Christmas is coming and I've just started losing tiny bit of

Hi I've just joined a week ago and would like some encouragements and advice.
Well, for the first time in my life, I properly realised that I was fat (previously I was in denial) and want to lose weight.

But Christmas is on its way....

I wonder how all of you have coped during festive and tempting period, while lots and lots of delicious(ish) food calling your name.
To give you further nudge, mother in law or partner's mum who made such an effort cooking, sending off telepathic energy saying "eat it!"(this maybe me just imagining! :tongue: ).

It's so easy to eat too much until unable to move, and amazingly I can eat a lot more on the folloing day. (and this continues every day until you are ill...)

Hope somebody have a chance to read this and give me precious advice.

I wish all myfitnesspal member a happy Christmas!
