Paleo Diet...Anyone tried this?

AJSINK Posts: 12
edited October 6 in Food and Nutrition
I'm thinking about doing the paleo diet...has anyone tried this? My trainer is going to start this is January and is encouraging me to look into it, I'm interested and trying to gather information.


  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    I googled it and found some good info. To me it looked pretty in line with the reasearch I've been doing. Cutting out grains and sugar is really hard but when I cut out breads, sugars, and dairy I usually loose 2 lbs in the first week. Then I cheat and I have a hard time getting back on track once I go off. For me, once I have one brownie, I'm off to the races.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's pretty simple: avoid foods from the naughty list.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I have done it and am trying to get back into it. You will get a lot of *kitten* on the boards about this FYI... not sure why but people are really opinionated on stuff like this.

    Anyway, check out Mark's Daily Apple and Robb Wolf's blogs. They have great info and recipes. And, don't be afraid of fat!! It's what will keep you satisfied (along with ample protein). I've made some really awesome paleo recipes!!!

    I will add - I feel AMAZING when I eat this way. Energetic, less bloated, less headaches... etc. You will probably have to go "80/20" - 80% paleo, 20% not - to keep yourself sane. I don't know of anyone (well, almost anyone) who can eat 100% paleo all the time - so have a variety meal once or twice a week :)

    I hope that helps!
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    I"m thinking of trying primal in january, which is close to paleo. Because I want to keep some dairy in. Mainly my whey protein powder. Occasional milk and cheese.

    My son had good success with lowering his body fat with a primal diet(including his whey protein shake).

    Since July, I've been trying eating 1900 and no exercise calories eaten back,1400 calories and eating back exercise calories, 1700 and no exercise calories, 1295 plus exercise calories eaten back, 1500 and no exercise calories and now 1300-1400 and no exercise calories eaten back. Nothing is working, so I hope this will.
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    I googled it and found some good info. To me it looked pretty in line with the reasearch I've been doing. Cutting out grains and sugar is really hard but when I cut out breads, sugars, and dairy I usually loose 2 lbs in the first week. Then I cheat and I have a hard time getting back on track once I go off. For me, once I have one brownie, I'm off to the races.

    No more brownies for you....haven't we had this chat...ha ha ha!!!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I think it's ONE way to lose weight successfully, not the only way. Basically if you eat clean and control your calories, your weight loss will be successful. Paleo is one way to do that, and if you think that you will be able to be successful long term sticking to just the foods allowed by the diet, then go for it. But if you think it will make you miserable trying to keep up with it and you'll feel the desire to cheat the diet, then there are other ways to successfully lose weight.
  • tjnahm
    tjnahm Posts: 73 Member
    We have been doing Paleo / Primal for six months now... June 22, 2011 and I have lost nearly 100lbs with very little exercise. My wife has lost right around 55-60 as well.

    Yeah... and we suffered a house fire in November, so for the past month we have had mega stress, no sleep, no exercise, and ate like crap albeit still with no sugar and little grains... and we still lost weight just by the Paleo / Primal diet alone.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    I committed to doing 80% Paleo for two months so see how it goes. It's going very well so far. There are at least two paleo centered groups here on mfp. Check them out for good recipes, and great moral support.
    AJSINK Posts: 12
    Thanks husband and I are probably going to try this in January. I have already cut a lot of carbs in my diet and I feel so much better doing that. I think it will help that my trainer is also going to be doing this as well.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have been doing Primal...cause I love my cheese. Its pretty awesome..the first month I lost 3% bodyfat...Its alot easier to maintain on this type of diet. One of the best sites out there is lots of info

    Its the whole 80/20 rule...strive for 100% but if you get to are doing good.

    I actually went totally off the diet on Saturday and Sunday...gained 3 pounds...which was carb bloat..and today..Wednesday..I was able to drop 2.5 pounds of what I gained..which is pretty good. We tend to bloat eating processed carbs..grains/pasta/processed foods...which I totally felt on Sunday...and once we go back to eating just melts away.

    I highly recommend it..
  • sethandjane
    sethandjane Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with MaggieMay and the girl above - for infertility reasons (I'm the "jane" half of sethandjane) - my wholistic infertility doctor had me switch my diet to follow more of the Primal Way - then I found "The Primal Blueprint" ( Like MaggieMay, it's unbelievable how much BETTER and ENERGIZED I feel when I eat this way - and like the girl above, when I fall off and have half a pizza - not only does my stomach remind me with horrible pain but the scale does too. Besides Mark Sisson and Robb Wolfe, there are a ton of other websites/bloggers who have shared great recipes - just google "Primal" or "Paleo" recipes. Good luck!
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