What's the best day of the week....?

Hi there,
Just wondering.. what do you all think is the best day of the week to step on that dreaded scale? I am used to doing so on Mondays but now thinking that maybe that's not the best way to start the week...


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    As long as you're consistent, it doesn't matter.
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    The Earth's mass shrinks on Thursdays, so that's your best bet.
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    I WI on Thursdays because that's when my WW meeting is. I think it helps me stay focused through the weekend because the feeling of the gain or loss is fresh in my mind going into Saturday/Sunday that I don't binge as much (usually). Before this meeting, I used to WI on Tuesday for the same reason, it helped me get through the weekend which was my tough time.

    But ultimately, as long as you are consistent, it shouldn't matter too much which day it is.
  • hbar98
    hbar98 Posts: 39
    Since gravity is not consistent over the surface of the earth, the question should not be when should I weigh? It should rather be, where should I weigh.

    If I recall correctly the best place to weigh in would be new zealand because its gravity slightly less than the rest of the world.