away with i cant!! just means i have to workout harder after for the fact i have pigged out :grumble: also could never imagine not exercising and sitting on the sofa most of the day pregnancy isnt that bad!! and i had horrible back pains.