Finding myself again. Finding my will power! Heres a little

Im simple but sweet. Alot wiser in age. Grew up in Chicago IL. Moved to Dallas Tx. Had two beautiful kids. Then moved to California where I met the love of my life. I guess you can say im a little bit of a dare devil. I say no to nothing and try anything once. Im easy to get along with but sometimes the hardest person to be around. ( lol if that makes any sence) Im a go getter. If I see somthing I want I do everything I can to get it. No, is not a option. I think the most beautiful thing in life is woman. Each one cares a certain beauty everyone wants! I can say I learn everything the hard way. Somtimes stepping out of your box and learning a different way of life is the wisest thing you can do. Sometimes you just need that one special angel to guide you the right way. If I was to tell you of one BEAUTIFUL thing I have done it would be....... I recently went on a 2 week cruise. Egupt, Greece, Turkey. If it wasn't for the HORRID plane ride I would do it again over and over. When I tell you it was the most AMAZING AND WONDERFUL thing I ever did, I mean it. Everything about it was beautiful. I remember my mom saying to me 'Tiffany' When you fall In Love you will know it. So many times I thought I did but....Finally at 31 I can say 'Mom your right'. So this is what it feels like! To know anymore of me you will just have to take the time to be my friend. Great sayings I live by is... Anything worth having is worth fighting for. Treat others how you wish to be treated! What may not kill you makes you stronger! Live each day as it is your last. Save the drama for the momma's :0)


  • tiffanybugos
    Im simple but sweet. Alot wiser in age. Grew up in Chicago IL. Moved to Dallas Tx. Had two beautiful kids. Then moved to California where I met the love of my life. I guess you can say im a little bit of a dare devil. I say no to nothing and try anything once. Im easy to get along with but sometimes the hardest person to be around. ( lol if that makes any sence) Im a go getter. If I see somthing I want I do everything I can to get it. No, is not a option. I think the most beautiful thing in life is woman. Each one cares a certain beauty everyone wants! I can say I learn everything the hard way. Somtimes stepping out of your box and learning a different way of life is the wisest thing you can do. Sometimes you just need that one special angel to guide you the right way. If I was to tell you of one BEAUTIFUL thing I have done it would be....... I recently went on a 2 week cruise. Egupt, Greece, Turkey. If it wasn't for the HORRID plane ride I would do it again over and over. When I tell you it was the most AMAZING AND WONDERFUL thing I ever did, I mean it. Everything about it was beautiful. I remember my mom saying to me 'Tiffany' When you fall In Love you will know it. So many times I thought I did but....Finally at 31 I can say 'Mom your right'. So this is what it feels like! To know anymore of me you will just have to take the time to be my friend. Great sayings I live by is... Anything worth having is worth fighting for. Treat others how you wish to be treated! What may not kill you makes you stronger! Live each day as it is your last. Save the drama for the momma's :0)
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    hello and welcome to MFP. I think you will love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use and everyone here is nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you much success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • nancyat48
    nancyat48 Posts: 11
    Hi I just joined myself a couple of days ago. I'm driving my husband nuts 'cause I'm obsessing about being fit. I'm 48 so time is running out where I'll be able to see any benefits from my workouts. Most of my friends are a lot like how you sound. Very positive, confident...doers. I am surrounded by wonderful women like you but I don't feel as competent or confident as them. I don't know why and they would be shocked to learn I feel that way. They (friends and family) all think I am easy-going, cool, confident, can do anything. Sometimes I do feel that way, but not lately. So, I think I'll be checking in on some posts like yours to get my head back on straight. By your picture, it doesn't look like you need to lose weight but good luck in achieving your fitness goals. I still need to lose about 15 lbs. Here comes summer!!