
Anyone have one? Worth the purchase?

My current calorie counter thingy broke, and then it was really only good during cardio. Can the bodybugg be worn during any activity?


  • iamvillanueva
    I don't actually own one, but I have an instructor who loves her bodybugg. That said, I checked into getting one and found that you have to also have an online subscription to use with the device, so you have the monthly fee (or annual) for that as well. That turned me off, so I'm just gonna get a regular hrm (if my hubby doesn't get me one for christmas:wink: )
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    The BodyBugg is designed to be worn all day on your arm. If your 'calorie counter thingy' that broke is a heartrate monitor that you wear only during exercise, the bodybugg is a little different. I guess you *could* just wear it during exercise, but it's designed/marketted such that you use it all day long to track your total calorie expenditures during the whole day. There is also a version called 'bodymediafit' that does basically the same thing. HRM's are only supposed to be accurate during actual exercise, whereas the BodyBugg or BodyMediaFit are supposed to be counting all day long for you. But I think you can 'trip' them during exercise if you want to see specific exercise calories. A lot of people that have them seem to really like them. I keep debating getting one for better accuracy......

    I think they supposedly come with several months of free subscription to their website for tracking but you have to pay after the freebie runs out. But for one or both of them there may also be free software out there somewhere that might do the trick as well.....
  • onetwothreeme
    i love my bodymedia fit!! i had the bodybugg, but then returned it cause the website is HORRIBLE!! always had errors and ran on JAVA. what the. bodymedia fit is hands down the way to go!! better website and logging apps, also it monitors sleep efficiency which i think is pretty cool. i bought mine at costco a few weeks ago for $179 and it included 12 months of membership. shop around, you can get a great deal on these awesome calorie counting gadgets...
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    I asked for a Bodybugg for Christmas without really looking into it. All I want is something that will (accurately) track my calories burned during my workout. I didn't realize I was going to have to pay for a subscription to their website. I'm annoyed. I also get the impression that I am not going to be able to check the amount of calories I burned during a specific period of time. Anyone know if I can or not? Is there something better (and cheaper) out there that will let me just track specific workouts?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I asked for a Bodybugg for Christmas without really looking into it. All I want is something that will (accurately) track my calories burned during my workout. I didn't realize I was going to have to pay for a subscription to their website. I'm annoyed. I also get the impression that I am not going to be able to check the amount of calories I burned during a specific period of time. Anyone know if I can or not? Is there something better (and cheaper) out there that will let me just track specific workouts?

    If you only want to track during workouts, what you want is probably a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. Polar makes some nice ones, I have the Polar FT4 for me and I got the Polar FT7 for my husband (both under $100 - usually cheaper on Amazon than in stores, mine was a little cheaper b/c it's a lower model with fewer features but it does calculate calories which is what I wanted it for).
  • Janda06
    Janda06 Posts: 168 Member
    I have the Bodymedia version. You can move around sliders on the website dashboard for a specific time period. I do this everyday when I put my exercise burn on MFP.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I have a BodyMediaFit (basically the same thing) and I wear it 24/7 (except in the shower). It measures my calorie burn, ,steps, takes, minutes of physical activity (moderate and vigorous) and sleep efficiency. Love it, highly recommend it. Yes, you do have to have a subscription, but it's $6 a month and well worth it for the info it gives