I need help tightening my flabby stomach..(especially for mo

My arms and legs are toning up but not my stomach nor back. What do you guys recommend?? It makes me sad and depressed when my stomach doesn't want to go anywhere at all...


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You cannot spot reduce, continue to maintain a caloric deficit and eventually you'll lose fat in your stubborn areas
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Have you got a Wii? the Exerbeat game as a good section where stand on board and just wiggle your butt/hips for meringue dances and also has good pilates floor section good for tummy.

    I did alot of core strengthening exercises from the beginning due to back problems and balance problems and have no saggy skin around tummy. I've also lost 12" off it since June.
  • Women tone up in their stomach last - hips, legs, and thighs are first to lose. This is because generally women lose the weight they most recently gained first. Plus, its where our bodies are prepping for future baby, so we are naturally going to store more fat in this area to build a potential womb.

    Here's a good article about women and weight loss:
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Your belly will do what you want it to do as you continue to lose weight. You could, in the meantime, do something like 6 week 6 pack by Jillian Michaels to tighten up and develop those muscles.
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member

    As already stated- you can't spot reduce. But, I swear by Pilates. I love the Mari Winsor Pilates series. She's got a bunch of DVDs. If you don't want to buy them, you can watch them on YouTube! Anyway, I highly suggest trying mat pilates. They're pretty easy to do, even if it's not easy in the beginning! You won't need anything but yourself and a mat!

    Just to get you started, here's a link:
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Although my stomach is not yet "tight" it has finally gotten mostly "flat." I will tell you this.. I had 25 lbs to lose, and it wasn't until those last 5 lbs that my tummy started to finally shrink! I am telling you I was giving up hope but then finally as I reached my goal weight I started shredding the belly fat. I am still working on toning and firming... not that I am trying to get a 6 pack or something, but I want a strong core..
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    just keep going! It may be the last place that goes for you. Mine is my hips/tummy. When I initally started losing weight, it didnt want to budge. It finally did though. You lose enough and it will go away. Toning initially made my belly bigger, because it built muscle up under the fat, but it made my core stronger and made my posture better so it looked a little smaller, then, it finally started to come off. But it took almost 40 lbs of my initial 142 before i could tell a difference. This time (going from 200 to 150) it seems to be coming off faster, but I am focusing on staying really hydrated and a fair amount of mine was water weight I think.
  • blueandigo
    I need help tightening my stomach, my hips, and thighs. I lost weight insanely fast and I have a lot of excess flab. I just continue to work out and drink water.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Is the issue remaining fat or loose skin?

    If it is fat, don't worry. Your body will use this up sooner or later. My understanding is that as we exercise and eat better, our body uses the excess fat in our body in the reverse order it was stored. ie - Last In - First out.

    So those areas on your body that first became "fat" will be the last to lose the excess.

    I cannot say for certain that this is accurate. However, it worked this way for me.

    As for loose skin... the hearsay I have indicates that for many people the skin will slowly firm up but this depends a lot on age and how overweight the person was before the weight loss.

    My Doctor told me that he expected that most of the elasticity of the skin around my tummy would return but that it would take time.

    Best of luck and keep up the good work.
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    Thanks yall but its not fat its actually the loose skin from my pregnancies..
  • og8997889
    Sometimes our bodies don't want to lose weight and they hit a plateau and can't go any further. The cause of this is the body adjusting to the change and slowing down your weight loss manually. I lose about 10 pounds before I hit mine and had to come up with a different way to lose weight. And then I came across http://boyels.com and read my first review on a program that was going to change my life. I started losing about 3 pounds a week and still use it today 87 pounds lighter and with a visible 4pack of abs (working on the 6 pack lol). Anyways you just got to remember not to give up and stick with it and only success waits because while others sleep, we are running.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member