Breast Reduction



  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I had mine done in Sept 2007 and haven't looked back! I was a 46DDD and lost weight down to a 38DDD, after surgery I am a 38C and I love it. Before surgery I had headaches, backaches, skin rashes and chafing. Plus a horrible time finding pretty bras that weren't super expensive. I wish I had known sooner that insurance would pay for it, that is the only thing that kept me from doing it sooner. My surgery was SUPER EASY. I had little to no pain afterward and went back to work after 2 weeks, but was actually better after only one week. My doctor and his staff were excellent.

    The only problem I have now is that my scars have thickened and they tend to get irritated at times, I may have them cut down eventually. Just make sure after you get your sutures out to massage the scar tissue to break it up so it doesn't thicken.

    Its the best boob surgery to have!!! You're going to love your new physique!!! :)))
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Yes, I had mine in February 2009, a few months after I had my last child. I am so glad that I did it, it wasn't long before I completely forgot how big they were at first. I wasn't really having any major pains or discomfort from them, they were just too doggone big!

    The surgery went great (outpatient) and I didn't do as well with the pain as everyone else claims but I'm not sure why. I tend to have a high tolerance for pain, but I was popping those pills like crazy with very little relief. I probably would have been better off just taking Advil. smh The scarring has healed beautifully and is not very noticeable.

    I love my breasts and although my husband was sad at first and thought he wouldn't like them small, he immediately loved them as well. :)
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    I recently had breast reduction 9/29/11. I was a 42 DDD and now I am a 38C. Like you I was nervous too. I couldn't sleep the weeks before my surgery. I cried for no reason. But I was sick of my back always hurting and unable to jog or run without hurting myself. My breaking point was a day at Disneyland with my kids. I carried a backpack with drinks and some snacks. The next day I was in so much pain I couldn't move for two days. I laid in bed crying and crying. That's when I knew I had to go through with the surgery. The day of surgery I tell you went so fast. They told me its a 3 hr procedure. It was a piece of cake. I was given the anesthesia and then before I knew it I woke up and was told about the pump which is to be pressed if I should feel pain or discomfort. I tell you I never once had any pain. When my doctor visited me he asked me my pain level and I said "AM I suppose to feel something now"? He just looked at me and said "Ok I'll check back tomorrow morning. I did spend the night. My insurance covered me for two nights so I stayed. But i never had any pain whats so ever, even got dressed by myself, lifted myself off the bed. They prescribed pain meds to go home with and they still sit in my drawer to this day unopened. Dr. gave me time off work and I asked him If I can go back early. He said "no" but I felt like nothing happened. But today my breast look like I am 16 again. Super perky, they did move the nipple and resize it and I love my new boobs. My husband was shocked because he didnt expect them to look so good. I was too and so were some of my closets friends. So no worries, its really nothing. You might experience some pain especially with the drainage tubes. They can be bothersome. But maybe you will be lucky like me and not feel a dang thing! Good Luck!!!
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Also, my surgeon informed me it would be nearly impossible for me to ever breast feed. nothing to do with the nipples, more to do with them messing with the glands.

    Yup. Generally quite a few of the actual milk ducts will be removed, so one may be able to BF, but generally supply issues will be a problem.

    I was never successfully able to nurse, since I had pretty flat nipples and boobs that were 40H-I the entire time I lactated, which was just so cumbersome to deal with, especially after a c-section. We also later found that my son's latching issues were made worse by an extra long/tight frenulum between his top 2 teeth. I pumped for a year and made milk like a cow! :laugh:

    I'm coming up on...8 years since my reduction. Wow, it's hard to believe it's been so long. I went from a 34DDD (after weaning I was a 38DDD, then lost 40#s before surgery) long to a 34D perky! :love: No complications, scars that are only visible if a person knows where to look and looks HARD. My surgeon was a genius and an artist. He developed the SPAIR technique. I would have liked to have gone down to a C, but I have a very full/wide breast base, so it wouldn't have left me with very well-shaped breasts. Mine still look as beautiful as they did a year out from surgery.

    It was really the best thing I ever did for myself and I was so thankful to have had great surgery at the time. I'm sure our current provider wouldn't have covered it, even though it was so warranted and it allowed me to go from a couch potato to a woman who now logs >3500 miles on her bike and nearly 1000 miles on foot every year. Things I never could have done with those weights around my neck.
  • WOW! Thank you all so much for sharing your stories with me. Do I feel less worried and just like most of you I am sick of the constant back and neck pain as well as the headaches.

    My surgery is a big one, I'm going from an H cup to a D cup. My surgeon told me that because he is removing so much, there is a much higher risk of complications and permanent numbness in my nipples. My surgery is on January 12th, 2012.

    I think the best part of the whole thing, besides getting new breasts, is watching my husband do all the chores, cooking, and taking care of our daughter while I recover. That will be very entertaining.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    I got mine done in 2001 - and I still love it. I gained a bunch of weight in the years following the surgery, so my boobs got bigger, but I still liked the shape/perkiness sooooo much better than before. And, now that I've been losing weight, my boobs have gotten a lot smaller again - and I still love the shape!

    My issues: I'm self-conscious about my scars, my cleavage is uneven, and there is a little pucker at one of the end of one of the scars which sometimes gets irritated when I run. My doctor had said he would fix the pucker but I moved and never followed through so that's on me. My ex-husband and other boyfriends have never really said anything about my scars or noticed my cleavage is uneven, but I'm self-conscious about it and am going to see if there is anything that can be done.

    On a lighter note - the surgery changed the direction of my stretch marks.
  • djwhinery
    djwhinery Posts: 3 Member
    I just had my breast reduction Friday, December 16th, 2011. I'm 6 days out now and feel great! No pain meds for 2 days. I'm already driving and shopping at the mall. I went from a DDD to a C and can say less than a week out that this has been THE best decision I've ever made! I actually bought a Large top tonight and now a X-Large. They removed about 4 lbs in total but I look like I dropped 20 lbs easily. My doctor said I could start walking on the treadmill immediately slowly without pumping my arms. My nipples have a lot more censation than they did before. I know they will set some and I'm not looking forward to this 'bottoming' out but all in all I'm extremely happy.
    I look forward to continuing my work out regimen soon!
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    This is very informative. I am considering a reduction myself at the end of the year when I have enough leave from work. I heard that it is more painful to do in the winter when it is cold out. . .is this true?
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