New to you!

I joined this website last night and I must say I am hooked! I am trying to lose about 40ish pounds. I started this weight lost journey around Feb of this year about two months after I had my second child. I started weighing 200 even, my highest. In the beginning me and my friend would put our kids in our double jogging strollers and go on walks/runs. I lost alittle over 40 during the year doing that. But since the weather here in Japan has changed it is hard to get outside so I have been stuck at 163 for 2-3 months now and am very tired of it. It is also alittle hard having my husband in the UMSC. Alot of days, nights, weeks and months go by without him here and it is alot dealing with him being gone, raising our kids, living in Japan and everything else. But I am finding a way to deal with it all not make excuses for it and lose this weight. Believe me living in Japan and everyone is a size negative 4 can break you down. lol! It is crazy to see how little they eat and how huge our portions are. Never the less I am back on track now determined not to go in the New Year in the 160's and with a better out look on everything. I am currently doing the Insanity dvds for me workouts which has been kicking my butt. Plus on my off day (Sunday) I plan on going on walks with the kids if the weather is good. You can add me as a friend so we can keep each other going through this weight lose rocky raod journey! I am going to enjoy posting up the up's and down's of it all and can't wait to reach my goal and finally post a success story! Rachel

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  • jwolfdh
    jwolfdh Posts: 45 Member
    there's been days where i can hardly make it through the Insanity warmup, but i know that even if i'm only able to give 80% that day, it's still better than saying i can't do this and turning the video off. just getting through the whole workout is an accomplishment and no matter how beat down i feel afterwards, i feel SO much stronger (physically and mentally) at the end of the day!

    KEEP IT UP!!!
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me. I too have 40ish pounds to lose and am finding motivation hard to come by. Hoping to find like minded people who I can motivate and get help from as well. You can never have enough friends right.