Finding buying clothes hard!

I'm not sure if I'm alone on this one but I have been big my whole life and kind of got used to what to wear and what suits me!

I was always a UK size 18 or 20 (I think that's a us 16 to 18) and I'm now a size 10 to 12 (8-10). One problem is in my head I'm still a 20 and when I pick up the smaller clothes in my head I'm convinced they won't fit me or someone's going to stop me on the way out and tell me I can't have them as I'm too fat!

The other problem I have is I don't know what to wear. Things that used to suit me don't anymore and I'm clueless as what will look ok. So now I just live in jeans and tshirts. I've always had no idea when it comes to fashion and seeing as I still think I'm big it makes it even harder.

I know this is a stupid problem but was wondering if I was the only one?


  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    Your not the only one!! I was a size 18 and now am a 10 (US) and I have had to try new clothes to figure out what cuts look good on me..just give yourself time and have an open mind try it all on! I have even asked sales girls to help me before. Its been neat to be able to wear stuff I thought would never look good on me!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I think it's Stacy London that does a show called what not to wear or a show called style by jury. They both talk about shapes and features to dress by. You may want to go to a high end store and check out a woman that has great style (employee) and they should be able to guide you. They may put you in colors or cuts you wouldn't think were going to be good, then you put them on and they look fabulous!! Good luck on this.

    BTW STOP DRESSING LIKE UR STILL A "FAT" GIRL!! I see this often where we lose weight but still cover all the assets we worked hard for. Show it off baby you earned it!!!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    any good clothing store can help you out or take a trusted friend. i try not to shop without my bestie as she has great taste and inevitably i will go home with something that says, why did i buy this? lol but yes your shape changes. even from losing the last time to this time i have more muscle now so dont know how my jeans will be fitting. i like it though!
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    No, you're not alone by any means!

    When I first reached my current weight I argued with a sales girl b/c I told her my size and she said, no I think you're a size smaller and I refused to believe it till I actually tried on the pants.

    Go out one day when you have just spare time. Just try stuff on. Start with the size you think you are and then also grab a size smaller. Have a glass of wine before you go even.

    I actually went out on a lazy sunday and just tried clothes on to get a handle on what size I was and needed.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    This is NOT a stupid problem! Take a friend with you when you go to try on clothing. Or maybe your SO? I can imagine not knowing what I'll look good in when I've lost some weight.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Me too. Partly because I've lost weight and now I'm about the weight I was when I got married (or maybe a bit less), but also because I've acquired 2 kids and BOOBS since then (naturally I mean, not via surgery) so I'm a 12-14 on the top and a 10-12 on the bottom and I find it hard to know what suits me.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Me too. Partly because I've lost weight and now I'm about the weight I was when I got married (or maybe a bit less), but also because I've acquired 2 kids and BOOBS since then (naturally I mean, not via surgery) so I'm a 12-14 on the top and a 10-12 on the bottom and I find it hard to know what suits me.

    Yup - I'm currently a Juniors dress size 9 on bottom and a Misses size 14 on top. Dress shopping for a party the other day was a complete nightmare. I thought after having lost 40+ lbs (yes, I recognize I still have 10 to go and am still fat), that I'd at least look passable in a dress, but not. Still awful. With the build that I have, I will never actually look good, just less fat, when I hit goal.

    The saleslady brought me the 2 ugliest dresses in the store then told me to leave since they had nothing that fit me. I went somewhere else and finally found something after 3 hours of looking.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Do some online searches for dressing for your body type. Here's an example if you're looking for a little black dress:

    Taking along a friend with a good fashion eye is a good idea, too.

    Have fun shopping!
  • rowdy47879
    rowdy47879 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been going through the same thing. I'm scared to try stuff because I don't want to disappoint myself and possibly disrupt my progress but I have found that I need to just have an open mind and try. I have to remember that feeling of when I try a size I am convinced won't fit only to find it does!!!

    The biggest thing I have had to learn to do is to love me and my body more. No, its not perfect right now, but that's okay. Be proud of losing 40+ pounds!! I have lost about the same amount and that's a lot of work and sweat!! With your shape you may have to experiment with different styles. Yes there may be things you want to wear that just don't look right but honestly that's true for anyone, whether they are a size 4 or 14! Please don't ever tell yourself you are still too fat, even when you reach your final goal! You have put a lot of effort into achieving that goal and you should celebrate that and be proud of yourself. You will find when you do, the rest just falls into place. And honestly we are our own worst critics. What you may think looks horrible, doesn't appear that way to someone else.

    I worked in retail for years and would never DREAM of telling a customer to leave because we have nothing to fit them. How long ago was this? Did you say anything to the management of the store you were in?

    Yup - I'm currently a Juniors dress size 9 on bottom and a Misses size 14 on top. Dress shopping for a party the other day was a complete nightmare. I thought after having lost 40+ lbs (yes, I recognize I still have 10 to go and am still fat), that I'd at least look passable in a dress, but not. Still awful. With the build that I have, I will never actually look good, just less fat, when I hit goal.

    The saleslady brought me the 2 ugliest dresses in the store then told me to leave since they had nothing that fit me. I went somewhere else and finally found something after 3 hours of looking.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    The saleslady brought me the 2 ugliest dresses in the store then told me to leave since they had nothing that fit me. I went somewhere else and finally found something after 3 hours of looking.

    Think you should tell us the name of the shop so we never go in - suspect you won't either after that! How idiotic!
  • mysteria_
    mysteria_ Posts: 44 Member
    I have the reverse problem-- I pick out clothes in my old size, and they are way too small! ...but I think they will still fit me until I try them on!!

    guess that's why I'm here... :ohwell:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am having the same problem. I am mostly wearing the same old clothes and they are really baggy and don't show off my new figure at all.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I have been going through the same thing. I'm scared to try stuff because I don't want to disappoint myself and possibly disrupt my progress but I have found that I need to just have an open mind and try. I have to remember that feeling of when I try a size I am convinced won't fit only to find it does!!!

    The biggest thing I have had to learn to do is to love me and my body more. No, its not perfect right now, but that's okay. Be proud of losing 40+ pounds!! I have lost about the same amount and that's a lot of work and sweat!! With your shape you may have to experiment with different styles. Yes there may be things you want to wear that just don't look right but honestly that's true for anyone, whether they are a size 4 or 14! Please don't ever tell yourself you are still too fat, even when you reach your final goal! You have put a lot of effort into achieving that goal and you should celebrate that and be proud of yourself. You will find when you do, the rest just falls into place. And honestly we are our own worst critics. What you may think looks horrible, doesn't appear that way to someone else.

    I worked in retail for years and would never DREAM of telling a customer to leave because we have nothing to fit them. How long ago was this? Did you say anything to the management of the store you were in?

    Yup - I'm currently a Juniors dress size 9 on bottom and a Misses size 14 on top. Dress shopping for a party the other day was a complete nightmare. I thought after having lost 40+ lbs (yes, I recognize I still have 10 to go and am still fat), that I'd at least look passable in a dress, but not. Still awful. With the build that I have, I will never actually look good, just less fat, when I hit goal.

    The saleslady brought me the 2 ugliest dresses in the store then told me to leave since they had nothing that fit me. I went somewhere else and finally found something after 3 hours of looking.

    No, I didn't say anything, just left as quietly as I could. It was at Dress Barn. I don't really blame the sales girl, she was actually quite right.

    This was day before yesterday.
  • rowdy47879
    rowdy47879 Posts: 9 Member

    No, I didn't say anything, just left as quietly as I could. It was at Dress Barn. I don't really blame the sales girl, she was actually quite right.

    This was day before yesterday.

    Whether or not she was "right" doesn't mean it was okay to say that to you! There could have been many other ways she could have handled such a delicate situation. Many times when I worked retail if I encountered a customer who has having trouble finding what they needed at my store I would suggest other places to try that may have what they are looking for. Sure I may not have made a sale that day but I did make a lasting impression with that customer and I knew they were likely to come back. I used to work in a maternity shop and trust me there is no situation more delicate than that!!! Honestly, if I were you I would go back and speak to a manager about it!!

    One thing I thought about after I posted my first reply, if you walk in with confidence like you own the room so to speak, people won't pay as much attention to what you are wearing..... Something to think about!